Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 7/10/2004
I love this mood and view! fantastic! abraço Angelo!
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 7/7/2004
I like the B/W and the strong contrast, I think the reflection on the river is a bit overexposed though, anyway a good photo with a great mood. Bye Max
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/4/2004
moody cityscape
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/4/2004
Thanks for the comment Danny. You and Waldemar have said the same thing about the highlights, and I think strictly speaking you are right, and I probably would have said the same thing :).
But the blown highlights are more a function of the lighting conditions than digital. I would have had the same difficulties in B&W film and probably no chance at all with transparency.
As I said to Waldemar, the sun was falling at an angle to the river that reflected it straight in my direction. It was almost like looking at the sun, and there was virtually no detail to be seen with the naked eye. If I was to have detail on that part of the river, everything else would be solid black.
It was exactly this dramatic light that attracted me to take the image. The City was under cloud, so it was dark, while the Thames has "on fire", shimmering.
One of the next shots in the series was under similar conditions, but I was at a lower angle (the sunlight was not so in my face) and had my SLR, so it was much easier to control the exposure. Watch this space! :)
Thanks for your sincere comments, I appreciate them very much.
Regards, Angelo.
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 7/4/2004
Angelo i think we have to much contrast here and Digitals are poor on highlights . We have lost any detailin the centre of the river where the light is catching it.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/3/2004
Caro Waldemar,
Não havia detalhes a registrar. O sol estava forte e batendo direto na água a um ângulo que o refletia diretamente na minha direção, causando fortes reflexões. Muito difícil de olhar a olho nú. Para reter qualquer detalhe no rio Tâmisa, o resto seria tudo preto.
Foi exatamente isso que me atraiu para a imagem: a luz dramática, com raios de sol visíveis sobre a cidade, o rio "queimando" como um fio de prata. Foi meu prêmio por ralar até mais tarde no trampo.
Valeu pelo comentário. Devia ter melhor descrito a foto originalmente.
[]s Angelo.
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 7/3/2004
Angelo, O reflexo deixou sobreexposta em demasia,se foi intencional tudo bem(é a visão do criador...), mas perde alguns detalhes que acho que seriam importantes.Abraços.
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 7/3/2004
UAU! Fantástica foto Angelo! Adoro este tema! Os ajustes que vc fez no PS e este PB ficaram ótimos! Sem dúvida, vc fez um excelente trabalho! Parabéns!
[] Murilo