James Hager
{K:6285} 1/23/2006
Very nice. Great low perspective and the diffuse light sure helps make images like these work.
{K:7476} 12/27/2005
lovely,perfect dof well donr Ann. regard wael
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 12/2/2005
Could be Lilliput! Thoroughly enchanting. I haven't been so lucky with mushrooms; I usually arrive too late.
Shereefa Ls4
{K:1412} 11/25/2005
Well you were right.. They are unresistable.. Great shot.. Exposure colours and tones.. It is clear that you understand what digital photography is.. Well done
{K:3974} 11/23/2005
hello Ann, i am soo sorry i didnt comment ur pictures during the past few days. i was on a vacation in Egypt n so i am back now with lots of good pictures to share with my UF friends.
matija s
{K:323} 11/19/2005
dear little family :)
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 11/16/2005
perfect and suggestive. good colors and details patrizio
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/13/2005
A free friend. What a bonus !
Cheers - Ann :)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/13/2005
No payment needed, Ann, glad to help! Dave.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 11/13/2005
This shows one of the main reasons I went from small sensor (much fun, light weight) to my bulky DSLR... The DOF. Just great how your camera point and shallow DOF work together, and the color contrast makes them stand out even more. Love it - and nice title, BTW.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/13/2005
Dave I thank you so much for this very helpful and informative critique of this image. As I've written in my bio I've yet to develop my technical skills with the numbers et al so I kind of just kind of "wing it" to what looks good to me at the time then I bump numbers up and down either side of what I think is right and choose the best image on the computer from there. More often than not I've found my own first images have been the most "correct" looking but I never really bother to look at the numbers after the fact to know what works and what doesn't numbers wise. I will endeavour to pay more attention to this and hone in on some numbers issues.
I also appreciate your suggestion about the tripod support as it brought to mind a heat pillow type pad that I have filled with those bean bag pellets (or similar substance) so it can be shaped to suit and it's small enough to carry in my camera bag. (oh.. it's only heated if you put it in the microwave - just to clarify) I've been told a mini tripod won't support the zoom lens, which, by the way, was at full zoom as you surmised so the heat pillow should work well in such situations.
If I find I'm going to do more of such close up type work I think I might invest in a macro lens but for the most part I'm enjoying finding unusual and/or fun visions in landscape type of photography.
All in all it's like flying a plane. It's all about the math so I try to make short sentences to help me remember the formula like "more detail - small aperture/larger f/numbers - longer shutter speed...and of course I understand about needing more support for longer shutter speeds.
The irony is that I've been chosen 4 times recently for critique of the day and here I am asking for help....but I'm presuming my critiques are chosen because I can talk under wet cement and I type that way too. haha
You really have explained this in very comprehensible terms for me and for that I thank you very much. I owe you! Your friendship payment is in the mail to you now. :)
Cheers - Ann :)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/13/2005
Hi Ann, sorry to take a while to get back to you, but I wanted to take some time to view your shot and it was getting late last night! I like the image, somehow I missed it the first time around, but it's got great colour and detail, and the slight softness doesn't detract from the overall effect. You didn't say what your shutter and aperture settings were, or the amount of zoom but I'll assume you were at full zoom. If you're using the lens zoomed out to the 300mm setting, which is effectively 480mm in equiv. to a 35mm camera, you need quite a high shutter speed to ensure overcoming camera shake. The rule of thumb for hand holding is shutter speed equal to the focal length, so say 1/500th. Of course everyone is different for this! Sometimes holding the camera in an odd position can make it more difficult to hold it steady. You might want to invest in a mini tripod, or sometimes you can brace the camera on something like a bean bag or some other object, or hold it against part of your body. The other part of the equation for exposure and DOF is aperture, so if you want a larger DOF to ensure everything is in focus you need a smaller aperture setting (larger numbers, ie f16, 22 etc.). A small aperture will lengthen the shutter speed, so that brings us back to support for the camera! The focus of course is critical for a shot like this, and you may find your lens focusses best in the middle ranges of the aperture settings, rather than fully open or stopped right down, so you can see that everything is a compromise between all these elements. In short the best way to get a good sharp photo is to have as high a shutter speed as possible and/or have the camera supported, and have small enough aperture to get good DOF, especially if the subject has much depth itself, and of course accurate focus. Sorry if I've been long winded, or told you things that you already know, but I hope this helps! Dave.
