pasquale ale angelini
{K:2543} 6/2/2015
favolosa ciao
pasquale angelini fotopan
Kenan Muslić
{K:246} 12/25/2014
Awesome light effect! And congrats on your well deserved prize! Best regards, Kenan
Michele Beccia
{K:16550} 11/22/2014
Excellent capture, regards!:) Michele
Ali Peyman
{K:1176} 1/23/2006
incredibely magical !!! very very very beautifull
Mireille Heirendt
{K:7258} 1/23/2006
Stunning capture, the light being magic of course but so does the composition!!! Congrats on the award, highly deserved!!! Regards, Mireille
Jenny Escalante
{K:-182} 1/23/2006
Una foto bien bonita. Bravo!
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza)
{K:4725} 1/23/2006
excellent image.. congrats..
C. Lanier
{K:-4} 1/23/2006
This looks asome
Mark Drago
{K:10902} 1/23/2006
great job Waldemar. congrats.
Kralik Dr Jaroslav
{K:3385} 1/23/2006
Very nice work Waldemar!
Nandor Lang
{K:1257} 1/23/2006
Amazing shot, Waldemar! Congratulations!
Nicolas Iordănescu
{K:3193} 1/23/2006
Excellent study of light. Well Done! Nikko
luis pereira
{K:26013} 1/23/2006
Magia sem duvida. Parabens.
Iman M. Nezami
{K:3276} 1/23/2006
very nice capture.
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 1/23/2006
Incredible image - Congratulations! Joggie
Melanie Peters
{K:2248} 1/23/2006
Fantastic, on many levels, so simple and yet striking, you'd be very happy with this shot :)
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 1/19/2006
just amazing work
Miguel Marques
{K:1374} 1/19/2006
Mágica... Encantada... Soberba!!!
p e t a .
{K:18700} 1/15/2006
very special, well done.
Rima Dario
{K:4427} 1/14/2006
Ottima luce. Ciao Dario.
Ibrahim Al Najjar
{K:1203} 1/14/2006
very nice capture
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/14/2006
YEAH - this is stunning and magic light!
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 1/14/2006
very creative new idea. very well captured. H.A
******** ********
{K:1948} 1/13/2006
It certainly is magic light, a beautiful image, Chris.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/13/2006
outstanding..........love the lighting... great work
André Bermak
{K:14443} 1/13/2006
Realmente um excelente trabalho!!! Ótima concepção!!!!!
Ace Star
{K:21040} 1/13/2006
good work in PS! really amazing image! thousand points to you :)
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 1/13/2006
Excelente captura Waldemar! Lindo momento e reflexos! Parabéns! Roberto.
Greg Bokan
{K:1514} 1/13/2006
very unique!!! like it!!
Ralf Denguth
{K:3353} 1/13/2006
Great work Waldemar..magic, magic, magic! Very well done my friend! Cheers, Ralf
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 1/13/2006
Yusuf, I took a picture backlit and applied a filter (PS work)in the light that was shining in the water.Hug
no longer a member
{K:10557} 1/13/2006
Very unique image, great job in PS.
Best regards
Yusuf Guclu
{K:669} 1/13/2006
wow...Great photo. I wish you would give us some more information about this photo... Regards. Yusuf.