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Brunette For A Day
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Image Title:  Brunette For A Day
Favorites: 0 
 By: Aniko Heart  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Aniko Heart  Aniko Heart {Karma:26503}
Project #25 Characters Camera Model Minolta SRT 101
Categories Portrait
Alternative Process
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Portraits ~ People
Lens Sigma 70-200 zoom
Uploaded 9/18/2006 Film / Memory Type Fuji transparency
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 498 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/4.5
Critiques 27 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Melbourne
Country - Australia   Australia
About The model is wearing a cheap wig... lol... fun shot. Cross processed and desaturated a little in PS. I could have taken some of the grain out (as cross processing always lends itself to grain), but I decided to leave it...
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/19/2006
Lady Lara... thank you so much. I am extremely impressed by yours also! You're brilliant.

Aniko :)


l l l l   {K:-160} 9/19/2006
BEAUTIFUL, very alluring shot. i'm impressed by all your photography. lady lara x


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/19/2006
Thanks again, Renato!

You are kind to me.

Warm Wishes,
Aniko :)


Renato Haber Renato Haber   {K:7328} 9/19/2006
Stunning portrait!
Loved the tones, the angle (the perspective of blocks is a cool&interesting background), and I do like the crop.
Good job!
Best wishes,


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/19/2006
Many thanks for your kind comments, Jason!

Warmest Wishes,
Aniko :)


Jason Mckeown Jason Mckeown   {K:22200} 9/19/2006
interesting shot Aniko, colours are very 70's which is where i think this is going. you've got some great shots in your portfolio as well your portrait work is first class.


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 9/18/2006


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Actually Shirley... the one I attached for Arish is probably even closer to the fashion shot... I just keep playing around with the images and have many versions of most, as I know you also do.


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 9/18/2006
Yes, the first version does look like a fashion shot. You're welcome, Aniko!:)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Thank you Shirley! If you take a look at the first crop of this image, realy she couldbe advetizing athe jumper she is wearing! LOL! :)


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 9/18/2006 had that feeling...good job, dear!:)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Yes indeedy Shirley! :)
You sure do see into an image!

The wig is from the 70's and I thought to put the backdrop on the angle so to speak, to be "groovy" like in the 70's! LOL! It reminds me a little of an old knitting pattern cover or something! :)

All the best my friend,
Aniko :)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Warm thanks for your kind comments, Robert!

Have a great day too...
Aniko :)


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 9/18/2006
For some reason, this has a very 70's look to it for me. Love it as always, Aniko!


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 9/18/2006
Excellent portrait, nice tonality and expressive looks.
Well taken and balanced tones. Great result! 7+++

Have a great day dear Aniko!


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
I really appreciate your very comnstructive comments, Arash. Thank you.

Yes, I had a time deciding on the crop of this image, actually. Her hand which was OK in frame before I cropped the image was just inmy opnion too "burned out". I am not being the one who blames my tools for my own photographic mistakes... however, my scanner has some nasty little habits, regardless of the settings I use, it likes to default back, and then the extra work in photoshop to"save" the image as best I can.

Attatched here is the first crop i made, but itwas tricky to work with. However you might see the whole reason for the hand postion...

Much appreciation once again for constructive comments!(Oh, and I had no prob with the shadows under her eyes. I could have bounced a refector in to fill those.. I kinda wanted the shadows there...)
Aniko :)


A S A S   {K:633} 9/18/2006
Nice title.
You made a good decision you didn’t touch the grain. But what I don’t like about the photo is her hand cropped. You should have told her to take her hand off the face or otherwise to keep it close to her chin. I don’t get the duty of the hand the way it is. To tell you the truth I have done the same thing in one of my photos too. I love the photo, but every time I see it, I don’t know what the hand is doing there!
Also if you had told her to keep her head up little bit more, the shadows around her eyes wouldn’t have existed.
Everything else about the photo is perfect, the tone, the contrast, the background and the model of course is pretty enough to capture anyone’s attention.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Hi Rich! :)

Hmmm... it was the Heart of the matter who tilted the camera to that angle... lol..

Always so happy to hear from you, my friend.

Ani :)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Thank you so much for your kind comments, Sam!

Warm appreciation and best wishes,
Aniko :)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Koszonom Balint!

Hat, oljan sok mindenem van csinalgatni, a leveliras meg nem sikerult... de majd fogok irni! :)

Szep napot, jo baratom!
Aniko :)


Rich  Swanner Rich  Swanner   {K:-3732} 9/18/2006
Like the brick going the way it is , or is the model? We must get to the Heart of this!


Sam Kh Sam Kh   {K:19017} 9/18/2006


Jánosi Bálint Jánosi Bálint   {K:2818} 9/18/2006
Nagyon jók a portrék. Végignéztem mindet és nagyon tetszenek. Gratulálok! :)
Mi lesz a levéllel? :)
Szép napot!


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Thank you so much my friend, Yousuf!

I enjoyed "playing" with this image.

Warm Wishes,
Aniko :)


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 9/18/2006
Wonderful portrait of very great lighting and colors, wishing you all of the best my friend


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/18/2006
Cool! So happy you do like it, Paul :)
Ani :)


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 9/18/2006
Ooooh. Real 'Pulp Fiction' stuff here, Ani.




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