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Three Eggs
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Image Title:  Three Eggs
Favorites: 0 
 By: Chris Hayward  
  Copyright ©2001

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Photographer  Chris Hayward {Karma:1519}
Project #11 The Incredible, Edible Egg Camera Model Nikormat
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens 50mm
Uploaded 7/7/2001 Film / Memory Type Kodacolor 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 584 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f11
Critiques 5 Rating Critique Only Image
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About Natural light. 24" reflector to boost light
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There are 5 Comments in 1 Pages
Chris Hayward   {K:1519} 7/8/2001
Maggie -
There is another roll (Kodachrome) that is being rescanned. The slides look pretty good but
they did a terrible job maintaining the highlights on the scan. The eggs all washed out.
They will look over the slides and invent a story on Monday. We'll see how it goes.

I'll probably back off of this as a full time project, but continue to shoot an egg or two at the
end of the next couple of rolls. I need to let this sit on the back burner for awhile. I've been
looking around at other egg photos (eg
to see how other people handle the subject.

I'll be looking forward to your submissions.


Artie Colantuono   {K:12275} 7/7/2001
Not bad Chris....good frame and light....fresh look to them.....well done


Deleted User   {K:6775} 7/7/2001
*smile*...Can just hear the people at the lab when they see you come through the door Chris... psssst, here comes the EGGMAN...*G* But hey....the only way we learn is by doing and redoing ... and its so much fun playing and then waiting to see the results!

I havent done any egg shots yet, so I thank you for all the information you have shared.... guess I better get crackin' eh......are you going to try another roll? *big smile*....Maggie


Chris Hayward   {K:1519} 7/7/2001
Eggs have actually been out of the fridge for about 1 hour (to develop the condensation). I hate
to admit that this is the third roll of film I shot of eggs. My 1-hour development place thinks I'm
nuts. I think that I've learned the following:

Brown dry eggs are much easier to photograph (and more interesting to compose with). They
come in lots of shades -- although the supermarkets are a little suspicious when you work through
their egg cases looking for just the right color of brown. White dry eggs are more difficult. First
it's d*** hard to light the egg so that it doesn't have strong shadows and the lighting still looks
natural. Second the white body (particularly the base) reflects the color of the surroundings.
For me this is particularly tough near the bottom of the egg. So when I put the eggs in a
dark area, I get gray eggs. Make the eggs glossy (wet) and the problems just get worse.
There is also the problem that the egg is slightly translucent. When the shell is wet it even
looks more so, which to my mind is less eggy.
I thought by putting the eggs inside a white bowl and reflecting light into the bowl some of
these problems would solve themselves. But now the bowl looks gray. I think I may be learning
why white plates look best on white tablecloths.

I've considered two other ways to shoot these. One is to cheat and paint an egg shell flat white -
or spay it with some of that anti-gloss. The other is to try eggs in a nearly white environment.


Debbie Groff   {K:9569} 7/7/2001
Just got eggs out of fridge? Also, let me guess, I like to do this, need more light reflected on the right side of bowl and eggs? I've got a few eggs in process (developing), but alas I used a white cardboard for the first time and noticed quite a bit of difference with and without. Got me a new "real" reflector. Gary,,,(suggested) Haven't got my gray card yet, my supplier (son) is slow sometimes. Looks like you may be getting ready for breakfast?/////Read your added comment, you are so funny.....I live in area that produces alot of eggs (chickens) 'fraid to mention the company's name as for advertisement....but I'm quite sure all of us at Usefilm are helping their stock rate go up...haha. I just think it's hilarious,,,seeing you at the supermarket. Hope nobody gets arrested for stalking, as I see their is a search out....I won't mention your name or where to find you, ok?




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