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Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
1/6/2008 8:16:54 AM

THis is a great shot. You can almost feel the sand and the salt of the sea. And that really is a beautiful about. Did you write it yourself?
Well done
Your friend in South Africa
        Photo By: Olga Vareli  (K:22477) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
1/6/2008 7:25:24 AM

thx olga. i agree with you that this image isnt the sharpest. but it was the one i had the most problems with, so the quality isnt exactly what i wanted. but your comment is much appreciated.
and the latest usefilm project wastn my idea, but i thought it went with my portfolio well, so i was oine of the first to upload my photos. however, no awards yet. well, ill just have to keep trying.
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/9/2007 11:24:24 AM

This is an absolutely brilliant action shot. I can only say very well done!
        Photo By: Ryan Torres  (K:411)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/9/2007 11:23:22 AM

Great action shot. its great that you captured the expression on the players face. I'm not trying to be picky, it is a good photo, but what if you tried a crop that brought you closer into the action? Just an idea.

Well done!
        Photo By: Pat Oates  (K:3046)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/9/2007 7:22:48 AM

Thx Diego
I want to go into sports photography as a career, so a comment like yours makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/5/2007 7:04:41 PM

Wow, this is a really amazing shot. Everything is beautiful. The tones, the lines, the model. I like very much.
        Photo By: Gianluca Govoni  (K:879)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/4/2007 9:02:03 AM

Does your positive comment here have anything to do with the fact that this is your daughter? ;)
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/3/2007 12:50:19 PM

good shot, but it would be better if there had been a bit more detail on the plain. i know it is sumthing that is difficult to control, but its justy sumthing. osides from that it is a very good shot.perhaps another isea would be to crop slightly differently: bring the top just a bit lower, and the bottom a bit higher. then you get a longer frame that emphasizes the curve of the spray.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/3/2007 9:48:04 AM

I was told in my lessons that a sheet of white paper would work as a good reflector. it didnt. so i wrenched my mirror of my wall, and used that instead. it worked, but no i cant get my mirror back on the wall.
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/3/2007 9:25:50 AM

i did use photoshop, but not much. just to try and get the tones right. i was struggling a bit, it still isnt exactly how i wanted it, but this is the best i could do. thx very much, olga
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/2/2007 6:39:01 PM

Great photo. youve captured such a wonderful expression on the persons face. the wideangle, (i assume u used a wide angled lense here), hives makes the photo so dynamic. and i really like the DOF, it looks really good (clap, clap)
        Photo By: Robert Waddingham  (K:3389)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/2/2007 6:32:15 PM

Great photo. I like the angle, as well as the slight blur. I gave it an extra point becasue i have a soft spot for goths ;)
        Photo By: Jim Gamble  (K:12164) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/2/2007 9:45:28 AM

Wow, this is an absolutely stunning photo! it is so dramatic. Cant complain about anything ;) Well done! 7/7
        Photo By: Zbylu    (K:874)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
12/2/2007 9:42:52 AM

Thx very much olga, i really appreciate wjhat u have to say. im reall nervous for these exams, so it's nice to see that sumone has a positive reaction.
Im busy uploading the rest of the series, so if u want, you can have a look at them.the theme is similair.
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/27/2007 11:58:47 AM

There's not much i can say that hasn't already been said. but i was looking at the photo, especially the up and down line created by the horses, when i had an epiphany(is that how you spell it). that line makes me think of that chinese/japanese (i cant remember which) ying/yang sign. if i remember correctly, the ying yang represents balance and tranquility. so, not only will you find security in this photo, but you find peace too.
this is one of my favourite shots of yours. Well done!
        Photo By: Joggie van Staden  (K:41700)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/27/2007 11:42:23 AM

I'd forgotten how sarah used to wear those bright pink clothes.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/27/2007 11:40:31 AM

What i like here is the way there are so many different levels here. If i felt likebeing overly critical (which i do), i would say that you have cut one of the sheep perfectly in half. It doesnt change the photo much, but if you had to spend a couple hours staring at the photo, i would find the rear half of the sheep distracting ;)
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/27/2007 11:36:42 AM

Seeing as i am related to you, i think I'm allowed to be harsh (even is it is infair, it makes me feelbetter). The boat is slightly to much in the centre. Maybe if you put it slightly to the ne side, it would look slightly better. But it has nice colours and i like the use of levels.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/27/2007 11:30:58 AM

Of all your photos on UF, i think this is your best. It has strong colours, brought out by some very cleverly photoshop editing. Nice lines that smoothly criss-cross the scene. And i like the tree that is just off-centre.
I would give this photo 6, but i think, with the help in photoshop i gave you, you deserve an extra point.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/27/2007 11:27:43 AM

I like this photo. it has great lines that lazily flow through the scene. It makes me think of the laziness and tranqulity of farmlife. God, i sound like im analyzing a poem. I think you must take me out that school.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/20/2007 9:00:44 AM

I once remember you telling me to try and get truangles into my photographs. It's something I've always remembered, and here i can see a good example of photographic triangulation.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/18/2007 7:40:35 PM

I have Photoshop CS3, and if you go to the Image/adjustments, it has an option called Photo Filter... I don't know if the other versions have it, but it came with CS3
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/16/2007 6:21:22 PM

Good photo dad, but i think your horizan might just be squif. Again.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/16/2007 6:16:44 PM

I have a slight warmify filter in photoshop, but very minimal, just to bring the warmness out.
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/16/2007 9:51:26 AM

Great shot. i cant thik of the exact words im trying to say now, but maybe you can guess.
        Photo By: Fiorella Lamnidis  (K:3947)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/16/2007 9:48:45 AM

sorry, forgot to rate.
        Photo By: Przemek Czernikarz  (K:2218)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/16/2007 9:47:50 AM

A good photo. An interesting angle to take a photo from. the only problem i see is that the girl had to roll her eyes too far back to look at you, so the pupils get lost. perhaps if you'd had her somnewhere else, or if you took the photo from slightly higher, so that you see the pupils. otherwise a good shot.
        Photo By: Przemek Czernikarz  (K:2218)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/15/2007 6:59:23 PM

Thats really amazing. How did you get it?
        Photo By: Justin Skinner  (K:765)

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/15/2007 6:34:20 PM

They were bright, old man. It's just you and your fancy screen.
        Photo By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor

Critique By: Ian Erasmus  (K:1153) Donor  
11/1/2007 7:24:31 PM

Glad we finally got usefilm working. Now you have to let me use it.
        Photo By: Zane Erasmus  (K:204)

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