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The Sense Of Infinity
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Image Title:  The Sense Of Infinity
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nanda Baba das  
  Copyright ©2014

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Photographer Nanda Baba das  Nanda Baba das {Karma:78053}
Project #41 Perspective Camera Model Nikon D300
Categories Panoramic
Film Format Digital RAW
Lens Nikor 16-85mm f3.5-5.6
Uploaded 11/17/2014 Film / Memory Type CMOS
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 3189 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 36 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Sarajevo
State - 
Country - Bosnia and Herzegovina   Bosnia and Herzegovina
About The sense of infinity ... how small we are in comparison to the universe ...
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There are 36 Comments in 1 Pages
Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 12/4/2014
Thank you Robert, appreciate your comment.
Best regards, Nanda


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 12/4/2014
This will put you in a peaceful relaxing mood during your walk.
Congrats on the award.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/19/2014
thank you so much dear Marian.
Hugs, Nanda


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 11/19/2014
congratulations on the more than well deserved award dear Nanda!!!


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/18/2014
thank you Nigel my dear friend.
best regards,


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 11/18/2014
Congratulations on your award Photograph


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/18/2014
Hearty thank you my dearest Srna
Warm Hugs,


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/18/2014
Heartfelt congratulation my dear Nandaji on your so well deserved Award :)) Bravo :)
Warm hugs,


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/18/2014
Jose Carlos, thank you so much.
best regards, Nanda


a. Scarabeo a. Scarabeo   {K:16333} 11/18/2014
Congratulations Nanda, so well deserved award for this image.
Best regards.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/18/2014
thank you so much my dear friend Clay.
best regards, Nanda


Clay Boutin   {K:28722} 11/17/2014
A perfect project shot Nanda. Congrats on your Featured Photo award. Well deserved.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you so much my dear friend Gregory.
best regards, Nanda


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 11/17/2014
The title says it all, masterful serenity


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you so much my dear friend Salvador.
best regards, Nanda


Salvador María Lozada   {K:69375} 11/17/2014
Formidable capture, Nanda.
A splendid picture of solitude.
A moving image,
Warm congratulations and best wishes,


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
Roki, hvala ... pozdrav


Radovan Magdalenic Radovan Magdalenic   {K:32881} 11/17/2014
Lep snimak Nanda,Pozdrav 7+


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you my friend Gregory.
best wishes, Nanda


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 11/17/2014
very fine work my friend


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you Dolle.
best wishes, Nanda


 Dolle   x   Dolle  x    {K:803} 11/17/2014
Lovely Done...#41 work very good.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
Thank you so much Paul for your beautiful comment.
best regards,


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 11/17/2014
Nice lead into the frame. Full of details with good depth.
Always love photos that show a repeating nature of some sort like the trees here. Wonderful textures and natural colors. Well done Nanda!




Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you so much Paul.
best regards,


Paul Freeman Paul Freeman   {K:35606} 11/17/2014
Very nice Nada, I like this very much


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you so much my dear friend Riny.
best regards,


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 11/17/2014
Nice perspective Nandaji and like the shadows! Bye Friend.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
Thanks Michele,


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you dear Jose Carlos for your beautiful comment.
best regards, Nanda


Michele Beccia Michele Beccia   {K:16550} 11/17/2014
Excellent! Regards!:)


a. Scarabeo a. Scarabeo   {K:16333} 11/17/2014
Indeed a pragmatic title, great to have a person giving scale to the infinit.
Perfect perpective alerting the senses to that "universe" dimensions.
Best regards Nanda.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
thank you so much my dear friend Fabrice.
Best regards,


G G G G   {K:61359} 11/17/2014
Excellent perspective Nanda.. I like your about; it suits well with your composition.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/17/2014
Hearty thank you my dearest Srna.
Warm Hugs,


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/17/2014
Perfect my dear Nandaji by all aspects, well done :) Fabulous !
Warm hugs,




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