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Critiques To 


Critique By: Naomi Weidner  (K:6636)  
9/5/2007 4:28:57 PM

Beautiful colors. Love the green river and the autumn trees. The shape of the rounded prominent rock in the foreground is echoed in the orange tree in the back ground. -- Naomi
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Hussam AL_ Khoder  (K:79545)  
9/5/2007 7:51:38 AM

perfect imagination!!
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Brigitte R.  (K:25989) Donor  
9/5/2007 6:27:02 AM

Beautiful shot, Vincent... love how you caught the line witht he sunlight reflecting off it. The massive boulder in the foreground gives this scene a sense of depth, vs. being flat. Great color in the fall foliage across the river. I also get a sense of the power of the river. I hope your son was rewarded with a nice trout as you were rewarded with a nice photograph! I love these kind of photos! Thank you for sharing...
Warm regards,
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: levi fabiana  (K:328)  
8/22/2006 7:41:00 AM

im back on a different account and only have 1 pic up check it out..... bye buddy.....
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Tim Long  (K:9228)  
7/2/2006 2:26:11 AM

Outstanding image Vincent. A favorite.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)  
6/29/2006 8:26:43 PM

Aloha Lamaro! What brings you to this place is the question? I was here two years ago, and was basically helping relocate my son Scott, (who'd just turned 18) to this beach town for his first summer away from home. I had come here myself for many special summers when I was his age that was just an outstanding experience to go through. You really grow-up being on your own like that. Guess I sort of put that idea in his head because there we were! Anyway, I was only there for about four or five days altogether with first priority helping him find a summer rental, a job and the lay of the land. So, when I did find a little time to "get out the gear", and you get a dreary day like this, it was somewhat of a downer. I did look for opportunities to find these "moody" kind of images, which of course took me to this location under the pier to begin with. The other four days were picture-perfect! I have some of of my own personal favorites from these few days here. This is the only series edited and scanned so far. Though it does not fully represent what this beach town is really like, at least from my perspective anyway, it does present the diversity to a degree of a place that has many different looks and some really FUN times. Candy Kitchen, Thrasher's Boardwalk Fries, Fishers Candy Popcorn, Bull on the Beach, Piezanos Pizza, Phillips Seafood... need I say more?

Peace to you island bro.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: LaMaro Hall  (K:3658) Donor  
6/29/2006 7:03:18 PM


What in the world are you doing here?? Did you get rock fever or what. I hope your just visiting friends and family. I went to ocean city and just shook my head knowing where I just come from (Oahu). It's not bad it ain't good either. I just could not imagine what I could do at ocean city. Maybe it was the incredible humidity that made me not see straight. Cause It was unbearible. It my opinion this was the only way to ocean city. Because I know it is not that blue or blue at all. Let stop bashing MD and just say this photo really demostrates your keen vision and creativity. A very powerful photo...
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Toshi   (K:11924)  
6/28/2006 2:27:42 AM

Wow - amazing capture here Vincent. Sometimes conditions that aren't up to our expectations can create some wonderful photographs. The overall mood to this photograph with the fog is excellent - and with the addition of the blue tones and silhouette of the pier, it creates a winner in my opinion. Wonderful perspective and beautifully shot - very nice work.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)  
6/27/2006 10:33:07 PM

I appreciate your comments on this. "eerie, relaxing, mysterious", "deep blue feeling", "mood makes the photo", "big blue", "luminous blues", "fog adds mysterious mood" "Lovecraft would be pleased", and others are basically what I felt when shooting this scene on this evening. I was actually disappointed with these dreary conditions this evening since I only had a limited time in Ocean City, with very limited opportunities for photography over all. Initially the fog was a downer too, but eventually I recognized the opportunity it offered as well.

Virtually no photoshop work and no cropping at all was done to this. No filters were used. Basically these were the conditions that existed. The long exposure does add an amount of drama and mood to this by allowing the ocean to somewhat mimic the rolling-in fog. I have others from different sunsets that are far more colorful and bright. Eventually will edit, scan and post some of these as well.

Ocean City Maryland is one of my favorite places to go! Great memories there. Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts. They are always appreciated. Aloha.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Mary Brown  (K:71879) Donor  
6/27/2006 10:15:15 PM

The contrast of the black and blue is very dramatic. The fog adds a wonderful mysterious mood. This is striking with itsc luminous blues. Super.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: James Cook  (K:38068)  
6/27/2006 10:07:43 PM

Quite nice. What PS work was done? That's a wonderful blue that came out. Haunting. H P Lovecraft would be pleased.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)  
6/27/2006 10:05:15 PM

A big wow for this big blue!

        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Jo T  (K:2305)  
6/27/2006 8:42:15 PM

Now that's something special IMHO
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Chris Hunter  (K:25634)  
6/27/2006 7:44:45 PM

Great work Vincent, nothing really else to say. The mood makes this photo.

        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Daniel Guerin  (K:7961)  
6/27/2006 7:40:57 PM

This is stunning Vincent! Calm, relaxing, eerie, mysterious - all those and more in one. Much as I usually try, I can't really fault it and nor would I want to. Sorry, no constructive criticism here, apart from 'keep it up'! Great work, well done.
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)

Critique By: Åsa B  (K:485)  
6/27/2006 7:29:38 PM

So very beautiful! Wonderful deep blue feeling!
        Photo By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)


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