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Image Title:  Dreamer
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 By: Sheila Carson  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Sheila Carson  Sheila Carson {Karma:5924}
Project #47 Richard Avedon Camera Model Canon Rebel XT
Categories Portrait
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Black and White
Lens Tamron
Uploaded 12/27/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 480 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 15 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Bellingham
State -  WA
Country - United States   United States
About Well, I have finally gone digital! I'm very excited to start to try to figure this all out. Here's one from my very first little photo shoot. Now if I could just figure out the stinking software that came with it! It's been a little bit fustrating to say the least. I will probably just start to figure it out when I decide to upgrade to PS! :)
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There are 15 Comments in 1 Pages
Sheila Carson Sheila Carson   {K:5924} 1/2/2006
You know what? I LOVE IT! Before I decided to switch over, I read that book Understanding Digital Photography. The guy that wrote it was a diehard 35mm photographer who wrote a big article for some big photography magazine where he squared off against a diehard digital photographer and they both wrote about why their way was better than the other. Well, after the article was finished he was sure that he would convince everyone out there that 35mm was the only way to go, but in the end the popular opinion was still split down the middle. So eventually he started looking more into digital and then one day he made the plunge.

The biggest reason that I liked that book was because he was a diehard 35mm fan like me. My recommendation to you would be to read that book first, whether you check it out from the library or buy it (I borrowed it from a friend and then ended up buying one for myself). It will answer all of those questions you might have swirling around.

Once you've read the book (and it's an easy read) you will feel like you know enough about digital photography and digital cameras that you will know what to look for when and if you start shopping for one.

I really do love my digital camera. I was shooting with a Canon Rebel 2000 before so I decided to stick with Canon so that I could use the lenses that I already had. I ended up getting a Canon Rebel XT, so basically everything works the same as my 35mm.

There are a few differences when you are shooting digital, but they're good diferences. Like for instance the camera has built-in filters so you don't have to use attachments if you want to use a filter and they have a white balance feature where you can tell the camera to compensate for cloudy weather (it will warm the photo automatically for you if you want) or indoor lights (takes the yellow tinge out of the photo that is common when you are shooting indoors under fluorescent lights) etc.

I took some night shots with my digital camera the other night and the photos looked better than any of the night shots I took with my 35mm. The cool thing about the digital is that you can go from 100 ISO to 800 or 1600 anytime and then go right back to 100 without ever changing film!

Anyway, that's all I have to say about that! I hope! LOL! But, I could always say more if you have more questions... :)


CorrieLynn Jacobsen CorrieLynn Jacobsen   {K:9882} 1/2/2006
So how has it compared so far?
Im thinking, and JUST thinking...about POSSIBLY getting a digital camera this spring.(EEK!)

It would save on developing costs-especially with children, as you im sure know, when the kid have their eyes closed for half the shots you take...

My main drawback is that i dont know if it will just seem so foreign and wont shoot anything like film. Ive heard people say that you cant shoot in low light with digital, and all kinds of other scary things etc.

Im terrified i'll fork out all kinds of money, and then wont like it at all. And the whole resolution thing. What resolution is your camera? and do you even notice a difference with print quality? many questions!lol. Thanks though ; )


Sheila Carson Sheila Carson   {K:5924} 1/1/2006
I know, I know, I know! I swore that I would never do it, but it was the only way that I could support my photography habbit! All the developing costs were starting to get to me and I was sick of getting 22 bad photos for every one or two good ones!

I did it, I switched over to the dark side! :) That doesn't mean that I will be retiring my 35mm anytime soon though. Nothing can compare to the nice grain of Ilford Professional 400 speed photo you know!

Happy New Year!


CorrieLynn Jacobsen CorrieLynn Jacobsen   {K:9882} 1/1/2006
Digital? NOOOOO!! Another one bites the dust! Ha, im kidding, sooooo kidding, really ; )
I love the peaceful merriment of this portrait. Lighting is well balanced yet soft. Very nice.


Sheila Carson Sheila Carson   {K:5924} 12/31/2005
Thanks Martin! I am very excited to go digital. Now I just have to figure it all out. Just when I felt like I was starting to understand 35mm I have to go and switch over to the other side! Oh well, it will be fun! I love it so far!


Sheila Carson Sheila Carson   {K:5924} 12/31/2005
Thanks David!


David Hofmann   {K:22223} 12/30/2005
very sweet face, I like this shot a lot.


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 12/28/2005
...what a nice portrait...great tones here... good one!!!

best regards,


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 12/28/2005

I just knew it. Way to go girl. You went digital... Yeah...



Peter Shelton   {K:-167} 12/27/2005
Very nice lighting. Well shot!


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 12/27/2005
Very cute, Sheila! Great start down your digital road!!! Good b&w conversion and great composition! I think you are going to LOVE your camera! Susie sure likes hers!
Happy New Year!


Sheila Carson Sheila Carson   {K:5924} 12/27/2005
Hi Susie! I was so excited to get a new digital camera for Christmas! And here I was hoping just to get PS Elements!

I am having so much fun with it! We went for a walk today and I just went crazy with taking so many shots from different angles!

Why did you have to take your camera back? What are the differences between what you had before and the XT? I thought that JJ said that you had the XT.

So far I have the lens that came with the XT, my wide angle lens from my 35mm and my Tameron 70-300mm. I wanted to stick with Canon so that I could use the lenses that I already had.

Anyway, thanks for the comment. It's good to be posting again!



Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 12/27/2005
Yay! I kinda knew that you might be getting a new camera and was so excited for you. )
I had to return my Dig Rebel to Costco and they exchanged it for an XT so we have the same camera. Let me know if you decide to get different lenses and I'll let you know my experiences.
I really like this shot Sheila. The cropping and focus are very nice. I like the diagonal. Good job and welcome to digital! )


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 12/27/2005
Prcioso retrato!!!. Felicitaciones!!!


MUJAHID AWAIS   {K:1703} 12/27/2005
Cute and lovely photograph.




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