oscar valle
{K:144} 4/28/2008
Nunca como las tuyas, pero subí unas nuevas, espero tus recomendaciones
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 4/27/2008
Muchas gracias Oscar. Sacastes buenas fotos este fin de semana.?
oscar valle
{K:144} 4/27/2008
No me siento calificado para opinar en fotografía, pero lo que si puedo decir es que las fotos de Alison despiertan en mi un mejor hombre al ponerme en contacto directo con la belleza
* James *
{K:20200} 2/18/2008
Alison, my previous comment had more to do with presentation, and nothing more. the image itself is fine :)
* James *
{K:20200} 2/18/2008
Alison, a lovely image. I think on ones such as this, you should consider a small frame just to help separate it from the blandness of the white background of this website. Not sure if you agree but a thin border around the photo will make it stand out more.
Warmest regards ~ James
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 1/19/2008
Wonderful compositon of this beaitufl scene. Congratulations on the well deserved Award. MAry
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/13/2008
Magníficos tanto el contraluz como la fabulosa silueta! Felicitaciones y merecida distinción!! Genial Alison!!!
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 1/12/2008
Congrats for this awesome capture and for the well earned award. Sascha
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/11/2008
Congrats on the award, Alison! Very well deserved for your composition and colours in this dramatic photo! Dave.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 1/10/2008
Such wonderful colors, and a great silhouette. Congratulations, Alison!
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 1/10/2008
Awesome, a front page for you congrats!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/10/2008
well.. alison, my dar friend... to see this one is a magic tranquillity for the eyes and the soul.. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW really impreesive darkness on photographer-silhouette and he clear sunrise!!! favorite image and ..belayted happy new year.. hugs roby 7+
Ronen Helman
{K:7393} 1/9/2008
oops the rating....7 of course
Ronen Helman
{K:7393} 1/9/2008
you got silhouette, you got great colours,you got a sunset, you got an interesting image and you got DOD. what a men/women ask for more;) great work and congratulations
Alfonso&Daniela Fortino
{K:2869} 1/9/2008
You know...we did like this pic. Ciao:-)
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 1/9/2008
It's really full of peace and tranquility, Amazing capture Alison...I love it, Congratulations for award, Thanks for sharing. My best regards, Stan
Robert Kilgore
{K:2218} 1/9/2008
Wonderful mood, color, detail and action. Good words about the feelings that this place evokes. This is a picture of what I want to do when / if I grow up.
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 1/9/2008
Great shot. Congrats for Award.
Ingrid Mathews
{K:7277} 1/8/2008
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 1/8/2008
Beautiful shot and perfect project. Icing on the cake was the lovely poem and, of course, the well deserved award. Congrats. Jan
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 1/8/2008
great shot Alison congrats on the award
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 1/8/2008
Beautiful shot, Alison! It really does capture the essence of the peace and tranquility project. And congrats on the award. Cheers, Gary
Hassan Nemer
{K:1737} 1/8/2008
Excellent.... Great shot .