Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 1/23/2006
hi,what an opportunity and good shot of "full frontal"..LOL..clever title,missy! Brings back memories of when my Dad was still alive and took us as kids to see all of the monster planes and sleek jets...cheerios,gayle
(am having probs/bugs making my coms follow me to next image and sending me to "can't display page"...AL is trying to help me right now)
James Hager
{K:6285} 1/23/2006
I really enjoyed these shots and also the "Abouts." I like this shot better than the other one.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/14/2006
WOW wonderful capture.best wishes nessa
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/14/2006
a great impact.. nicely shot my dear.. and congrats for thefront page have a nice week end roby
Humberto Ruiz
{K:763} 1/7/2006
great shot ann i wish i had the capabilties to get shots like that.
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 12/20/2005
Hey Ann, I recently met the pilot of this Spaceshuttle flight (Eileen Collins). I posted a photo of her in my portfolio.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/28/2005
Thanks Sai...I'm just happy you remember me. haha
It's good to have stable internet again after travelling around for quite some time.
Great to see you around again.
Cheers - Ann :)
. .
{K:2743} 11/28/2005
Hey Ann,
Good to hear from you. I saw this image and was overwhelmed with jealousy :P. I remember you talking about shuttle landings in Mojave a few years back... old times... Good to see you are still into planes..
And also good to see that you are still your vivacious self and have gathered quite a fan collection here on your return :)
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 11/26/2005
It is a fantastic perspective on those superb monsters. I am jealous, Ann, that you could witness this. Best regards: György
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 11/25/2005
As a life-long fanatic of space flight, this shot makes me grin from ear to ear! I have long desired to stand where are in this shot, Ann. I'm envious.
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you feel well enough to to at least enjoy some perfunctory celebration.
Gary Riedel
{K:979} 11/18/2005
Ann, congratulation on making the front page today! And this photo proves you've worked for it. Wow. I realized it is being towed, but can you imagine how you looked to the guy in the cockpit? Even at 300mm, you didn't have much time to dilly nor dally. Great job Ann.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 11/18/2005
Fantastic and unique shot. I am so pleased you grabbed these shots to share with us all. Fantastic.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 11/18/2005
unusual view well done
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 11/18/2005
Fabulous photograph Ann, what an incredible sight this must have been - and very well taken too :-)
I would love to comment on the title and Grahams reply - but I am still laughing too much !!
Best wishes, Steve
{K:26787} 11/16/2005
Hi Ann! Nice to see that small bird on that big one :) Excellent angle and another very special shot! Thanks for sharing!
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 11/15/2005
Great capture, your choice of camera point and perspective is superb. Funny, but my first idea even with the preview was "B&W", and then Shawn had already had the same idea. BTW, thanks for the nice "about" story
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 11/15/2005
A fine shot of this amazing spacecraft, Ann. Best regards, Chris
Joe Alexander
{K:695} 11/14/2005
Thanks for posting this shot. Its great and you did a super job and thanks to your husband for taking you out where you could get it. Have a super day and as you say, Cheers. Joe
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 11/13/2005
How many times have I wanted to see the shuttle land. I guess if I went down there they would land it somewhere else. Excellent photograph and capture.
Menno Naber
{K:3570} 11/13/2005
Excellent photo's Ann, so great that you were able to get there so close :) Cheers Menno
Angela Freed
{K:10061} 11/13/2005
Wow, great shot. Love the tan to blues colors. And thanks for comments on my photo! Angela
{K:594} 11/13/2005
Ann...you are lucky to have had the opportunity to be where you were to take such a great shot. I begged the person I know whose husband is a crew chief at Edwards to no avail. As you mentioned, Security is very strict. Good job.
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 11/13/2005
at all I'm agree with Shawn for B&W version! this is really great capture..this angle for view with your great composition make me feel good!..7! very well done dear Ann and have a nice weekend, Mohsen
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 11/12/2005
I also feel this one is even better than the previous shot! Very cool shots Ann! This is really great.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/12/2005
David, my husband was the Official Crew Chief and Ground Marshal for this mission so I had a special pass to get onto the ramp and I was able to walk all around the shuttle and take photos. I saw 3 space shuttles land at Edwards during my years I lived in the Mojave Desert but this was the only one I could get so close to. The other 2 landed after the 9/11 attacks so security was very heavily tightened and they wouldn't issue any passes to get on the ramp again. Only NASA official staff and personel could get into the shuttle area after 9/11. I did get a pass to view them again from a special viewing area but I couldn't get as close to the other 2 as I could get to this one. I feel very lucky to have experienced and witnessed this landing and take off for Florida because such things have become almost impossible to see because of security issues these days. It wasn't only the sight if seeing it but also the sonic booms as they enter the earth's atmosphere were quite the sounds too.
