Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 2/26/2015
thank you harry,. glad you like,. regards, art,.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 2/26/2015
I like the tints of blue in this image.
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 2/9/2015
so pleased you called in to comment dear roby :) lets me know your ok :)
many thanks my friend ,. art,.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/5/2015
wooow congrats, my friend... roby 7+
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 2/2/2015
many thanks dear srna :) be well and warm, art :)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/1/2015
Congratulations dear Art on your BIP Award, deserved by all aspects, happy for the recognition my friend :) With my best wishes, take care :)
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 1/29/2015
Congratulations On your BIP Award Photograph Nigel
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/27/2015
three visits on one image, you are a gentleman dear salvador, all the very best to you and your dearest,. thank you, art :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/27/2015
thank you very much alfons regards art,.
muchas gracias alfonso Respecto arte,.
Alfons Rial
{K:7600} 1/26/2015
Muchas Felicidades por tu merecido premio!
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 1/26/2015
Warm congratulations again, dear Art. Very well deserved award.....!!! All the best to you,
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/26/2015
I would read it and I would enjoy for sure, thank you :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/26/2015
thanks paul,. appreciated, i really dont mind the short cold days, they make us appreciate the seasons all the more, i love the transition,. thanks again paul, you take care, best regards art :)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/26/2015
You are as always so very welcome dear Art and I m sure you ve already found a special place in my heart and you touched me so very deeply with your response ... I can only thank you and be so very grateful to find it becomes in belief it comes from a place in your heart my so very dear friend ...
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/26/2015
ps,. as you also touched on the solitude, you might like to read my reply to parnab question :) enjoy :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/26/2015
dear dear srna, i have read your comment three times, so much to take in, what can i say, i am overwhelmed with your generosity of such thoughtful words of discription, from i beleave the heart,.
so i will thank you my friend just the once, in the belief it comes from a place in my heart,
your's emotionally, art :)
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 1/26/2015
Looks beautiful Art. I expect this kind of beauty is a tradeoff for short cold days Regards
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/26/2015
greetings kevin,. thank you for viewing and your time to comment, appreciated,
regards , art :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/26/2015
greetings parnab,. thank you very much for view and comment, i am pleased you like, you ask , how much can one take, take only what one needs to be content and leave the rest to the rest,.
regards , art :)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/26/2015
ps: forgot to write that I love this sense of solitude and connection with the Nature ... it is so present on your amazing photo :)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/26/2015
Good morning dear Art, what a stunning tones and atmosphere captured, breathtaking, again ... I can feel the coldness ... beautiful emotions of stillness, tranquility and it seems like they are never going to go away ... so very striking and impressive photo of high quality and you can only imagine how much I like the appearance of sun above the forest and mountain and lake and reflections and the touch of the same sun on the frozen lake ... although everything looks so still, details, wonderful details are so very well seen within whole composition. Magnificent my friend and superbly done :) You are the one who has to stay warm and take care, have a wonderful day ahead :) Best wishes
kevin nugent
{K:2877} 1/25/2015
Great shot and color tone!!!
Parnab Mishra
{K:2873} 1/25/2015
tranquility with unending solitude.. how much can one take? fine image..
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
greetings with many thanks paul :) pleased you like so much:) best regards, art :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
the pleasure is very much mutual dear friend, all the very best to you and your dearest :)
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 1/25/2015
Beautiful shot Art. Love the cold blue tone as it really adds to the cold temps. Very lovely composed with excellent details and sharp focus. Good visual lmpact my friend. Well done!
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 1/25/2015
I enjoy very much your photos, dear friend. All the best to you,
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
very brave of you dear salvador to look at my cold image, you being a sun worshiper and follow the sun,ha, so many thanks for looking in and comment my friend,. best regards, art :)
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 1/25/2015
Very impressive capture, Art. Excellent winter image. Congratulations. Best wishes,
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
thanks evo, much appreciate you looking in and comment,. best regards, art :)
Ivaylo Starchev
{K:1218} 1/25/2015
frozen beauty great capture Art regards Evo ;)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
nanda, thank you very much my fiend, glad you like the freeze, best regards, art :)
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
muito obrigado marcos muito apreciado melhores cumprimentos, art.
many thanks marcos much appreciated best regards, art.
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 1/25/2015
many thanks jose,. support is mutual my friend, thank you for sharing, best regards, art :)
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/25/2015
so beautiful, really frozen. best regards my friend, Nanda
Marcos R Fernandes
{K:3630} 1/25/2015
Belíssimo trabalho como sempre, captura, cores e composição estão perfeitas. cumprimentos.
a. Scarabeo
{K:16333} 1/25/2015
Woooow! Art, what a vision my friend. Capture, composition and the winter Blue really a freezing feeling. Excellent. Take care an take the chance to thank you for the continuous support of my images and likes and favorites, very much appreciated.