Came across these two on the pavement on the way home (after dark in the rain) and really liked the way he had his \"arms\" around her (although possibly she disagreed). They seemed precariously close to hopping down onto the road, so I didn\'t want to get too close (unfortunately I think I overcompensated with the flash a little). As always, I\'d love to hear any comments, thanks.
Excellent capture Megan. I agree with the suggestions about the increased DOF. I'd also suggest in the future as slight cutting back of the flash. When I use my onboard flash with my digital, I find that cutting it back one to one-and-a-half stops does a great job of illumination with a lot less hot spot problems. Still, this is very nice and has some great color to it. Nice work.
Nice capture and caption :) This photo, and the caption, brought a grin. It conjured up several "one liners." He appears to have a grin also and no interest in becoming a prince. The back legs are out of focus but to me the essence is in the faces-- the EYES have it. Great "impromtu?" shot.