Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 3/20/2007
Hi Sandra!
How kind of you to come in and take a look at "my" emu! (He's NOT mine... if he is, I don't want him... lol!!! The photo is enough!)
Yes, they are unpredictable; some "nastier" than others. Your shot amazes me. We are the great emu hunters! hehehe....
Warm thanks again and cheers! Aniko :)
Sandra Anderson
{K:5837} 3/19/2007
Wow this is a great photo, no wonder you've won awards with it!! Pretty awesome....they are the most unpredictable of creatures aren't they? Thankyou for your lovely comment on mine :) S
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
I'm pleased you like this Renato!
Our little friend was quite far from me and stopped but briefly! Truly this was one of those "lucky" shots.
Thanks for your interest and comments my friend, Aniko :)
Renato Haber
{K:7328} 9/22/2006
I liked this portrait, Aniko!
It seems that our little friend stopped to your shot. Good boy!
Best wishes, Renato
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Oh Mary! LOL!
Don't let that "funny expression" fool you. This character is not funny! If you might have noticed a few Australians comments here, we all know these 6'6" birds are terrifying and they peck innocent people very hard as they steal their food from them! ROFL! True though!
I like the little piece of grass at the corner of his mouth. That always amauses me...
Thanks for your comment, dear friend. Aniko :)
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 9/22/2006
This is a brilliant close up Aniko. Each hair and that eye! Getting so close with such clarity. Such a funny expression!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Thank you Jackie!
And too right.... I hear you loud and clear! Emus are very scary! LOL!
Cheers! Aniko :)
Jackie Curtis
{K:1864} 9/22/2006
Congratulations on your well deserved win on this photograph. The detail and DoF is great. I do have to say that Emus scare me. I used to work (when in high school) at a koala sanctuary and although 99% of the staff had problems feeding the Tasmanian Devils I was the 1% that would happily do it instead of having to go near the Emus. Oh I have just read the comments below, Emus are SCARY!!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/22/2006
You're welcome, Aniko!:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Oh heavens, yes, Shirley! They are not "nice"... lol...
Thank you for taking the time to look and comment. Always appreciated.
Warmest Wishes my friend, Aniko :)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/22/2006
Great shot, Aniko...yes, they're always trying to bite!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Thanks so much Phil. They are not easy to "catch"... lol... This is the only real success I have had in emu hunting :)
Thank you for your kind comments. Much appreciated.
Cheers! Aniko :)
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 9/22/2006
A fantastic image, Aniko! I tried to capture one of these at the zoo, without success! You've done a great job with this one! Looks good!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Quite scary for an adult too, Colin! LOL!
Hugs~ Ani :)
Colin Porter
{K:834} 9/22/2006
Yes they are rather large as they can grow to 2m (6ft 6ins)tall quite scary for a small child!
Colin Porter
{K:834} 9/22/2006
Yes they are rather large as they can grow to 2m (6ft 6ins)tall quite scary for a small child!
Colin Porter
{K:834} 9/22/2006
Yes they are rather large as they can grow to 2m (6ft 6ins)tall quite scary for a small child!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Indeed, Txules! A very bad tempered guy!
But thank you for your kind comment on my "brave" (LOL) capture.
Warm Regards, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Oh poor Colin!
I remember a time on a family outing (large Hungarian family outing) when all the kids were running with their sandwiches from the emus that were too fast for them. The parents (including me... lol...) were doing their best to shoo the thieves away. Eventually we had to call the park keeper to make them "go away". LOL! Many people have lost their food to these huge obtrusive birds!
Thanks for your comments.
Hugs~ Ani :)
txules .
{K:62768} 9/22/2006
a bad tempered guy; nice capture...txules
Colin Porter
{K:834} 9/22/2006
Good perspective on this considering the size of thes birds, aniko, and yes yet again I am another victim of an emu food theft LOL
Hugs Colin;)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
hehe... it happens! Cheers, hon! Ani :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/22/2006
Now that aws wierd!! My pc froze up and now you have me with a stutter ...am so sorry, R
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/22/2006
SOOOOO glad to hear I wasn't the only one that had to contend with these nasty thieves!! Glad you had a laugh :-> R
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Heartfelt thanks on your most generous comment Riny!
Warm Wishes, Aniko :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/22/2006
SOOOOO glad to hear I wasn't the only one that had to contend with these nasty thieves!! Glad you had a laugh :-> R
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/22/2006
SOOOOO glad to hear I wasn't the only one that had to contend with these nasty thieves!! Glad you had a laugh :-> R
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/22/2006
SOOOOO glad to hear I wasn't the only one that had to contend with these nasty thieves!! Glad you had a laugh :-> R
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Thank you so much Luisa!
It was a real shoot and run! I am so pleased it is a good clear shot.
Warm Wishes, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Oh Rebecca!!! Forgive me for laughing! I agree. My son was just watching me upload this image and said: "Remember when an emu stole my sandwich?" LOL! Yes they are wicked creatures. I had my horses for awhile on a property that became an emu farm! I was not very comfortable about that!!! I moved my horses elsewhere eventually! :)
Anyway, believe me that for this snatch grab shot, the zoom was at 200... lol... I was not very close to this naughty bird!
Thanks for your kind comment. Sorry about the bad memories! LOL! Cheers! Ani :)
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 9/22/2006
Hi Aniko,Every think is perfectly composed,good work!! 7++ best regards,riny
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/22/2006
wow! very beautiful shot!!
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/22/2006
This evil emu has intent in his eye!!! Had my school lunch stolen by an emu long ago so am not a fan, great detail, DoF and light. That glint in his eye brings it all back....childhood scarring AAAGH! Nice work.X( LOL Cheers R