Golboo Fiuzy
{K:2359} 9/18/2005
Wow! 7***
delete my account
{K:3679} 4/12/2005
Linda See
{K:1672} 4/9/2005
amazing ...
- -
{K:1222} 4/4/2005
genial genial genial! superb composition
{K:892} 3/18/2005
It reminds me to jesus christ... very mystical and wonderful!
{K:13082} 11/9/2004
Weird ...and.....wonderful.keep going my friend.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/11/2004
Dear Jo,
very creepy setting and composing. textures are just wonderful, and the colors support the strange mood. the hinted person/shadow adds some more tension. that's the beauty of destruction ;-) well deserved SC. take care, thilo
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 6/12/2004
Louis Lee
{K:408} 6/4/2004
jo this is strangely appealing Louis
Patrick Cowley
{K:2095} 6/1/2004
please tell me where this was taken...
orwa juve
{K:6059} 5/26/2004
am lovin' it
Rick Mccawley
{K:2878} 4/25/2004
I like the morror image and the anthropomorphic window eyes and face. Cheers, Rick
bb mollins
{K:1236} 4/20/2004
those images make me think to saudek.... u r superb!!!!!!!!
G. Soriano
{K:34} 4/1/2004
Nice one. Saudek's Spirit ?
{K:30945} 3/26/2004
Perfect bravoooooooo Kiss, Biliana
Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 3/18/2004
Hard to tell where your cat is, and good luck in your search to find her, but it is an amazing shot, so well done, and I am now taking it to my favs.
{K:3946} 3/17/2004
jo, i realllllllllly dig so much of your stuff!
.. ...
{K:6642} 2/18/2004
perfect atmosphere..i love the tones
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 1/27/2004
do I see a ghost there?
Carlos Carvalhar
{K:-114} 1/16/2004
vow...it is toooooo cool :) u should work in a movie like transpointing lol tell me how did u do the color effect, is it a filter? a digital process? what did u do to make that light green?? i`m really interest in how did u do it, cause it remebers me a little of the light effect that the new anime uses (as in Ghost and the sheel TV)
farewell ...!
{K:668} 1/15/2004
i love you
miguel marchand2
{K:200} 1/14/2004
woooowww!!!!!!! if its not to much to ask, what technique do you use to get those results?
Val .
{K:4973} 1/14/2004
pozeram ze to ma uspech! ;-)) nemozem povedat nic ine! ;-) ako obal na heavy metalovu platnu je to original ;-))))
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 1/14/2004
una bellissima veduta di interni. sono veramnete belli i colori della composizione e l'illuminazione. A giudicare dall'ombra sulla sinistra hai usato un tempo abbastanza lungo..vero?
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 1/13/2004
Very good colours and wonderful atmosphere! I like it a lot! Regards, Diana. P.S. I couldn't find your cat
{K:8657} 1/13/2004
great stuff
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 1/12/2004
Wonderful composition!!!! I loved it! My best regards!
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 1/12/2004
Peter Burda
{K:4807} 1/12/2004
playing photogames in awesome aquarel colors .... PS : Taïakujemve?mipekne :-)
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 1/12/2004
A wonderful mix of details and blur And yes...a good tribute to the man who trains angels /U
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 1/12/2004
I love it !!a fav.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 1/12/2004
amaizing work!
shelby koning
{K:5450} 1/11/2004
wonderful atmosphere!
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 1/11/2004
Jo, this is really full of atmosphere. The dark and sullen type. It evokes images of a place to hide; a secret place. I took the liberty to look at the rest of your portfolio, and it is awesome! I admire your abstract visions, and the way you bring the moods to life. I'll keep my eye on your work. ...Brad
danito canon
{K:608} 1/11/2004
Una tremenda imaginacion y una inspiracion fantastica . un cuadro realmente hermoso, con misterio. terror pero una calidad bellisima. gracias por compartirlo .
Sebastien Ettinger
{K:267} 1/11/2004
Great double image- creates a very interesting mood. The blurred figure on the right is a nice touch.
Dave Marquis
{K:2172} 1/11/2004
Nice and scary, just the way I like them.
Dave www.japanish.org
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 1/11/2004
good looking pic joe...roger
Scott Marceau
{K:479} 1/11/2004
Wow, odd. Looks very cool though.