Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 4/7/2018
,.Many thanks miriza ,. Im inclined to agree on the hues of this image,. Best wishes,art,.
mariza lementowski
{K:4584} 4/6/2018
captivating colors, love this sapphire/ violet hue against warm colors of the sun; this shades are, to me more appealing than more common oranges shades; FAV/7
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/5/2015
greetings dear srna :) i can see why you prefer original, much warmer tones,. ofcourse you do,.,. and indeed uploaded this version for eye catching appeal,. most surprised on how many view's its had,. thank so much srna for thoughts for my better half, we travel here on IO as incognito, a bit of fun, thank you again dear friend, i wish you and all your loved ones the very best in the coming year,.
warm wishes , art :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/5/2015
thank so much for looking in with such pleasant comment, pleased you like,. best regards,. art ,.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/3/2015
Nice, but it seems I like the original much more ... it is awesome by all aspects and so very attractive, peaceful and eye catching :) Hope you and your better half enjoy your Holidays and warm greeting for both of you my dear Friend :)
Janina Fikus
{K:5544} 1/3/2015
Amazing photography and beautiful colors! Like!
Best wishes,Janina
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 12/1/2008
thank you alison,. appreciated,. thanks for looking in,. regards art,.
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 11/30/2008
Nice sunset,beautiful colours. Cheers Alison.
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 10/20/2007
thank you mary,. appreciated,. sorry for delay,. will view you soon,. internet connection not very reliable on aircard laptop here in bulgaria,. regards art,.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 10/9/2007
The colours in the sky are marvelous. The foreground being just bright enough to show some detail is very loely. MAry
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 8/8/2007
thanks aj, as you can see in comments these colours are not as shot,. but was pleasantly surprised when put through auto levels,. see nessebar sets 2,. regards art,.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 8/8/2007
Wow, this looks like a fabulous place! The colours are really striking.
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 7/30/2007
thank you mehul,. appreciated,. regards art,.
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 7/30/2007
Well composed and presented 7+++++++++++++++++++++++
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 7/16/2007
greetings biljana and thank you, it is appreciated,. i have attached original, you may be surprised as i,. regards art,.
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 7/16/2007
thank you so much sally,. have attached original, not really sure how this came about as the cam settings were very similar,. and no playing in hue & sat,. much regards art,.

biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/15/2007
Very beautiful colors,beautiful sunset:)So romantic:))
hugs dear art biljana
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 7/15/2007
Was this taken on the same day as number 2? The colours couldn't be more different - the thumbnails look nice next to each other in your portfolio. I think I like number 2 the most - but this has a much more serene feeling about it - they're both lovely shots.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 7/13/2007
Yes, you're welcome, Art!:)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 7/13/2007
it was a gorgeous evening,. thank you shirley,. regards art,.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 7/13/2007
Gorgeous, Art!:)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 7/11/2007
thanks again nessa,. tis appreciated,. & glad you like,. best regards art,.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 7/11/2007
Stunning colours and tone ..love the silhouette..lovely capture ..nessa
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 7/11/2007
thanks again john,. much appreciated,. regards art,.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 7/11/2007
Beautiful colors, these blue - red and purple tones in so nice scales! Great peacefull seascape Art.