{K:3770} 11/13/2005
Thanks for sharing the excelent pictures from you. I see a new talant on the field again. I am glad to get your lines and comments, because a could see your amaizing photos.
{K:427} 11/13/2005
Good Colors and DOF.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/12/2005
or a caboodle of bumbershoots (umbrellas)! i,too,have a thing for tiny shrooms and little treasures in the forest....good dof and nice contrast of color with the green and sweetpotato color ;> regards,gayle
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 11/11/2005
What abeautiful capture .. well done dear Ann .. I love the DOF and color contrasts of this shot .. I don't usually like shots with an out of focus foreground .. but this ones really great .. very well done ..
My best regards, aLi
Graham .
{K:2487} 11/11/2005
lol, yes, I guess you could say that. Very often, one can "understand" how a picture is composed by looking at the histograms of the indexed colors, Red, Green and Blue (your camera may have one built-in? - very useful!). A ring flash is literaly a round and hollow flash unit that fits over the end of a lens, allowing close-up and macro photography, although they do come with their own eye-watering mathematics for determining correct exposure. Long live TTL :). After 25+ years of doing this, I guess one does develop an 'eye' for critiquing, and seeing elemensts rather than the whole picture, though many folks find constructive crticism difficult to accept. I can't seem to find anyone to critique my own images (though I am quite critical of my own work). As for technicaliti4es, weeelllll... you can either imerse yourself in it, or ignore it. I personaly think that the more technica knowledge you have, the better your pictures will ultimately be - if not through simple application of the 'rules'. I very often actual 'buold' a photograph from principles - the yellow flower/vase is an example - many technical aspects all sewn together. I'd be happy to offer adsvice whenever you upload images if you find it helpful. If you want to, sign up for my photo classes and perhaps you may even enjoy some of the projects/technical stuff I do. All the best - Graham
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/11/2005
Ahhh reverse engineering. How clever. At the risk of showing my ignorance here Graham I don't know what a ring flash is. Although I have been a very keen amateur photographer for many years my lifestyle hasn't allowed for studying the technical aspects of the craft. I seem to have honed in on my seeing a photo in something and finding the best (for my liking) composition. The technical aspect is coming together with more practice.
I really do appreciate your taking the time to view and comment on my iamges. I saw a critique you left for Rob the other day and although I was dazzled by the technical jargon I was very impressed with your knowledge of light and the ability to see details. I respect your opinions and any advice you can give me on my images is greatly appreciated.
Cheers - Ann :)
Graham .
{K:2487} 11/11/2005
How interesting. I can clearly see a 'ring' of exposure on my screen, which is what made me ask about the ring flash. However you did it (and esp. if you don't have a macro), you did a mighty fine job of it! I'll pull it apart under PS and see what the individual colors are doing :)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/11/2005
No Graham. No ring flash. This was shot in daylight but no sun. I just used a 75-300 zoom lens. I was on my belly laying flat as I could get and hand held the camera as low to the ground as I could keep it steady then just took a bunch of shots on close up mode. I don't have a macro lens. As you can see by the blades of grass these mushrooms were really quite tiny. They aren't as sharp as I would have liked them to be but under the corcumstances I was happy with the way they came out.
Thanks for dropping by. - Cheers - Ann :)
Graham .
{K:2487} 11/11/2005
Did you use a ring flash for this one?
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 11/10/2005
Yes I love them too, this is a fun little colony isn;t it. Margaret Ann saw your forum post, I agree with what you said. Some people seem to use the 'thank you' reply to make up viewing numbers. But sometimes a quick thank you is appropriate. I generally try to check out other peoples portfolios if they comment and try and do a comment back, reply to people who ask me questions, try to not say the same thing all the time. Try to look at a variety of peoples uploads. All this depends of course on time.
Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 11/9/2005
Are you crawling around on your hands and knees again? Watch out for the grass stains. This is a great perspective. I feel like a little gnome looking at this. Wonderful colors and detail. Kelly
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 11/9/2005
Another beautiful image from you, wonderful composition and I love the colors! Very well done Ann!
marco "dheim" orciuoli
{K:4467} 11/8/2005
yeah... the village of smurfs... :) i like mushrooms too, good capture!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 11/8/2005
Great image Ann. Perfect colour and DoF. Love that you got down low to take this one :) Nice work.
Hey, congrats on the front page feature too!! Cheers Rina
Don Price
{K:1376} 11/8/2005
Nice capture and a good example of DOF contrl .. Don
{K:26787} 11/8/2005
Very nice title, Ann! Love those cute mushrooms; great, natural colours!
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 11/8/2005
Beautiful composition and spash of colour. Very well seen.
Regards, Ciprian
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 11/8/2005
Like littlle soldiers. Great.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 11/8/2005
I love your little cityscape Ann, hahaha, I see what you mean, it's lovely really, the colors and composition are perfect, love the minimal dof and the oof bg, creative and very nicely done!
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 11/8/2005
Neat shot.... they look like they're in a sort of huddle/scrummage/meeting... ;-D!!! A cityscape is indeed one of the possible interpretations.... but either it's quite a windy city or the architect was a drunk... LOL!!! But enough silly stuff... super DOF, very nice colors, excellent detail and composition... well spotted!!! And I would've taken 'a shot at them' as well, the only thing is.... I don't have a backyard... ;-D!!!!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/8/2005
What a cool shot Ann! Love the little guys! The dof is great, so are the colors. I see a crowd in there, all in a hurry, something like you see in a modern ballet, each looking in some other direction. Great image, really unusual vision!
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/8/2005
Hi Rashed...I would love to join your photo site but I barely have time to keep up with this one I'm in now. I really don't have the time to join another. However, feel free to post my images over there if you wish. I have no objection if you want to copy and paste them into your site for examples and for others to see. I'm so sorry as I really would love to join but time is so short. Thank you for the invitation. I'm flattered. Maybe later on I will get more time in winter and join later.
Thanks for stopping by.... Cheers - Ann :)
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 11/8/2005
wonderful image.great details and very beautiful colors,very best regards my friend,you can please post this at www.a71an.com ,Salam.
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 11/8/2005
Like the dof in this picture. Excellent composition and image.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 11/8/2005
Ann, you've got to put this in unusual vision or alternative perspective project. It's so cool. The colors are great! Congrats on a great image!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 11/7/2005
Interesting Ann, great title and eye for capture. Don.
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 11/7/2005
A very beautiful shot! Very nice DOF, composition and color. Everything to perfection.
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 11/7/2005
Well seen tiny city Ann. I Love it! Splendid DOF as well, Thank oyu so very much for taking the time to comment on my images. My best REgards
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 11/7/2005
Yeah,mushrooms are facinating creatures,Ann! Very nice piece! It reminded me of a bunch of students going on a field trip! Cheers, baha
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 11/7/2005
It DOES look like a little city, Ann! I find these in my yard and am just annoyed! I guess I'm looking at it the wrong way :) I sure do like the selective focus! Well done! Kathy
Janet B
{K:16139} 11/7/2005
That's so cute...fantastic and fitting title!! Certainly looks like they are forming their own little world! Crisp focus and dof with outstanding color, beautiful!
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 11/7/2005
Very nice natural composition, well captured! Excellent DoF! Well presented colorful photography. Perfect work dear Ann! :)
My best regards! Robert
Andy Seehusen
{K:3372} 11/7/2005
Well done. Nice capture.
Chris Boivin
{K:9030} 11/7/2005
I like it. It reminds me of a city as well. Well done Ann. Best Regards, Chris
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 11/7/2005
What a lovely collection of miniature mushrooms Ann, lovely colours and perfect dof..Best wishes to you....Ray
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 11/7/2005
too beautiful capture!!..Great composition and nice play with DOF!..Love it!7++ Cheers, Mohsen