Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 12/29/2006
Thanks Nacho !!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/29/2006
very col. great. 7+++
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/2/2006
Thank You Gust@vo Sch3v3rin I could use a bit of translation but get the gist this is complimentary .
The Best to You My Friend, Michele~
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 8/2/2006
Interesantísimo retrato. Un abrazo!
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/30/2006
Hey Paul I just came in from a 10 mile trip out of town getting some shots only dummy here forgot the tide was out..Oh well when the tide comes back in I will have a good comparison of the difference. At least as You said 'some fresh material' ! ha ! The very warmest it gets here is maybe in the very high 70's sooo I am generally dressed quite warm and have never climatized to this part of the country to my dismay. Others are walking around in shorts , and even in the water and it's much too cold for me ! Yes the fur coat my friends tese me I dress like I am in Siberia ! Thank You for the kind comments Paul.... I think I am too old for any modeling but I do know I photograph better than I look ! Good luck with your baby shower today. You will have a good time I know, and baby pictures are always sweet. Stay cool ! I envy your weather .... Michele~
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/30/2006
Thank You Nicola. I appreciate your comment. Michele~
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 7/30/2006
Very good! lol
Yes I have saw this post before! Now we both are doing repost! You better get on out there and do 25 more miles Michele. We need fresh mat. lol Same goes for me. I'm going to go to a baby shower and take some photos today. Nothing special just some relatives. Ghee I would really rather stay home and rest a while. What a few movies I rented last night. But, I don't have to stay long 15 minutes to and hour I figure is good and I'll be out so.....I thought Id just drive around looking for some photos. There is a spot or two down the road that looked promising. One that looked as it might make a decent Infared shot. Will see how it comes out. Hope the weather is not to hot and hummid! Its been very awful here lately! Hope your doing alittle better! :) Oh Btw, I saw the photo of you on the porch with a jacket on. I have seen it several times and you said it was summer! I thought man! (Poor thing you must be going from such extremes)! I really like that photo of you. You look sooo soft! The colors very nice to. Pretty lady you are Michele. (Have you ever done any modeling)? You would be great at some fashion modeling I would think. Look forward to study with you and share new ideas. You will find out something I don't know and visa versa. I learn good that way and you'd be surprised at the amount of things you can learn. We are lucky in that we have so many people teaching!! Bound to lean something some where!!
Take care dear frind
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 7/30/2006
Wonderful shot..well done Ciao, Nicola
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/30/2006
Thank You Gerhard. You make 2 very important comments IMO ... I don't know what I was concealing behind the costume.... Altho I was trying to just show my EYES I seemed to in-fact draw more attention to the mask and not so much the eyes.. (?) right ? I also agree with a closer image. Thank you for your time and very good comments. Michele~
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/30/2006
Thank You Paul. I wasn't so sure how this would be accepted. I'd tried it once before and had gotten quite mixed reviews...I put you in my address book and we can chat about processing to learn more from each other without boring everyone else ! Thank You Once Again, Michele~
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 7/30/2006
A study that has a strong statement and the spectator the question would place, would like to conceal what the person behind the costume. Technically something else could improve softens could wish wwerden in so far, in that one the brightness and the strong contrast about expanse one one somewhat larger presentation.Best Regards Gerhard
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 7/30/2006
I think I want to know more! I like the image Michele. The high key processing really suits it well. Like to go over how you processed this and see how we each do it compared to one another!
Oh I wanted to let you know my email sence we are getting quite deeply detailed. Please don't worry about me having much to do. I have injoyed growing with you and sharing our overwhelming passion for photography.....aw before my old feeble mind forgets .....
Wonderful capture and well processed Michele!