Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/7/2006
Thank you for your extremely generous comment, Albert! Warm appreciation, my friend!
Best Regards, Aniko :)
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 9/6/2006
Hello Aniko,
This is fantastic image, a masterpiece ! A bit mysterious of expression, warm colors at the same time. A saw a lot of photos in my life during the last 25 years, but this one is really special. Compliments for this beautiful and interesting image.
See you, Albert
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/31/2006
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/31/2006
I will drop you a line Paul, but for now, I am off to take a long cat nap... if I can find the bed... :)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/31/2006
drop me a line at photo.tx -at- gmail.com
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/31/2006
My mom gave me a needlepoint hanging that says, My house was clean...sorry you missed it!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/31/2006
I know you were kidding Paul! :)
Sometimes I am really glad my house is a mess... Currently cultivating cobwebs on my windows as "lace" curtains. Will look pretty cool photographed! Hehehe...
And I like your motto!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/31/2006
I was just kidding about the 'deception' hun. One of my video production mottos:
"It doesn't have to be, it just has to LOOK like it is."
Serendipity creates another strong photo, Aniko. Pretty cool idea.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/31/2006
All is fair in art... :) I did not lie about it being a straight in camera shot, Paul..lol... I don't know about it being clever... my mind just works that way. The original idea actually came from my messy house! There was a bottle in front of a photo on my cabinet. A light globe like in the cartoons appeared above my head! :) Then I got to work... so you see, the concept was not planned, but was stumbled upon "accidentally".
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/31/2006
TRICKERY! DECEPTION! Oh, and pretty clever, too.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/31/2006
She is not in the bottle, Paul :) A photograph of her is in the bottle! Same way I did the image "Message in a Bottle"... somehow I thought that if you looked at "Message in a Bottle" and also related to the title, it would give away the "secret"... :) Photographs of photographs inside bottles...
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/31/2006
I've tried, but cannot think of how you 'got her in the bottle'.
So, how DID you do this, Aniko?
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/31/2006
Dear Paul: Have you worked out how I did the in camera shot of The Glass Veil yet??? :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/29/2006
Think simple Colin... it looks more complicated than it is... hehe... Warm Wishes, Aniko :)
Colin Porter
{K:834} 8/29/2006
Hello Aniko I saw paul lara's cmment and this has now got me intrigued. regards Colin
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/29/2006
Hi Paul: I am not being mean in any way when I say this... take a closer look. It was a simple in camera shot. One of my little "secrets". However, I believe you can work it out if you really examine the image very closely.
Thank you for your interest and kind comments. Warm Wishes, Aniko :)
PS: This photo has been enlarged as a one off to an enormous size and was framed brilliantly. It is sold and will never be repeated. I enjoy one offs and very limited editions...
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/29/2006
What an engaging portrait! I really love the textures and rich colors you've chosen for this outstanding optical effect. How did you do it, Aniko?
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/29/2006
Understood Robert :) I have one of those as well... hehehe...
Aniko :)
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 8/29/2006
Aniko, yes I like using my SRT-303 as well for the same reason.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/29/2006
Warmest Thanks for you kind comment, Virgis!
All the best! Aniko :)
Virgis Dromantas
{K:4212} 8/29/2006
Original idea nicely presented. Well seen and captured.
Kind regards, Virgis
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/29/2006
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Robert. I really do prefer my old cameras even though I have a couple of newer ones. (By now possibly considered old as well... lol!)Anything that needs no batteries and is good and solid is a fabulous camera in my view. If the battery dies, only the light meter drops out. I don't find that a problem. :)
Again, thank you for your generous comment. Much appreciated. Warm Wishes, Aniko :)
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 8/29/2006
Very well done, shows you do not need the latest greatest equipment to create a great photo
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/28/2006
I'm very pleased you like it, Colin. Thank you for your kind words. Warm wishes, Aniko :)
Colin Porter
{K:834} 8/28/2006
Fascinating effect excecuted very well!;)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/28/2006
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Ian. Warm Regards, Aniko :)
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 8/28/2006
Wow! Great colours and effects!