Photo of a CD player in quadruple exposure. First shot (top) -2EV, f2.8, 3 secs, Middle display (0 minutes and 98 seconds?) -1EV, f 8, 8 secs, bottom dial -2EV, f 2.8, 3 seconds. Fourth shot, (on/off button, the orange light in the center) -2EV, f2.8, 1.5seconds. My first experiment with multiple exposure, two more to follow..... Please tell me what you think, I appreciate it!
Condensing time in multiple moments... 98 sec is the result of travelling in time? Or is it just another "product" of your fabulous imagination??? I agree with Diego... It's a Sony, isn't it? ;))) Keep I, II, III us!!!
Hugo, I dont really know much about multiple exposures having never done them myself, however I do see a lot of creativity in this representation! its certainly a clever idea, that was well thought out...good job! jon