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Image Title:  duality
Favorites: 1 
 By: absynthius .  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer absynthius .  absynthius . {Karma:20748}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model .
Categories Abstracts
Film Format .
Portfolio Lens .
Uploaded 2/4/2008 Film / Memory Type .
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 539 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Prishtinë
State -  KOSOVĖ
Country - Albania   Albania
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Elle Elle Elle Elle   {K:10958} 2/29/2008
simply fabulous,
best, mahassa


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/10/2008
And you might smile but that was *exactly* the lyrics I posted to Avi some time ago! It was about a bar, it was about poker, it was about life! One of my all time favorites, man!

Lemmy stands up there and screams at the top of his voice, and it's fury, and it's electric, and it smashes my bones down each time I tune up and play along:

I'm playing for the high one,
I'm dancing with the devil,
I'm going with the flow,
it's all a game to meeeeee!

Seven or Eleven,
snake eyes watching you!
Double up or quit,
double stake or split!

The Ace Of Spades
The Ace Of Spades

And I know you get the joker! ;-)

Some of the same kind and also very fascinating! Take a look if you have the time:
Funny how the guys get insane on that, ey? Oh, and what about: ? Especially at 00:18 and the sequence beginning at 01:02 ... I don't think that Rob is on this earth anymore. ;-) But that's what it takes, isn't it? I think that such songs pretty much fit the impression I get from this image of yours, though perhaps in a somewhat "heavier" manner! ;-)

Thanks a big lot for all the background info about the images of this series. I can only be happy, if I manage to get a glimpse of what fascinates you through your images - which I find that you say pretty clearly through them.




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 2/9/2008
right. there are six shots put together. and on top of all that, i also put different background layers on both sets.
i had two reasons for that. first to give some sort of further fussion to the motion, to really emphasise it; and secondly to eliminate the deference in light/ exposure between all these shots/ layers.
this is most probably the hardest work on PS i did so far (and i am really bad at it, but i was satisfied with the result in this one). and i have a few more of the same play that i also consider to work on.

there's much i would like to talk about you on what you brought up here. but i find it the most intriguing and important the part where you refer as 'thirst for life'. you know, spreading your wings on many things and just embracing, whatever comes to you, filtering it of course and then comming with concrete results, it requires time and practice and skills and naturally there much left behind. but then, there are a few fundamental things that are imperative to living, and that's the passions, which i find funny- many times, and yet they give you those burning bubbles in stomach and there's nothing that powerful to really move you. they, do come to you, once a while, and it's like a moment of bliss/ momnents that remind you of that. therefore, dedicating a little of the precious time to it, is just fair.

but, Nick, man you seem to read the image better than me, or verbalising what there is that pushed me onto working in this serie. :) thank you.


PS: oh, and check this song, i relate it with this shot, strangely enough ;)


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/9/2008
Much lile an imaginary scene - or a time evolution of an imaginary scene from a shadow play. And it seems to me to also carry much of obsession for dance, sexuality, passion - whatever passion one may connect with that. In other words it looks much like thirst for life itself, and perhaps also thirst for life that has been neglected, hindered, troubled for a time too long. Or perhaps it is the remembrance of life as it has been before the troubles started.

The many flares and reflections of pure light, and the fuzzy look of some contours generate a very dynamic look - it moves, it's about moving as the opposite to the ultimate equilibrium which is... death! It impresses me for its very direct view and aceeptance of the fact that during we live we are definitely *not* in any kind of equilibrium, quite contrary to what many psycho-bubbologists will state. Life, in its essence is not equilibrium - it's perhaps a stationary state but no equilibrium.

Why I use that word so many times? Well, just take a look! Anything moves here, everything changes, gets reconfigurated, constellations built-up and vanish - there is process, and the necessary time without which no process can evolve. And any current state is the result of all previous states, and all previous states together with the current one will produce the next one.

And this is why I consider the way you put all that into an image of flashes and flares very interesting. How did you manage to do that?

The only thing I think of now is, perhaps some more of those images as snaps of a continuous flow of just what takes place?




Francisco N-G   {K:28728} 2/5/2008
Delightful story and great presentation.

In a remarkable way, it leads the imagination into a Platonic world....

Well done!



Burim Luta Burim Luta   {K:5255} 2/4/2008
Great shot dude with great taste and concept. To my taste this is my favorite on your portfolio untill now.

Just great



Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 2/4/2008
you even made it look like film (I mean cinema) ... wow !!


Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen   {K:55244} 2/4/2008
Wow- sth. special here, my Greeneyed friend. Two passionate people becoming one, melting into almost one moving organism. Wonderful:-)


Edlira Voges Edlira Voges   {K:6410} 2/4/2008
beautiful work Visar.
I like the dancing ritual of the shadows.duality of the soul.
well thought & composed.


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 2/4/2008
Excellent .


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 2/4/2008
Into my Fav. Visar !!!
My compliments,




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