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Golden Canyon Hike
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Image Title:  Golden Canyon Hike
Favorites: 0 
 By: Ann Nida  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Ann Nida  Ann Nida {Karma:45248}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  18-55mm EFS f/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 10/6/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 678 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 21 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  Death Valley National Park
Country - United States   United States
About Colours of Death Valley
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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 2/1/2006
I got to this point, but had no more film! What I was doing was making 3D pairs with my Leica, so was using up film twice as fast. I will go back some day, God willing, and with a digital camera. Toy Cameras come too :)


Istvan VARKONYI   {K:3770} 11/13/2005
Great komposition



H L H L   {K:11377} 11/1/2005
I love the Canyon colors in contrast with the sky! I wish if the shadow had another inch more! Despite that it is a good shot.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 10/17/2005
Yes Bob even in the winter it can be a warm walk. Best to go early in the morning to get those nice shadows. I've hiked Golden Canyon a few times and love it. DV was only a couple of hours drive from where I used to live. One of my favourite places too. I'll be posting more from there as time allows. Cheers and thanks again. Ann :)


Bob Walker Bob Walker   {K:1066} 10/17/2005
Another great shot of an incredibly place. We hiked this in late spring unfortunately, and the temps were up around 110! Still, it was well worth it...



Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 10/14/2005
Funny you should say that Sam cause I was debating the same thing. I couldn't decide whether to put him in the shade or in the sun. By the time I decided he'd walked on and I grabbed him when I could - half in sun and half out. If I get the chance to shoot a similar shot I'll try sun and shade for comparisons. Good suggestions. Thank you. Cheers - Ann


Sam Oppenheim   {K:3362} 10/14/2005
Great composition & colors! I almost wish the hiker was a pure silhouette, that might lend to a greater contrast among the shadow line and the yellow canyon, creating a starkness and effective highlighting of the dual subjects, rather than an ephermeral half-shadowed hiker.


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 10/12/2005
Excellent ....Landscape...of the Death Valley Scene....Ann!
...Composition!...Enhanced with the Solitary...Figure....!!!
Thnk you, Ann!...for your Visit...and..Expressive Comment!...which I appreciate...Jeff!!!


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 10/12/2005
Cool Ok next time u r in Colarado ...look up Owen O'Meara he's a UF contributor american but nice guy and good photographer too


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 10/11/2005
Thank you all for taking the time to look at my images and for posting such complimenting comments. Your kind words are appreciated very much.

Roger, I am an aussie but have been living in the states for 6 and a half years. I've been travelling between California and Alaska for the last 6 months.

Thank you all again. :)


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 10/11/2005
clever layering of colour and incorpration of the figure in the landscape right at the cut point between light & dark ..very clever.. saw you name on a comment on a pic by someone with an unpronouncable name ..u said ahh looks like home or something are you an Australian abroad?? have a nice journey


Cetin Ozer Cetin Ozer   {K:2732} 10/10/2005
Hi Ann,
It's a wonderful composition,
especially the man on the right point..
You can captured the naturel layers very successfuly..
Congrats and best regards.. :)


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 10/10/2005
wonderful depth of field and great detils both the forground and the background,beautiful tones,thanks alot and very best regards.


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 10/8/2005
Great view wow !


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 10/7/2005
This is very well composed and the person adds an element of interest as well as scale...nice contrast of color with the blue sky,golden canyon and dark shadowing....good job,Ann...regards,gayle


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 10/6/2005
I wanted to make it back to Death Valley but when I had the time it was to hot to go there. Great shot and capture.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 10/6/2005
Nice colours and textures captured here, Ann!
Thanks for your comments, too!


BISWAJIT DASGUPTA   {K:2818} 10/6/2005
Excellent composition,well done.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 10/6/2005
Thank you for the welcome but I've actually been a member since Usefilm started. I just haven't been able to be active due to travelling and intermittent internet at best. Have based for a while in Oregon now so can post more and be more active in here as we have wireless internet setup. YAY!! :) Will have to become a donar so I can post more photos and catch up. :)


mundh    {K:3974} 10/6/2005
excellent composition, very evenly taken. great hope to see more like this


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 10/6/2005
Representing Ann joining UF!
Welcome and glad you did,




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