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Image Title:  NYC
Favorites: 26 
 By: al shaikh  
  Copyright ©2001

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Photographer  al shaikh {Karma:15790}
Project N/A Camera Model Hasselblad
Categories Film Format
Lens 80 mm
Uploaded 9/11/2001 Film / Memory Type Velvia
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 14022 Shutter 30 seconds
Favorites 26  Aperture F/8
Critiques 102 Rating Critique Only Image
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San Francisco #1

There are 102 Comments in 1 Pages
Madame Wu Madame Wu   {K:86} 1/1/2015
wow! what a beautiful cityscape! very very beautiful!


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 4/9/2008
I think I know what you mean.

I was neither born nor brought up in New York. I am from India and have come to work here for a few years. I have stayed in NYC for 2 years now, that too in Bronx, and already love the city. It is often, that when I walk on the streets of Manhattan, as if I can feel that the city is breathing. It has a life of it's own.

So I KNOW what you mean.

Maybe you will never read this message, but I just felt like saying it, all the same.



Pankaj Kulkarni   {K:186} 1/12/2008
Beautiful picture...absolutely fantastic


Damnimgood .   {K:1935} 5/20/2007
A really splendid photo and surely one to be treasured. A question though, the picture was uploaded on the 9/11/2001 yet the first crit was on the 12/30/2000????


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 9/27/2006
Oh, Al, this is a wonderful photo!

This brings back great memories. We were in NYC in '91 - stayed at the Vista International hotel at the World Trade Centre. We went to the top of one of the towers - I'll never forget the view!

A fantastic night photo!




Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 9/13/2006
The beautiful twin towers..abd I see them near the tragic anniversary..
This is a beautiful night cityscape..a great long exposure..i love the effect on the water..
Great shot..
It would be 7 for me..
Ciao, Ale


Dado    {K:1190} 6/1/2006
Fantastic composition and colors and detail.
Great job.


Chris Boivin Chris Boivin   {K:9030} 2/8/2006
Incredible image Al, the lighting is absolutely perfect.


Kemal Kekeva Kemal Kekeva   {K:3958} 12/24/2005
This picture and this place is an adorable place,looking forward to go again
I feel sad about not being there now:(((
Best Wishes


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 11/19/2005
Is fantastic, to see the two towers they give emotion to me. Congratulations


Derek Bair Derek Bair   {K:1530} 9/27/2005
It looks like the emerald city in the reflection! awesome


Kshitiz Anand Kshitiz Anand   {K:4848} 9/1/2005


Justin Skinner Justin Skinner   {K:765} 8/29/2005
This Pic Says So Much But Yet Makes You Remeber That Day. GOD BLESS AMERICA! *NEVER FORGET 9\11*


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 8/26/2005
N.Y!! the unique city!!!!!! great capture dear Al!!!!!! a superb image!!!!!!! bravo!!!
best regards and many thanks for your kind comments


Joe Stewart Joe Stewart   {K:1908} 8/23/2005
I've looked and looked and there's none better than this one.
Simply incredible, the colors are outstanding and the composition perfect.
When I grow up,I want to take shots like this ;-)
Great job


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 8/3/2005
4604 Hits and 17 favorites! WOW - that IS impressive (granted it's almost 4 years old)... amazing shot - should be in the #39 project Al. I am just in LOVE with this... YOU deserve an award for this!!! :) I will second the nomination for sure. WOW...


Ben Mok   {K:4084} 7/17/2005
Incredible night shot!


Keith Saint Keith Saint   {K:13784} 6/21/2005
Amazing night shot
I think you could sell this time and time again
I just love the light coming from the city


Gaja Snover   {K:4462} 6/15/2005
wow, amazing color and clairity. I especially love the texture and color of the water.


Frank Beer   {K:10112} 5/27/2005
7+++, perfect work :))

Best wishes


Shelley Pierce   {K:388} 4/28/2005
I dunno josh i kinda like the water its pretty.


Francesca May   {K:6877} 4/25/2005
cool shot!


Yamil Saenz Yamil Saenz   {K:12434} 4/23/2005
Hi Al,
Superb shot.
Great detail and dof.
Keep up the good job.


