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in Croatia, to Zagreb
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Image Title:  in Croatia, to Zagreb
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 By: absynthius .  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer absynthius .  absynthius . {Karma:20748}
Project #64 Work Camera Model .
Categories From The Field
Film Format .
Portfolio Lens .
Uploaded 4/10/2008 Film / Memory Type .
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 495 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  near Dubrovnik
State -  CROATIA
Country - UF Old Timers   UF Old Timers
About we stopped to fix, pump, the tires.
in the pic Felix and i, and our lovely Panda- somewhere close to Dubrovnik. lovely landscapes around.

thanks for viewing,
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/24/2008
Exactly! It must be discussed in all its consequences, and so also in its devastating consequences in case of taking arts for mere affection to something. There *is* affection indeed, but not that kind of affection that you describe so thoroughly with just few words. (Hat off to that!)

Perhaps I should start a new thread... I feel more and more inclined to do that, no matter how many parents, boyfreinds, girlfriends, etc, etc would feel "uncomfortable", or even "hurt". Arts never cared for such "low quality of argumentation".

I must say, I get more and more sick and tired of all parents that think that the whole world, and thus also the whole world of arts, revolves around their babies! They reduce and trivialize arts down to some silly sweet family album just like that!




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/23/2008
ah yes,
that's an issue that should be discussed as there's many out there who even though tend to show that sort of understanding, they still cannot distinguish between their work and one's 'affection' towards his/ her persona.
therefore, for me, it remains only a wishful thing for modification/ improvement.



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/20/2008
Arrrgh! Yes, this one I also still didin't get!

Undoubtfully the choise of what we post should be carried out with care and thoughts. But I notice some kind of too easy decisions of many guys here when it comes to posting their children, or relatives, or whatever they love. Many times the naive method is used: If it's *my* baby then the *image* of it is automatically good for posting since *my* baby is soooo sweet. I keep on commenting and telling that in all necessary respect, photography (and arts in general) do care for the "baby" but for the *image* of the baby. But many times the guys have their problems to distinguish between the two.

What you describe about your writing is what *has* to be *always* when dealing with any kind of arts. It's the vision in its many different versions, which includes also the impressionistic brainstorming method. Or else arts get reduced to a mindless activity, which is then no artistic activity at all. It is then that it is obsolete.

All the best and keep it up!



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/19/2008
and here!?


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 4/16/2008
looks like a lot of fun in this travel, I see a good scenic at the background and the weather looks fine.. good happy faces there..
thanks for sharing your travel..


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 4/16/2008
Very well done.


absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/16/2008
dear Baha,
i am utterly grateful to hear you being affected by this serie; i will gladely share more shots of this trip.



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/16/2008
OK Nick, thanks a bunch for the great detailed interpretation of the photo. that has major impact on me as a photographer and the ideas that scrabble my head; be it abstract of sheer existentialism-- and, even more, on doubts of work selection. (I believe we all produce different kinds of photos, but editing is the moments when we are to be too cautious about what we select to show publicly).

once i had a deal with a friend of mine (the one that i was meetign in Zagreb) that each of us writes a story- we prefered to say a piece of writing- my part was 'some are' (her proposal for me) and i did the writing on the bus, on the way back home.
i cannot put into words the pleasure i experienced while writing it- strangly enough, i did not have to think as much as observe the world around, the patterns unconditioned/ automatised, clouds, electric polls and light they shed, straight highway white lines, the people sleeping in the bus- snoring, me- desperately willing to continue writing on unimaginable conditions of lights as i used my mobile phone display to see the scratches- maybe all too unimportant, at first, but only enough to have something to hang on to/ to observe/ to write a line, a paragraph/ a piece of writing of something maybe obselete; but very true.

thanks again for your comment on this shot,


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 4/12/2008
There's something magic in this series Visar that takes the viewer right inside...
I do enjoy sharing your adventure..lovely,lively shot..


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/11/2008
Another one of those I like! Great details, unusual light, and just an "ordinary" scene that proves to possess all that existential attitude that characterizes so much of your ohotography, Visar! And to take existentialism into the "normal" scenes of life without acting like some "guru"... well, this is simply hard to do!

The scene around those two seems to be concentrated, really constructed in all its details (look at the grass *through* the car's windows!!!) just for the two! The mountains at the depth look much like "additional" wall paintings behind the scene, which the photographer accepts as simply space fillings and nothing more. The "what is after the scene" is only matter to what we think. It is necessary *that* it exists, but not *as what* it exists.

And the expressions on the faces are another thing to look a bit more closely! First of all becase their are recognuzable at all - at that distance! And then also because they are only what they are. They *are*! Existentialism on the street! Well, Visar, I have to immitate your attitude in the streets of Lucerne, as a bveginning towards your really unbiased photography.

It should be only what it is! What exists!



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/11/2008
yes Panda worked like a little boat- i loved travelling with it. especially because it is not some fency-shmency vehicle which puts you to sleep.
oh, and i do love travelling- each time i travell i feel some great energy flowing, in vains and through heart. and it is more of the attitutde towards whatever coming your way- and in long trips one encounters much- i'll try to refresh some bits of encounterings on this trip and show it here- partly in pics and partly in words.

thanks Gianes,


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 4/11/2008
Great Panda!!
A voyage, an adventure! it's true visar?
I attend to see other scenes, other images...


Luca Peccerillo Luca Peccerillo   {K:17660} 4/10/2008
A guinness Panda record! Well done!




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