julie hugill
{K:6730} 4/15/2005
Stunning landscape great view I bet !! Julie
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 4/15/2005
beautiful landscape! Greetings.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/15/2005
Hugo, Very many thanks for your, always, kind and encouraging comments! They're very much appreciated! Best regards, Chris
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 4/15/2005
If you chose the habit of walking you should tighten the screws before start :) if this is the result of your walk I would?ve walked all the day, great out door beauty am wondering if you thought to consider gathering these images to have a wonderful calendar to be published. Marvelous scene and capture, regards. Saeed
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/15/2005
Hi Chris, I read your about with alot of interest. Considering myself agnostic, I had a long series of discussions with a reverend, as my wife insisted on gettting married in church. Now I'm converted too. Not to christianity, but in that step of faith you mention. It's just like walking, and sharing half a brain; it's good to be nuts, as long as you do it conciously and with faith, whatever faith that may be.
Fantastic shot, with the trees in the foreground acting as a beautiful prelude for the meandering rows of hedges and fences.... It would be a delight to head out there for a long nice hike...:)
Fadel J
{K:13974} 4/15/2005
Great image and fantastic about Chris! my book may be different than yours, but I share with you the belief and thanking God for our human existence. I think it?s a fact that the opposite of a system is noise, and the beauty that you or any other artist portrait in your images is definitely not noise.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 4/15/2005
WOnderful detail, and clarity Chris, Both in the photo and the About ;-) jimc
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 4/14/2005
bellissimo paesaggio e geometrie patrizio
cessy karina
{K:14205} 4/14/2005
it looks very nice day to walk indeed. and very nice about, very contemplative :) I enjoy the discussion here also, as much as your photo, though I could not converse much about faith. I do believe God existence among other thing by seeing the creations that very very small parts of them can be seen in the pictures :) that's one of the reason I love photograph also, I begin to look more and found many things I've often taken for granted before and for that I feel grateful :)
cheers, cessy
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 4/14/2005
Nice work again. And thank you for your thought-provoking words
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 4/14/2005
A magnificent landscape, Chris. Best wishes, Larry
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 4/14/2005
Such a beautiful countryside. Yes, I walk everyday that I can and enjoy to sights and sounds of the surroundings. I really like this picture. It looks so tranquil. Nice low light really accentuates the detail. Lovely area. Don.
{K:13082} 4/14/2005
Thank's for your thoughts Chris and as we would agree...its still a wonderful day and a wonderful photo..
Hope to keep in touch more often so cheers for now, my friend.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Many thanks for your kind and encouraging comment. The short answer to your question is that 99% of my shots would have been taken 'hand-held'. I rarely use a tripod, simply because I'm too lazy to carry it round with me!! However, I would like to try my hand at some low light stuff, as well as some long exposure photography, so I guess I'll have to get used to it!
Best regards, Chris
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Many thanks for your kind and encouraging comment.
As for the image clarity, I'm not sure I do anything differently to you but I'll share the process I go through with you in case it's of any help?
All images I want to upload I take into Photoshop and begin by adjusting the levels, after which I usually boost the contrast a little ~ between 5-10 points. Then I sort out things like bad skies, aeriels and telegraph poles, etc., before adding the frame and flattening the image.
I then reduce the overall size to 800 px wide (for landscape aspect) or 700 px high (for portrait aspect) and use 'Unsharp mask' set at the following values: Amount ~ 125%; radius ~ 0.6 px; and, threshold ~ 3.
Next I use Image Ready to compress the image, but I generally find that editing it in Image Ready both lightens and desaturates the image a little, so I move the mid-grey levels slider to 85 and the saturation slider to +15 in order to compensate before saving the optimized image.
This process may seem a lengthy one but, when you're used to it, it doesn't take long and does seem to work!
I hope this helps.
My best regards, Chris
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Thank you so much for your comment, both on my picture and my 'about'.
With regard to the picture, I can only say (with my hand on my heart, as it were), that the 'about' was an afterthought ~ I had intended to load the picture ever since I'd worked on it, but didn't think of the 'about' until I actually came to load it?
I agree that the sky is far from perfect but, just for once, I thought I'd leave it as it was because it helped to show just how intense the light was on that very special afternoon. So, despite its imperfections, I can only say that the original intention was to load up the picture on the basis of its photographical merits and not for any philosophical reasons!
With regard to the 'sermon', I'd like to start by saying that I intended no offence by it!! Nothing could have been further from my mind?
The phrase "half a brain" was merely a colloquial, English way of saying that I thought walkers were slightly mad! Not in any real medical sense, you understand, but simply because I couldn't understand the attraction of hiking across great swathes of mountain and moorland merely to get back to the same place they'd started!!
