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Critiques From Peter Hurtubise

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Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
5/17/2019 4:48:00 AM

Thank you John, I agree, and it's all the buckets fault that I missed seeing your point. As I said with the photograph, "the orange bucket caught my eye"
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
7/6/2018 10:31:02 AM

Thank you Clay, I never noticed the boots until film was developed.
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
7/25/2015 3:00:45 PM

Many thanks Jill, and the best to you, Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
7/18/2015 3:01:50 PM

Many thanks Paul, for your comment on photo and
and your thoughtful "PS" Regards, Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/30/2015 12:30:44 PM

Thank you Clay,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/30/2015 12:29:41 PM

Many thanks Paul,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/28/2015 12:06:50 PM

It is hard to believe the repetitious labor that people must do to survive. This photo is one of the best I've seen that depicts that. All the best to you, Peter
        Photo By: Anusuya Bairagi  (K:6719)

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/28/2015 8:44:21 AM

Thank you Clay, That's what is being done with a wood burner tool. Working on the second stick.
Regards, Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/27/2015 12:48:41 PM

Thank you Clay, for taking your time to comment on this photo. First off, the curls you mentioned, fell as I was determined to capture the moment. It was a spiritual moment,, some can see it, some cannot. My question to you here is,
did you read the title, and try to see why I chose it?..
As for Turquoise, it has always been and still is worn by the Native Peoples. It may have been a fad at one time, as you mentioned, most probably artificial though, as many other fads.
As for genuine Turquoise, some can wear it, most cannot. Pay a bit of attention to those that do, and you will see more than just Turquoise. Trust me on that statement.. Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/26/2015 3:45:25 AM

Thank you parehan
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/25/2015 1:05:34 PM

Thank you Paul, You ask about "Old Photo"?..
This photo was taken about three years ago,,just one of many over many years. Unfortunately due to OUR "Life's Journey", we have not been able to return in that period of time,,to where we always felt at home. Going back fourteen years, we considered purchasing a home from "Nori Peter", (an Ojibwa Artist), that lived on Curve Lake. We do have some of Her paintings along with many done by "Layland Bell" another well known artist. Many stories of our times spent on the Curve Lake Reserve could be told.
As for Sarena,, She is much more than just beautiful.. Thanks again and the best to you, Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:25:48 AM

Thank you Paul, The car was chosen as the "The most beautiful" contest 1964, at Indy 500.
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:20:01 AM

Thank you Jos'e, and many good days to you,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:15:45 AM

Thank you Paul, Jim was not hurt, but it was the end of that car!
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:13:20 AM

Thank you Konstantin. Good reply, and that it was.
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:11:13 AM

Thank you Clay, Thanks to the new requirements at the Indy 500, (Bladders in the fuel tanks), there was not a fire.
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:04:55 AM

Thank you Wolf, Yes an oldie, 1965
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 5:02:47 AM

Thank you Clay, This was the first race for this new car and the driver was just temporary for this one race. My brother was still in the burn hospital from an accident in 1964. Am not able to remember the out come of the race, it was not important to me. It did finish the 100 mile race though.
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 4:51:31 AM

Thank you Mesut, it was a fun project. On one of my older photo pages, there are other photos of this project.
The best to you,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 4:47:36 AM

Thank you Clay,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/23/2015 4:46:39 AM

Thank you Evo, it was an interesting project.
The best to you,,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 3:41:35 PM

Thank you Clay, Many photos available of that tragic crash, many taken by Indy track photographers. The one given to me came from one of the many race fans of Jim. At the far end of the picture, you can faintly see a red car, that was Jim, with plenty of time to stop prior to the fire. The car closest to the fire was Eddie Sachs who crashed into the burning car.
Many changes were made at the 500 after this disaster, 4 compulsory pit stops, bladders in the fuel tanks, limit on fuel capacity, limit on minimum dry weight, no gasoline. 1964 was the first and last year that cars were to attempt the 500 with no pit stops, and the first year that gasoline was allowed. Most cars held over 100 gallons of fuel, our held 115 gal. The weight force of that much fuel in a curve is what caused the crash..
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 2:59:20 PM

Thank you Clay, yes it was long ago, but to this day, I am still getting calls for information on our 1964 Indy car that was built in a barn by Jim and I.. Regards, Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 2:50:33 PM

        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 2:49:51 PM

Thank you Paul, actually the fun was after the race, and that depended on the outcome of the race. Many thanks,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 2:34:36 PM

thank you Clay,, Seneca Indians, It's their game!!, their hard to beat! Regards
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 2:28:06 PM

Thank you Kamran,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/15/2015 2:26:59 PM

Thank you Wolf,
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/12/2015 11:28:46 AM

Many thanks Linda for your understanding and very knowledgeable comments on this photo. I did chose the "humor" category after much thought, and then thinking it would make the photo more acceptable to all, I chose it. I would have preferred your choice. The shadows were from store spot lights illuminating the tree. The photo was taken quickly, and as usual, with faith in the camera on total automatic mode.
The best to you, Regards, Peter
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

Critique By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor  
4/11/2015 12:45:15 PM

My apology to you Darryl for offending you. This photo was taken in a import shop at Niagara Falls Ontario, where many tourists visit. To my surprise, they even still sold "Beanie Baby's"..
To me, and probably to many tourists, there is a bit of humor here, some may see it, some not. If I get more complaints, I shall delete it. In the meantime, and seeing that your name is new to my photo comments, please view my pages and I would like very much your comments. Regards
        Photo By: Peter Hurtubise  (K:1124) Donor

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