Nino Gemmellaro
{K:1642} 4/5/2003
Lovely shot
Andrew Hawkins
{K:114} 4/5/2003
Unfortunately time was not on my side when I took this photo. The main purpose of the day was to get down to the bottom of Balls Falls and take some photo's. This barn is just part of the heritage site there. Also it was taken using print film, which until I got the slides back from the developers yesterday was the only type of film I'd ever shot. Now that Ive seen the colours that can be produced on slides then I would be surprised if I ever bought colour print film again. I composed the shot with the fence in to give it some foreground as I had noticed that most of my pictures were missing this type of structure. Once the snow and ice has gone I will be back at Balls Falls, this time with some slide film and concentrate on the barn and the rest of the heritage site and see what happens. Thanks for all your encouragement.
Trevor Tollefsbol
{K:2458} 4/5/2003
Normally I wouldn't like the white sky, but I think it works well for the mood here. Nice work! (I agree with Titia about the fence being a distraction.)
Rachelle Biggs
{K:628} 4/5/2003
Nice rural setting. It is too bad that this time of year tends to be so blah in terms of color. I might have tried some additional saturation and unsharp mask in an image editor, maybe, but a nice, serene shot. I've found myself more and more interested in barns and rural life lately...a yearning for simpler times? Keep shooting the barns!
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 4/5/2003
Hi Andrew, I think the fence adds some nice fg interest, definitely on the right track, definitely a setting worth experimenting with and trying different angles and so forth. What time of day and conditions were you shooting in because I can see it was not ideal light ie: the sky is lacking any definition or color and colors overall could pop abit more. I would suggest to watch for ideal lighting conditions, sunrise or sunset casts a lovely glow on old bdgs. or in dramatic weather where there are clouds (and with the use of a polarizer). Overall, nice try but just a few suggestions :)
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 4/5/2003
I like the old barns!
Leslie Cohelan
{K:20807} 4/5/2003
If you crop at all I would crop just above the bottom rail on the fence...this will give your image a bit more depth...the image could be a bit sharper and the sky not so washed out...this is a good composition...I'd love to see just a bit more detail in the barn
Titia Geertman
{K:5582} 4/5/2003
Where did you find this beautiful old barn, I love it. Only thing that disctract my eye is the white fence. Maybe cropping just above would make it even better looking.