Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/27/2008
Arif -- Thanks so much. Happiness is contagious and wonderful! --Best wishes, Jan
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 7/27/2008
hello jan:) great moment to capture! the man's expression and happiness is amazing, nicely captured! be well, arif
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/5/2008
Joao -- Thanks so much for your kind remarks. --Best wishes to you, Jan
Joao Sousa
{K:1796} 7/5/2008
Very expressive portrait, I like the expression.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/1/2008
Nicole -- Thanks so much for your comments! --Best wishes to you, Jan
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 7/1/2008
When I have look at this shot I have to laugh too...LOL!!! Great shot of him and sometimes we don't laugh enough!!I like the washed out background too because it's a good contrast to the laughing man. Very well done Jan! Regards,Nicole
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/22/2008
Michele -- Thanks so much -- you nailed the thought I had about Michael; thank goodness there are people like him that can add laughter and joy to our lives. I agree, this is by far from photographically correct -- it was cropped with no manipulation -- I fought the temptation to adjust the background and just let it rip! :) --Best to you, Jan
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 6/22/2008
Hi Jan - Great candid portrait here - It is obvious how this man lights up a picture so I know what You mean about lighting up a room too - some people just have this gift - (Thank God)
I love how the details of his face and skin are dark and visible, while the BG is blown out a bit - It may not be photographically correct (??)) I wouldn've know - BUT I love it this way - Excellent shot for me !!!! 7/7
All The Best, Michele~
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/22/2008
Thanks, Nessa. Michael has that effect on everyone that meets him. --Best wishes, Jan PS: Saw a picture you posted in March of Hollie; how recent is that? My tired old eyes make me think she is prettier than ever. A truly top-notch portrait!
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 6/22/2008
It is one of the pictures that makes you smile as soon as you see him..great shot..nessa
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/20/2008
Robert -- thanks for your comments. --Best to you, Jan
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 6/20/2008
I know I wish we could be happy all the time what a nice emotion. Excellent photograph and capture.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/18/2008
My dear Srna -- Thank you so much! Always from the heart! --Best to you, Jan
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 6/18/2008
Hello dear Jan :))) You ve been missed my dear Friend !!! :))) As always !!! :))) Wonderfully spontaneous portrait with so very special mood, yeah, you succeed to show us his friendship and character !!! :))) Love the figuers in b/g, they do enhance the whole atmosphere and I do like DOF made this way. So very moving and expressive portrait !!! As always all the best and warm hugs, Srna
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/18/2008
Hello, AJ! I will retire at the end of December and then be be back in full force. For the time being just popping in and out; just renewed my donor status and plan to be here over the long haul. Thanks for your comments on this picture; I decided that this one would be straight out of the camera except for a crop. --Best to you, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/18/2008
Avi -- Thanks for the greeting and the comments. It is good to hear from you! --Best wishes, Jan
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/18/2008
Well, looks who's just popped in! I hope it's not just a fleeting visit...
Despite the busy background, the DOF helps keep the main subject prominent. Not sure I agree with Avi - the washed out background helps this prominence. My nit-pick would be the fact that the chap at lower left has had his face sliced in half.
{K:70138} 6/18/2008
Welcome back Jan ! .. the spontaneity of the moment catches the eye, above all other technical nitpicks (like a bit washed out backdrop). The other figure in DOF also helps to create the mood.
cheers ! Avi