Photograph By Art A
Art A.
Photograph By Riny Koopman
Riny K.
Photograph By Jill Bartlett
Jill B.
Photograph By Marcos R Fernandes
Marcos R F.
Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
Photograph By Gregory McLemore
Gregory M.
Photograph By Nick Lagos
Nick L.
Photograph By Violetta  Tarnowska
Violetta  T.
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About imageopolis Awards and Featured Critiques and Comments:

First, we want to thank everyone for the great image posts, comments and critiques. A few words about Awards, Comments and Critiques are as follows:

Awards- In General: Awards are given out daily as Editors Choice, Staff Choice, Featured Photo, Featured Photographer, Best in Project, Featured Donor and Featured Critique. The award choices are selected by the Imageopolis editorial staff members, moderators from various parts of the world (non-posters) as well as placing some weight on views/likes/comments. Awards can come anytime and out of the blue, typically within 3 days of the posting, however, to make sure Imageopolis stands by its principle that photo art is “Not just a fleeting moment on social media”, awards can be given up to 10 years out!

Other acknowledgement for good work: Other acknowledgement for good work is shown on the front page "Top Bar" selections, which are picked to be at the top of the site and refresh each time a user views the front page. Other acknowledgement comes in the way of "fine arts gallery store" requests, as well as total ‘views’, ‘likes’ and 'favorites'. Be sure to click a like or favorite if you feel a photo warrants it.

EC - Editors Choice: Mainly, not always, comprised of photographers that have 20+ years photography experience and have had their work commercialized. Does not mean that this is the ‘best award’ There is NO BEST…all have their merits.

SC - Staff Choice: General staff at Imageopolis; comprised of photographers, administrators, programmers.

FP - Featured Photo: Selected by any combination of staff and editors. It features that one photo as an outstanding photo; As mentioned above, there is no time limit on good work.

FPh - Featured Photographer: Selected by any combination of staff and editors and features acknowledgement for a ‘body of work’ over time by a featured photographer, rather than just a single photo.

BIP - Best in Project: This is probably more aptly called “One of the Best in Projects” Projects are numbered and consist of topics for generally a month at a time. You should make all of your photos part of a project when you can, by simply clicking a project option drop down during the photo upload. This increases the chance of getting an additional award and exposure; Since so many do participate in projects, there is enough good work to award one of the best in the project.

FD – Featured Donor: We greatly appreciate and thank all donors! We survive here for the love of photography and for the contributions from donors. Any amount is appreciated and goes a long way to help us with our servers, software, programming, and so on. Donors have various benefits as outlined in the donor section.

PJ – Photojournalism Award: Imageopolis has a reputation for some of the most awesome photographs on the net but not everyone has that super artistic eye. Some of you are talented news hounds, able to see a story and show it in pictures. These are not the type of photos you would hang on your living room wall but the type of photos you would see in a magazine, newspaper or on TV news.

Now you budding photojournalists out there will have a chance to show off your stuff and be recognized for the quality of the image as it tells a story.

To qualify for this award, you must select the "Journalism" category as one of the 3 photo categories, select project #73 Photojournalism, you must give an appropriate title and must write a short story about the photo in the about section. Tell us where it is taken and what is going on. Who knows maybe someone at CNN or AP will like your photo and story and make you famous!

FC – Featured Critique: Critiques/comments are invaluable. It is what separates Imageopolis from common social media sites. It is you, the membes, caring enough about your worldwide photography community, that you actually take time out of your day, not just to post your own work, but to comment or critique others. Whatever helps others learn or become better, photographers, is always a good thing. We want to thank everyone for their critiques and comments that makes what it is.

Happy posting from the staff!

"A Blast From The Past"
A look back at all award winning photos from years past.
what if..
Canada Geese
Coconut Marketplace
time to war #02
Shipping Lanes
what if..
Lars Raun
Coconut Marketplace
Scott Tylor
time to war #02
carlo raingini
Shipping Lanes
Wayne Harridge

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