John Charlton
{K:5595} 12/29/2002
Thanks Tony. That's weighty praise indeed coming from you. I really respect your talent and your opinions. You made my day with this comment.
Likewise to you Kev. Glad you like the shot. As imitation (not really the same thing as theft) is the sincerest form of flattery, I consider myself flattered. Thank you.
Kevin Lanthier
{K:3477} 12/24/2002
Heya John. I just realized I totally stole the whole "frameless with a drop shadow" style for formatting my posts from you. Good idea!
Anyways, this one appeals to my particular sense of photographic style. The grain of the clouds is paramount to the mood and I especially like the little bit of colour in that tree off in the distance - again, it's one of the little details that really makes the shot for me. The blur is actually slightly noticable around the wire, and gives it a subtle glow that I think adds tom the image. Good one!
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 12/24/2002
Wow!this is great,thanks for explaining how you used PS. to create this image.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 12/24/2002
Thanks A.J.
This image started out much darker than it appears here. Attached is the earlier version. Shooting in the dark meant having to boost the sensitivity of my camera resulting in the sky becoming very granulated like a course grained film. Although I originally wanted to catch the final light of day itself, I liked the details of the scene enough to want to emphasize them in this updated version.
To do this, I used the Equalize Command on my PSP histogram adjustment. This averages out all the lightness values with the lightest available moving over to a full white. Then I duplicated the photo as a seperate layer and applied a 10% blur pulling back the opacity on this top layer to about 50% so that the courseness in the grain would dissapear and the wire and post would glow darkly.
AJ Haselwood
{K:2148} 12/23/2002
This is an awesome image!!!!! It looks like a painting. Fantastic job John!! AJ