Thanks for dropping by and for your comment.
Cheers - Ann :)
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 11/12/2005
pretty amazing shot! Did you get this shot from a publuc place or did you have special permission to get onto the field?
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 11/12/2005
Wonderful capture.
Len Webster
{K:25714} 11/12/2005
Great capture - and so different from most of the other work I've seen of yours!
(The black and white version of this is also effective, but I have a slight preference for the colour one you uploaded.)
Best wishes
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 11/12/2005
Neat shot!! Great way of showing us how big the thing is.... ;-D!!! Love the view, but there's a bit of a 'purple haze' going on.... Shawn's B&W is super and gets rid of that 'problem'...!!! Good crop and excellent symmetrical composition... well done for a 'quicky' (no pun intended...)!!!
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 11/12/2005
thanks a lot for sharing An, we went to Kennedy space center this summer, and we never can see the space shuttle very nearly. It's really appreciate that you can share it with us to complete our visit :)
This picture is more impressive, we have a better idea how big it is with this view and peoples on the side. Great job.
Don Price
{K:1376} 11/12/2005
Hi Ann, You sure do get around (;-)... great shot as it gets harder and harder to get anywhere near this kind of stuff... I have still never been at a launch and I have made special trips to the cape twice and once was a long delay couldn't wait and the other time it rained and rained, I had to leave and they shot the next morning... Now I live to far to run down there and take a chance (;-(... Don
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 11/12/2005
Very interesting photo, very unique moment! Nice documentary action, lovely capture. Well done Ann!
My best regards! Robert
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 11/12/2005
iam very glad that finally youo been able to post this wonderful image for us to view and enjoy,very impresive composition here with wings of the 747 tight in the frame and plane in its full shape,i understand how hard it is to get such an images in this beautiful form,you did a great job ,all the best my friend from Qatar.i will be very happy to see some of your photos on pur site also.Salam
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 11/12/2005
How interesting that whole adventure must have been, Ann! Susie was telling me today about your connection to the space program. Thanks for posting this for all of us to see! Kathy
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/12/2005
Amazing shot, Ann! Glad you were able to snag this one, and show it to us! Dave.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 11/12/2005
Talk about up close and personal! Amazing Amy. I can't imagine being this close to these huge machines. Sort of ominous. Nice capture.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/12/2005
Glad you enjoyed Baha but I'll bet it's the title that got ya. haha
Thanks for dropping by.
Cheers - Ann :)
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 11/12/2005
Very impressive! haha!
Efrain Morales
{K:1684} 11/12/2005
Ups should say with us!!
Efrain Morales
{K:1684} 11/12/2005
Love it, thanks for sharing with use Ann.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/12/2005
Thank you very much Edward for your comment and I'm glad you liked it. I posted another of it yesterday with a side on view. You can find that one in my portfolio by clicking on my name.
Thanks again and cheers - Ann :)
Edward Clay
{K:149} 11/12/2005
The image is privileged in and of itself. Immediately upon looking at the image (prior to reading the description) the first thought I had was of the privilege the photographer must have had. It is a fantastic perspective and I'm glad I had the chance to view it. Thank you for posting it.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/12/2005
Thanks Ina, glad you enjoyed the photos and the story. It really is mind boggling to think that thing can fly. Some members in here have seen it in flight and I think that would be quite the sight to see that in the air like that. Thanks for stopping by and for your comments.
Cheers - Ann :)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/12/2005
Graham that wouldn't have anything to do with my play on words for the title would it? haha
Thanks for dropping by and for your comments. - Cheers - Ann :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/12/2005
WOW, Ann this one's even more impressive than the other one, because it looks more massive. In here we clearly see people and cars, and that really shows the scale. To think this thing can fly is mindboggling. I think you did well to post them both! Very unique posts and both are fascinating. Thanks for sharing! Ina
Graham .
{K:2487} 11/12/2005
There's just something erotic about this whole piggy-back thing ......
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/12/2005
OK so your B&W looks much better than mine so I left it in colour for you to play with. :)
Thanks for dropping by Shawn. Cheers - Ann :)
Shaun Rullens
{K:2732} 11/12/2005
Wow this is awsome Ann.
Like it very much!!
Shawn Here the BW version
