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Dust bowl
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Image Title:  Dust bowl
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 By: Dave Arnold  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Dave Arnold  Dave Arnold {Karma:55680}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model Canon 30D
Categories Architecture
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Architecture
Lens Canon 75-300MM EF 1:4-5.6 IS
Uploaded 4/6/2007 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 722 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 32 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About Withering away, darkness permeates while mystery looms.
From within the depths, blackness in the rooms.
Another Century this home will not last.
But never shall be revealed the deep hidden secrets of the past.

The cries of agony, the moans of love.
The laughter and the tears, all sheltered from above.
Life existed and death persisted.
Sun bleached secrets in quiet testimony of what existed.
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There are 32 Comments in 1 Pages
Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 5/4/2007
Lovely tones and detail Dave - great poem too. Very reminiscent of those famous photos of the Dust Bowl event. One thing - I would suggest a bit more space to the top and both sides to enhance the mood of desolation. Great work nonetheless!


        {K:12494} 4/19/2007
Oh, if this old house could talk just think of the storys it might tell. I love to run on two these old house like this, because they want be around for ever, excellent job, I like the borders all so. 7++++++


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174136} 4/18/2007
You're welcome, Dave...long time no see. Hope you can get back to playing soon, too.:)


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/18/2007
Hmmmmm so sorry to say I have never heard of it my friend !!!!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/18/2007
Thanks Dave.

You STAYED in Buttonwillow?? Sheeesh, that took guts! Marny won't let me slow down when we pass it. Had an experience there . . . a blow-out . . . and we were towed to buttonwillow . . . which is like a town straight off the pages of a Stephen King book. There were millions of grasshoppers . . . a gas station swept them into large piles around the edge . . . 50 to 60% appeared to be mutant . . . missing legs, white, etc.

Had so much dust on the mostly empty store shelves it was stunning (and dark) and the guy had to go to a house to get a key so he could find a tire in the warehouse. While we waited I scoped out a very old Indian motorcycle . . . slowly being covered with dust and webs. I asked, "Who rides?" The answer was, "Dunno. Some guy rode into there three or four years ago . . . got off the bike and just walked away . . . and was never seen again." On leaving, we were passed three times by a home painted, Lime green bus / van. Going different directions each time.

Marlyce was hearing the theme song from the twilight zone and trying to resist the urge to stomp on both my foot AND the gas pedal . . . Meanwhile . . . I thought I could JUST barely make out the discordant tones of an old banjo picking out the theme song from Deliverance.

Yep. It WAS an experience! :)

Doyle I <~~~~~


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
You know, Michele.... if I've gotta have butt pain, I might as well get paid...

Ahh, Doyle has prompted me to scour maps and I've found out where this is: Gustine exit (MM407)


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Okay, I think I have solved this and can now go on with my life. It was at the Gustine exit, at MM 407. I got off the highway and explored some of the back roads in the area.

I didn't stop at the Dos Amigo vista, but the MM 430 vista near Patterson.

Anyway, this farm was on the east side of I-5 just south of the exit.


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
I am still investigating the location. Okay, according to the sequence of photos I shot, it was south of the Dos Amigos Vista pull-off. At least, I think I stopped at Dos Amigos, it was a view of the California Aqueduct and on the pull-off, you go to a hill overlooking it.

I know it was an exit with a whole bunch of fast food places, hotels and gas stations but not really a town. I had stayed overnight in Buttonwillow so it was north of there.

This is going to drive me crazy.


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 4/18/2007
Heya Dave!

Nah... I'm not too kind... in fact, I doubt I am kind at all.. I am as honest as I am... that's about it.

Oh... In case you hadn't noticed, your mail-box has crashed... LOL!

Not laughing AT you... and I know you know... just being honest.
Love Ya!
Ani x x x


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/18/2007
Sorry to hear about your Butt pain Dave -
The nerve of people actually expecting You to do work for them !!! I am in shock :))


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/18/2007
Well Dave, my brother . . . this shot is excellent!! I love the range of tones . . . from the bleached out front to the deep shadows on the left.

I have traveled a 450 mile stretch of the I-5 from LA to north-central California MANY times and don't recall seeing anything like this! Good eyes dude . . . I'll have to try the trip awake for a change. It got to be so long I finally started flying . . . but now . . . airport security being what it is . . . a slower drive with the Nikon might pay off well!

Perfect toning for the impression created by the title and a nice 'home' for somebody . . . a . . . uhhhhh . . . 'fixer-upper'. Just need some duct tape and a staple gun! LoL! Framing works nicely too. Impressive!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
hahaha, michele.... I do comment once a month whether I need to or not...

Actually, I really miss playing with photos... just too, too much work. Between out of town trips and people expecting me to actually do work for them, it's a pain in the butt.


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you, Walter. Your comments are always welcomed!

Best to you,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/18/2007
Okie doke if YOU say so Dave-- Nice to see you commenting every month or so -lol!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes,


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you very much, Biljana!! Always appreciate your comments.



Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Gracias, Alicia, mi amigo!

best to you



Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
aww, thank you, Ani... thank you very much, you're always too kind.



Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you very much, Shirley. Hope I can get back to playing soon... too, too much work.

Best wishes,


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you very much, Janet! I appreciate your comments and visit!

Best wishes,


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you very much, Michele. In answer to your question as to where this was... I can't tell you. It was off I-5 in Central CA but I can't even find the town on a map now.

Best wishes,


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you very much, Joe. I appreciate your comments and visit!

Best wishes,


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 4/18/2007
Thank you very much, Gary. I appreciate your comments!

Best wishes,


Walter Scarella Walter Scarella   {K:19671} 4/11/2007
I like the beautiful tones and the light of this great shot ! Excellent compo!!! Regards....Walter


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 4/11/2007
Oh my...this is wonderful...and your about is WOW!!!
great my friend


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 4/8/2007
Poema e imagen estupendas... oye, también eres poeta???
Felicitaciones, me gusta la opción sepia!


Billy Bloggs Billy Bloggs   {K:51043} 4/6/2007
Yes! Images like this work best when they make you wonder what's happened in here over the years. This one does that for me with and without the poem. The toning suits and a sense of emptiness and neglect is strong.
Regards, Gary


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 4/6/2007

What a beautiful poem to go with such a fabulous picture!

You never cease to amaze me, hon, and I admire you so much. Your works always move me. You have such a beautiful soul.

Loving Hugs~
Ani :) x


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174136} 4/6/2007
Nice fitting for this image, Dave.:)


Janet Wechter   {K:2935} 4/6/2007
The image an poem are quit fitting together. I love the exposure , tonal ranges in your image.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/6/2007
Excuse me that was 'Where - about's' NOT abpits !


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/6/2007
Woooohooooo !!! Hey somebody is a poet !! Very good too:)) I like it , kind of mysterious.. very fitting for the old home too... Just Excellent Dave!! You must have cleaned your house and found your creativity and someone elses !!!Just teasing ... Love the image where-abpits in Ca. did you locate this beauty ??? Just curious...


Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 4/6/2007
Very good Dave, and a very appropriate poem.





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