Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 8/23/2005
and thank you!
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 8/21/2005
amazing place..weird to see this abode amongst barren landscape in the background. wonderful !
Kerry ksm
{K:160} 8/18/2005
Thanks so much for your comments Lisa. I was hoping to convey a sense of the openness and solitude, so it's nice to hear that that translates.
Kerry ksm
{K:160} 8/18/2005
Thanks for your comments Brian, the hides were sheep and goat.
Brian Fillmore
{K:4016} 8/17/2005
Nice colouful photo. What type of hides are hanging on the far right side, do you know?
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 8/15/2005
A superb photo. I like how you took the open sky and used it in the composition. Not sure if it's the effect you were looking for, but to me you seem to be showing the viewer how open the land is. How few people may pass the trading post during the course of the day. The ruralness of the area. Excellent.