Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 4/7/2005
This is our first, but hopefully not our last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm", Mr. Pez, as you prefer to call yourself. I took the opprtunity to look through your entire portfolio more than once and was impressed, not only by the three SC and EC I met, but by the quality of your photos in general. I was tempted to comment on several of them, maily those in which you convey concepts via your photos, but I finally settled on this one, captivated by its relative simplicity when compred to your other, more complex photos, as simplicity, I have been told more than once, is one of the secrets of beauty in art. You are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio. In the meantime, I thank you for your kind words about my "Dreaming of Vienna." Best regards, Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future communications) Springmann
Russ Hewitt
{K:1831} 5/23/2004
What a strange and wonderful picture you've created. I've looked at it for awhile and know there's still more to be seen. It's the kind of image that demands to be looked IN TO, especially in the shadow areas and behind rocks. The seemingly 'normal' activity of the woman on the swing contrasts in sharp counterpoint to the surreal landscape and activities floating around her. The smile on her face makes her seem oblivious to it all. I wish I had a print in my hand rather than a picture on a monitor because I'm sure there's even more there to be seen here. Excellent work.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 3/18/2004
Super photo Jo great composition :-)
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 11/15/2003
I like the double exposure effect and the stones(?) floating between the trees...
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 11/11/2003
Wonderful image! Nice capture!!!
vaclav svec
{K:438} 11/3/2003
pohádka - a little story
Silvia Antunes
{K:1076} 10/24/2003
Good work. Congrats.
Vladislav Klima
{K:3660} 10/23/2003
Mate tam dost dreva a skal. To mi nahana strach. A ucite sa lietat. Ale tie zeny nevyzeraju zle. Dobry happening. Ahoj
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/23/2003
Excellent shot! I like it! Great composition! congrats !!!
Ján HRONSKÝ alias ?ltý D
{K:1292} 10/23/2003
no jasne!!!! JP ))))) srdecne zdravim )))
Ján HRONSKÝ alias ?ltý D
{K:1292} 10/23/2003
Tuto fotku som videl na Photoposte, ale ani za nic si nespomeniem, pod akym menom ) pomoooooc!!!!
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 10/21/2003
very interesting shot... i love the stones! very well composed and she looks like she is having fun...:) sandy
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 10/20/2003
me like it too
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/20/2003
interesting work.. nice job :)
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 10/19/2003
great image - many nice touches - like a dream - I likes!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/18/2003
Very nice shot Jo,it has a positive ,happy mood that i liked so much.Regards,Hakan.
Ulf Fĺgelhammar
{K:10975} 10/18/2003
Fantastic image Jo This is indeed interesting work I like it a lot
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 10/17/2003
Great picture !!
Peter Burda
{K:4807} 10/16/2003
u? aj ty Brute ?:-))))) táto vec je sqelá, in its form, concept and story inside
Honza Sakar
{K:61} 10/16/2003
tnx man /;o)
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 10/16/2003
a dreamlike ambiance
Val .
{K:4973} 10/16/2003
uz aj ty brute!!! ;-)) toto je lepsia verzia ako na PP! welcome!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 10/15/2003
Fantastic photo