Craig Garland
{K:27077} 10/29/2003
Karen; this is nicely done. I notice you used an 80-200 on your D 100 camera, so that would actually be a 120-300 zoom equivalent. Must have been good lighting to freeze action as you've done here. I can imagine this would be quite a challenge to do. I'm sitting here wondering if you were shooting with the lens wide open? You must really be into horsing around;>) Cheers. Craig
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 10/29/2003
Another excellent exposure. Looks like it was indoors. Very nice. Don.
John Reed
{K:6994} 10/29/2003
Karen, I think a crop would help this photo, especially to get rid of that woman in the audience who isn't focusing on the horse. See below. Nice action capture, again. Looks like you had an overcast day to work with, but your colors came out pretty well.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 10/29/2003
I looked at the second one first but, actually, I think this one is a little better still. Once again, the timing is perfect and the subject sharp. Perhaps a little 'burning' might have helped, particularly on the back end of the horse? Otherwise, really good. Kind regards, Chris.
David Fisk
{K:7444} 10/28/2003
Good catch Karen! I'm sure not all that easy.