And as for 'assuming another man is the lesser if he doesn't/won't believe', that is a complete misunderstanding of my position. I don't believe that at all!
Then, again, as someone who has kindly commented on more than one of my uploads you'll know from experience that I invariably keep the 'about' section pretty light, often trying to be a little witty or humorous in order to try and brighten up another person's day. But life isn't all fun and games. There are more serious issues to be addressed and I can't neglect the responsibility I feel to occasionally raise them.
Once again, my sincere thanks for your feedback ~ I appreciate it very much!
My best regards, Chris
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/14/2005
Another beautiful landscape from you, Chris! I'll leave the philosophical discussions to others, other than to say that I admire you for your strong beliefs. Apart from the discussion of shutter speeds and apertures, I'll ask you the same question I asked Tim, who also has gorgeously clear landscape photos. Do you ever use a tripod for these? Dave.
Merete Westerdahl
{K:11079} 4/14/2005
I did not CONFUSE faith with any hobby!!!! Perhaps it's my bad English..I'm sorry for that, but I was talking about the 'half of brains'...or people who had a screw loose...who loved to walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As the people who like photography...but sure they are sane people....cause you like that as well!!! So...I was NOT talking about faith..in any ways, but how about you choosed to look at these people.
Please don't reply ...no need to use my words for 'promoting' God... Merete
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Hi Merete,
Thank you very much for your heartfelt comment. I hope you've had a chance to look at the personal reply I've sent you and that you'll forgive me for saying just one or two things, in response to your comment, in this more public arena?
Firstly I have to agree with you about the nature of 'faith' ~ there's a real sense in which faith takes over after evidence runs out. Not that it's a wise move to 'believe' on the basis of nothing, (still less on the fruits of our own imaginations!), but, yes, ultimately there is much that I (nor anyone else) can either 'prove' or 'disprove' in relation to the things of God.
However, there is much in the Bible that certainly CAN be proved, insofar as anything can be proved! Facts of history, for which there is a great deal of archaeological and literary evidence. It's what you do with those facts that's a matter of faith ~ remembering that whether you act on them or choose to ignore them, both are responses of faith!
Secondly, please don't confuse matters of truth with sport and hobbies. If the Bible's principle message is true then it's a 'life and death' issue ~ something that photography or netball will never be!
And, finally, no-one is looking down on anyone! I have great respect for sincere followers of all faiths, (whether religious or otherwise), it's just that I choose to disagree with some of their beliefs, just as they would disagree with some of mine. I have the right to express my convictions and I respect the right of others to express theirs.
Thanks again for your comments and thoughts.
Best regards, as ever, Chris
GianniMa - Gianni Mattera
{K:2213} 4/14/2005
bella composizione ed atmosfera , ottima luce , ma il dettaglio è ciò che gradisco di più , complimenti
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 4/14/2005
Powerful message Chris!I used to thinik the same way!About GOD that is! Until I picked Up the Bible and found out for myself!I find it impossible NOT to beleive its the word of GOD! Now I have unbreakable faith in the creator of the universe!And I thank GOD every day for the sacrifise of His Son Jesus Christ and My salvation!
Excellent and beautiful photograph Pastor! There seems to be an endleess display of wonderful vistas in UK! You find the most gorgeous ones! Thanks Chris! My best, GOD bless!.....John
Merete Westerdahl
{K:11079} 4/14/2005
When it comes to FAITH...it's obvious that there is no proves!!!!! So don't ask such silly questions. If you could prove anything...it wouldn't be called FAITH...would it??? You believe ...and that's ok... Guess you need that in your life. Its also OK when someone chooses another lifestyle than yours... or mine. It should be a human-right to have the possibility of making such choices...also when it comes to different lifestyles. Some like walking..or runing. Some like to play or watch football.... Some love photography... playing music... ! One choice is not better than another...so please don't look down at anyone...who chooses something different from you. I'm glad you enjoyed your walks...
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 4/14/2005
A beautiful image. Well composed and serene. And, a beautiful comment. Also well composed and serene! How anyone could look at a scene like this and think there is no God is beyond me!!
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
I don't mind at all, Merete? Here or there, wherever? Or not at all, if you'd rather? It's up to you? Chris
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 4/14/2005
I enjoined reading your about Chris. Truly nice. Back to the photo I am impressed by it's clarity and sharpness. How do u get such overall image clearness? It's just amazing my friend.
Merete Westerdahl
{K:11079} 4/14/2005
A great book...discribing the world at the time it was written...!! Do you want to discuss it here...or just want to give us a lesson..???
{K:13082} 4/14/2005
Hi Chris
Well you've woken everyone up today...good for you!
Re: the photo - very nice English scene and appreciated by our American cousins. But the sky cold do with some work, as you know.