Tiger Lily     {K:10966} 2/8/2005
Outstanding!! One of the very best cityscapes I've seen on UseFilm.


audra  erin audra  erin   {K:3837} 1/22/2005
Wow..deep image..considering...fantastic image just because it is...


incredible night pic my dear friend, incredible composition,light and details.
Congrats and God bless you


Len Webster Len Webster   {K:25714} 12/30/2004
As others have said, an outstanding photograph that has something of 'the historical document' about it. The eerie green glow of the water is wonderfully contrastive with the sharp light images in the upper part of the picture.


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 9/18/2004
great shot !
also wanted to than you for staff choice !
hugs.. bea


C W C W   {K:4458} 8/20/2004
I just came across this photo. What a beautiful photo of a magnificent city! Wonderful work here!


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/2/2004
wow, this shot is so terrific... and sad as well. you're a great artist, altaf. thx for your comment.



Miles Rouch Miles Rouch   {K:410} 7/17/2004
Yeah this shot is amazing. I love the colors and the look of the lights. Great eye!


Joshua Rainey   {K:5069} 7/13/2004
First of all I think that this shot is amazing and I really do like it. I do have a question/suggestion for you. Don't you think that the shot needs a little bit less water and a little bit more sky. I think that would balance this shot out a little bit. I really like the rule of thirds and I think that it applies here. It would fit my tastes more if the city was directly in the middle third while the water took up the lower third and the sky took up the upper third of the picture. This is just a suggestion that fits my style and my tastes but I still give you my best regards and compliments for this outstanding photograph...


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 7/9/2004
A stunning visual delight. Excellent night cityscape. The water is silken and an unusual lovely shade. Dazzling lights.


Kimmy Magino Kimmy Magino   {K:2457} 6/25/2004
Just superb!
Kimmy Magino


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 6/24/2004
mi inchino davanti ad uno spettacolo simile...fantastica...semplicemente eccezionale..complimenti


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 5/20/2004
AMAZING LIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a fantastic work!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gary Auerbach Gary Auerbach   {K:3935} 5/2/2004

Only just now noticed the irony of your posting this image on 9/11/01. What a beautiful image!!

Appreciate all the changes you have made. Did you get the $50 I sent to be a donor?

Best wishes,



Marco Maresca Marco Maresca   {K:14418} 5/1/2004


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 5/1/2004 is the first time I have seen this awesome photograph! Our World Trade Center...I just can't stop looking at this image. You have immortalized our city scape at night time.


Lori :)


Mkm .   {K:2458} 4/1/2004
Wonderful night photography! It really stands out in your protfolio. I admire its beauty!


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 3/28/2004
Hi!...Altaf : Superb Picturesque View, Excellent Scenic Composition! Colour, Scenic Details...Bravo, Altaf!!!
Best Regards:
Jeff Cartwright,
Alberta, Canada.
Thank you, Altaf! for your Comment.....Jeff!!!
Ps: I am still not receiving, email Comment, Notifications, which is most, disconcerting!!!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 3/27/2004
Outstanding photograph Altaf, and your site gets more visits from me than I do my own homepage :-)
If you read this could you drop me your email address please ? ... Steve


Laszlo Illes Laszlo Illes   {K:2019} 3/27/2004
Stunning picture with a great "historical" value...


Fred Lord Fred Lord   {K:4844} 3/26/2004
Altaf: This is a wonderful image. The emotion it conveys to me is very poignant. I hope the replacement structures do justice to the loss we all suffered.


Estelle Lee   {K:3} 3/15/2004
Love this photo! Brings back many memories.....


Ghada Noman   {K:3016} 2/29/2004
salam altaf, great night shot! well done.


Perestrioika  R   {K:440} 2/25/2004
this is so pretty. wow. :) u make me love NYC although i've never seen it. hope see more of ur work.


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 2/20/2004
Great view, love the pearl essence of the water.......Randy


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 2/20/2004


Alex Tornqvist   {K:31} 1/27/2004
Lovely cityscape picture.
Very nice done!


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 1/25/2004
Well Iwas just crusing around in members photos and I ran across this marvelous image of NYC, Great exposure! Well done!


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 1/22/2004
excellent night photo... the overexposure does a nice effect on the water.. good work


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 1/20/2004
Great composition and exposure. Very beautiful reflections of the lights on the water. Splendid work Altaf.....Best regards Harry


emanuele nigrisoli   {K:99} 1/13/2004
Simply a magic photo!
Atmosphere, big calm, pleasent lights, I love this pictures.



Mark Peterson   {K:3452} 1/10/2004
Excellent shot! I do this type of photo also. Velvia just captures the light so well.


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 12/27/2003
This is a stunning photo! "perfect expocure and framing"


Ari O   {K:990} 12/19/2003
Greetings Al.

I may post an image of similar composition (and subject!) in the next day or so. Mine was taken some years ago when rotted pilings dotted the Brooklyn shore from this vantage point. The starburst of the lights and color cast makes yours more pleasing than mine (small copy attached).

And, I want to thank you and your staff (donation just made!) for the POD honor today.

Regards from your neighbor - Gary


Terry Alexander   {K:316} 12/11/2003
Very nice work, excellent colours and the green in the water adds so much to this shot.
Very dramatic, nicely taken and presented.


Carl Sanders   {K:99} 11/24/2003
Great pic


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/19/2003
excellent foto Al! perfect detail and lighting. I like so much the green reflection of the composition. come to my favorites...


kiran qadri   {K:10} 11/10/2003
what a pictures,mr altaf i am proud of you cause (i think)u r pakistani and i am really prooud at u.i am also photographer but not prefect like you

keep it up



Peat Bakke   {K:250} 11/7/2003
testing again.


Peat Bakke   {K:250} 11/7/2003
Hey. Shiny buildings. Me likey. Erm. Test post. Please delete this when you get the chance. Thanks.


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 10/2/2003
So beautiful! The composition is great, although I think it would might be even better with some crop at the bottom, and that would give more depth. Light and details so beautiful... and now, looking at these twin towers, is so sad. How does it look there now? Just empty space? Will they build something else there?


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 10/1/2003
Thats a beauty. Wonderful lights. well done.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 9/25/2003
I never thought I could miss a building but I do.


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 9/25/2003
Great lightning. I like the green reflecting colours on the water, beautiful!!!! My best regards,


Joe McCary   {K:3235} 9/24/2003
This is an image whose meaning has gained in time. I guess now everyone notices the twin Towers first. This seems to be more history than art.


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 9/14/2003
Again me.I love this photo.My suggestion is opposite of my last comment to you :) This time you could cut water,it works better for me.
Best regards!


Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 9/6/2003
Beautiful image with green/white reflections.


Inanc Tekguc   {K:880} 8/13/2003
i like the picture a lot. first i thought the water was too much in it, but the more i look at it, the more i like it. on the other hand Gary Auerbach's comments are exactly what i wanted to add here. why is it a little soft?

besides, Gary's other questions about contacting people leaving me comments is valid for me. I do receive an email each time i get a comment, but if i want to reply to that person i think i have to go and leave a comment to their pic, and add my other comments under that. could i not simply reply to that notifying email, even without seeing the address of the person?

thanks Al, for making this site and giving us a good place to learn!


Carl Sanders   {K:99} 6/27/2003
excellent photograph! i like the softness of the image also! A+


Baturalp Torun   {K:2426} 6/25/2003
great colors and perfect night shot!


Herbert Newland   {K:3435} 5/19/2003
fine historic capture


Chris M.   {K:2073} 5/1/2003
Hi Altaf,

very nice ... my favorite of your portfolio so far ... you should do more night photography. Too bad, that it is so small. Would nicely fit into the actual project "Square Image" :-)

BTW ... I don't think, that it should be cropped, it would kill this nice reflection.

Greetings from Germany


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 4/1/2003
Excelent photo, what a pity the twin towers!


Matt Hardy   {K:474} 4/1/2003
Very nice tones and color in this shot.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 3/17/2003
Great night shot.Very nice exposure time.


Gary Auerbach Gary Auerbach   {K:3935} 3/2/2003

I like this shot. The only thing I question is the clarity of the scan. It seems overall a little soft. Can't imagine why that would be.....I am sure you are on a tripod.

On another matter.....there are a number of comments from people that have intrigued me to write to them by email...not as a return comment. Is there a way to get an email address of someone who has made comments and respond in a curtious private manner. I can understand the concern of people giving out email addies.....but it would be nice.

Thanks for all you are doing with this site....I enjoy immensly the fantastic work I am seeing on a daily basis.



Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 2/15/2003
I think this is one of my favorites of yours!

Love it!


Desmond Lau   {K:54} 2/15/2003
I like how the green lighting match the whole picture. It was a very good picture in generall. I dont think it is necessary to crop as it will cut off greenish reflection. Although the horizontal line is set in the center of the photo, it works fine.


Bob Jarman Bob Jarman   {K:3145} 2/11/2003
Great! One of my new Favs!


Anindya Maity   {K:7880} 12/16/2002
Beautiful depiction of an otherwise familiar scene.I wouldn't crop it.


Andy Eulass   {K:13435} 12/16/2002
Seeing this photo is painfully nostalgic for me. My best friend lives in Brooklyn and we would go down to the East River at least once during my visits to see Manhattan and I was always blown away by the larger-than-life spectacle of it all. Despite being from Chicago, I always though the Manhattan skyline dominated by the WTC was as breath-taking as any man-made or natural wonder on earth. Then I visited my friend on Columbus Day, 2001 and we took our usual trip down to the East River. Although I also watched all the horrors on 9/11 on TV, it was all sadly surreal until my friend and I went down to the East River that day. I still can't get rid of the rage and sadness I felt on seeing the altered skyline and that column of thin smoke still rising from where the WTC used to be. But aside from the rage and sadness, I felt and still feel utmost sympathy for all of you there who had to live through that terrible day.

Though its gone, fortunately we still have remembrances of how beautiful it all used to be. All the arguments about what should fill that hole in lower Manhattan be damned. This photo and others like it should be all the memorial we need. Well done.


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 12/3/2002
Just gah-goeus! Very nice.


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 6/19/2002
This looks awesome printed. Eveyone should buy this.


charlie f. kohn   {K:25919} 4/19/2002
good work, altaf, i do not agree with your notion though. maybe a shorter exposure would have kept a little more life in the east river, but even this way the coloured space makes up for the adequate counterweight to the mass of manhattan's skyline. no further cropping (if there was any?) munich/germany


David N. VanMeter   {K:552} 4/19/2002
I agree with notion that considerable cropping is needed. I really want to look at the bridge and buildings but my eye is constantly drawn to the nothing of the green glowing water.


Debbie Groff   {K:9569} 12/4/2001
Hi Al...I just received my picture this evening that I ordered of this beautiful photograph. It is just awesome and I'm so thankful to have something to send down for generations to come and to hang on my wall. The print was excellent. Just beautiful!


Sylvia Jones   {K:652} 9/11/2001


Richard Walters   {K:480} 9/11/2001
I belive this image should be selected for the "editors choice" catagory ... simply for the subject matter and recent events this am ( Sept 11, 2001 ).


Rose Hooper   {K:899} 9/11/2001
Unfortunately, as of Today, this image has become a historic photograph of NYC. The World Trade Center towers prominent in this photograph are no more.


Iqbal    {K:8} 7/19/2001
Wow thats a very cool picture.. I like those green lighting shades in water... I would love to do the same near golden gate in san francisco.
good work!


. .   {K:2743} 4/21/2001
yeah, only yesterday i learnt (actually saw on tv) that the lights are themselves greenish.......

for some reason...i had earlier assumed they were the regular sodium vapor kind....


al shaikh   {K:15790} 4/21/2001
The greenish hue is due to the bridge lights and the long exposure.


. .   {K:2743} 4/17/2001
very nice ofcourse....

how did you give it a greenish hue? it due to the long exposure?


Artie Colantuono   {K:12275} 4/4/2001
Today at 9:30am Al promised to send me a print of this. You are all my witnesses. Ha ha! Al now you gotta do it. It will be the only photograph hanging in my house. Love it.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 3/30/2001
Thank you for all the kind comments.


Girish Menon   {K:1384} 3/17/2001
this picture is just a superb picture of a splendid city. can't hardly wait to get back there.


Artie Colantuono   {K:12275} 3/15/2001
Still my favorite cityscape. Wonderfully done Al and I agree don't crop it; it works as it is.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 1/16/2001
Cropping in the manner you suggest would ruin this photograph, the water is what make's the shot special to me and not the typical bridge shot.


k m   {K:324} 12/30/2000
I absolutely adore this photograph. The green lights reflecting off of the water remind my of the aurora.

Love to see even more!!




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