Re: the sermon - I feel you posted this shot not foe its technical merits etc but as your appreciation of your God. Although I was educated by Jesuit priests, my take on the issues raised here (maybe Usefilm is not necessarily the best place for this conversation) is that no one has the right to assume that another man is the lesser if he doesn't/won't believe. I agree with Tims point of view and I also agree with yours. But as is usual with religion it can fire up the blood...maybe not a bad thing!
I know you are only doing your "job" but please keep the subject light. If you need to believe then just believe...faith, in anything, should be for oneself.
Ah, that's better....certainly got my "half brain" working this morning.
Thanks for your image and your thoughts, Chris.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Thanks again, Tim!
I'm a member of two other internet photo sites, but the reason I give 90% of my net time to this one is exactly what you said ~ namely the opportunity of "getting to know others in a more full sense". For me, that's a massive bonus on top of the fundamental benefits of improving my skills and seeing so many great photo's.
Have a great rest of the day, my friend!
My best regards, Chris
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/14/2005
Well taken, well said. I've always been puzzled by this paradox; many people say they can't believe because they "can't know it's true." But in my experience I have only come to know the truth by believing first. The "leap in the dark" turned to conviction...
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 4/14/2005
I think I do know god he is right in front of me all the time, only veiled, the ignorance of my own ego which only allows glimpses of the whole at any one time. I guess what I am saying is that I meditate regularly and it is in those times of introspection that I really get a fuller sense of what is really before my eyes and yet during my daily goings on I don't see truly due to the distractions of what my ego feels important. I totally respect your perspective, as in your experience it is your truth, just as my experiences create my truth. Oh this is so fun!! The photography, as well as getting to know others in a more full sense...this is why i love this photo site over the other number grabbing sites
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Many thanks for your kind reply. I appreciate your great photographic talent and respect your personal convictions?
But if God is really there, wouldn't it be cool to actually KNOW Him!!
Best regards, Chris
Girish Chonkar
{K:6903} 4/14/2005
Wonderful landscape.
Hey Chris, Praise the Lord. As you have enjoyed your walk rather than vehicle, Go for a long walk with our God and see how He talk with you and guides you in all your ways.
be Blessed.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
P.S. As for shutter speed and aperture information, I feel they are rather a waste of time unless the settings were out of the ordinary. With a shot like this one, it must be very obvious to all but the earliest beginner that the aperture was high and the speed was fairly inconsequential.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 4/14/2005
well your view has a god like perspective.....as to God I don't know one way or the other. AS you say, it can't be proved one way or the other. But from my perspective I try to live as moral a life as I can at the level of wisdom that I possess from moment to moment, looking for ways to improve along the path of my existence. I am not sure that god needs to be acknowledged really it seems that most religions are trying to convey a method of moral life and to do as little damage to those around us as our egos will allow. God to me would be way to secure to need our individual adoration but would be interested in our pursuit of becoming improved entities...or ....maybe indifferent, just the same I am giving it the best that I know how. I am sure that you are attempting the same and I laud your keen perspective.
Cheers, With warm regards, Tim
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Many thanks for your comments, Rutger ~ I appreciate your candour. But whilst agreeing with you when you say that this great site is "all about trying to help each other in our quest to become better photographers", I've never been one to limit it to that.
I've made a great many friends through this site ~ people I've never met, but feel I'm getting to know. From the very start I've sought to share a little of myself through the 'about' sections and, as a result, have people have said that they look at my uploads as much for those as for the pictures! Each to his own.
I've learned a great deal about photography through this site and I hope, in some small way, that I've been able to help others develop their photographic skills. But I for one cannot split my life into little pigeon holes that are all entirely separate from each other. My faith is the most important part of my life and affects every other area ~ photography included. Indeed, shooting pictures has merely served to deepen it.
As for the 'missionary form', it's not something I would regularly include! But every now and again I feel a particular picture lends itself to a brief 'thought for the day'' ~ a sharing of myself. Take it or leave it, it's up to the viewer?
Thanks again for your comment.
Kind regards, Chris
Rutger van Soelen
{K:1337} 4/14/2005
You very well captured the light and the transparency of the air which creates this sense of depth. Well done indeed. But why not leave out the missionary form and pay more attention to shutterspeed and aperture next time, as this site is all about trying to help each other in our quest to become better photographers.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 4/14/2005
Teunis, Many thanks for your kind comments and it's so good to know of your firm faith in God. My best regards, Chris
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 4/14/2005
Great composition , color & Tones
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 4/14/2005
Superb landscape capture by you mate !! 7+++ .. cheers .. marky .
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 4/14/2005
Chris, beautiful landscape. I read with intererst your words Yes I believe that God have make the world for us and us as people for His love. When we walk we can feel the hand of God in all the great and little things Best regards Teunis