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Image Title:  Hatchepsut
Favorites: 1 
 By: Regina Rianelli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Regina Rianelli {Karma:24147}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Minolta maXXum 5000i
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Spring time
Art in pixels
Lens 072 France
Uploaded 7/2/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodak Pro Image 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 939 Shutter 10s
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 37 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Dayru l-Bahri
Country - Egypt   Egypt
About This is the major Temple of Queen Hatchepsut built at Deir-el-Bahari (Dayru l-Bahri) located at Al-Qurna mountain, near Thebes, by Senenmut, Architect, that became a key-Advisor and powerful official under her reign.

Hatchepsut named her temple "Djeser Djeseru", a hieroglyphic expression meaning "the Splendour of Splendours".
HATSCHEPSUT (Hatshepset) was known to be the first greatest woman ruler of all times, besides being a great STORY teller always present in the History of Human kind too... She was born 1503? b.C.E., reigned 1473-1458 b.C.E. .
True breed of Eighteenth Dynasty, New Kingdom, she was also known for: "woman Pharaoh (ruler) of Egypt".

ABOUT HATCHEPSUT, Pharaoh of Egypt:
Daughter of Thutmosis I and his chief Queen, Ahmose, HATCHEPSUT married her half-brother Thutmosis II. As his Chief Queen, she bore him one daughter, Neferure, one of three known offspring of Thutmosis II. On the death of Thutmosis II, Thutmosis III, a minor, became the Pharaoh.

HATCHEPSUT became regent for Thutmosis III, assuming gradually the Royal Titles, powers and even the Ceremonial Clothing and beard of a male Pharaoh, CLAIMING LEGITIMACY through a Divine birth, even calling herself a "female Horus", twice times Godess!!!
Her greatest Nemesis were the priests of the God Amon (the Sun) who were determined not to end more than 3000 years of masculine Tradition.
When the priests demanded that she stepped aside and allow her brother Thutmosis II to rule as Pharaoh, Hatchepsut tried to discredit her half brother by announcing that Thutmosis II was the son of Mutnefert, a concubine, and therefore Royal blood was only passed on to her through her Divine conception... Clever, uhn?!?

She declared that the great God Amon appeared to her mother Ahmose "in a flood of Light and perfume" and by "Immaculate Conception" this magical Union produced a baby: herself!
She was doing something that was never done before by being a female Ruler. Ancient Egypt was a very conservative society with a deeply rooted culture and change was not accepted easily.
The Royal robes she wore had deep Spiritually meaning to the Egyptians and they needed to see their Pharaoh wearing these garments in his/her official role. She is also shown dressed as a woman (as a lady) in many of her statues and in documents and wall writings.
Hatchepsut only refered to herself as a female, and she called herself as "The Good God, Lady of The Two Lands, Daughter of Re, Hatchepsut".
After fighting her way to achieve Power, she held the Throne of the World's mightiest Empire for steady 34 years.
As Empress, she's been the 1st.woman in recorded History to challenge and destroy the Theory of Male Supremacy.

HATCHEPSUT was then eventually displaced by Thutmosis III, who seems to be behind the destruction of most of her statues and images left in Egypt.

In an elevated road leading to this magnificent Temple?s Halls, some coloured inscriptions depicting Queen Hatchepsut?s Holy Birth and her marine expedition on the Land of Punt (Eritrea) can be seen with live colors despite it's 5,000 years of age...
Her tomb lies unfinished at the Valley of KINGS!

Some basic questions about HATCHEPSUT, like whether SHE was also the Egyptian Princess who rescued MOSES and whether she was the QUEEN of SHEBA, as many other details are still being debated by Scholars BUT, truth is, it's impressive colossal beauty reigns up to this very day.
Dr. Leroy Vaughn explains that Hatchepsut's rule was one of the most prosperous times ever for the people of Egypt. They had work, home shelter and abundant food.
Memories of Hatchepsut persists for many centuries after her reign and the wonderful deeds of this Female Pharaoh in shape of stories still passes down from generation after to generation.

HATCHEPSUT's Temple is really worth visiting!!!
I happened to watch the famous Opera Aida being held there with this magnificent Temple in the background, it was overwhelming.

Image was scanned from the 10x15 photo using a ViewStation AS6E Artec flatbed.
This image is slightly cropped to best fit UF's requirements.
The colours and levels are otherwise untouched.
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There are 37 Comments in 1 Pages
B:)liana    {K:30945} 7/16/2004
wow.. so immense building dear Regina
Kisses, Biliana


Ruy Marra   {K:765} 7/5/2004
good documentary work


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/4/2004
Thanks for posting Your Comment, Chris.
it's very much appreciated and i always smile when i see You around!
kind regards,


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 7/4/2004
Interesting place and interesting plac, Regina!
Kind regards, Chris


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/4/2004
Thank You, Christine!
i'm happy that You've enjoyed my work.

i loved the light that You've captured on "Ruins"!
Keep up the great job!



Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 7/4/2004
Dear Regina, I was born in Alexandria not Cairo although I am not living there at the time being. I know Giza by heart, I used to go with friends to rid horses there and every time I go to Alexandria from Cairo, the last thing you see are those Pyramids before driving to Alexandria. You must have been to Egypt recently because I did read you talking about Pizza Hut witch is not so old there. Regards.


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 7/4/2004
Uno dei miei (tanti)desideri è quello di poter visitare l'Egitto...e perchè no!...anche il Brasile.
Prima o poi succederà!!
Con le tue foto il desiderio accresce!!!!!!!!!!


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 7/4/2004
Wonderful architecture and fabulous rock formations and textures. I enjoyed the detail in your 'about'.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Yes, Ted...
impressive Aida and laser sound and light Festival at pyramids at night: highlights of the trip!

CONGRATS on Your recent UF's Award: well earned, my Dearest Friend!


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Dearest Gino,
Thanks for taking the time to Visit my Portfolio.
That's very nice of You!
Thanks for the encouraging Comments.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Dearest Ozjan,
Thanks for taking the time off Your Life to visit my Portfolio... Glad You enjoyed the Egyptology information, as much as i did when learned and took precious Notes from the local English traslator that is a former Master in Ancient Egyptian History.
Yes, i have enjoyed the time spent in the land of the Pharaos and i would come back to visit only Hatchepsut Temple, Kom Ombo, Abu Simbel and Cairo Museum -- if i could... without the hassle of long hours in airports, tiring trip and a few sad episodes along the way: but guess it's all part of the whole 'package deal', once You travel on Your own to a distant foreign country! *wink* i'm happy i learned the Art of Belly Dancing with Saluah - a lovely teacher that came to the boat during the Nile Cruise... that was a highlight of the Trip! i had a great time, yes!!!
Thanks for asking, my Friend.

warmest regards,


Ted vandenBergh   {K:5119} 7/3/2004
Very impressive. I didn't know the story that goes with your picture, thanks for that. Can imagine that listening to the Aida there was quite an experience! Greet you from a stormy Holland. Ted


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Dearest ALp,
sooo happy that You've experienced the same feeling... Hatchepsut, Cairo's Museum, Kom Ombo and Abu Simbel would be the ONLY places i would definitly go back, if i could.

WOW... You're 'wowing me' with Your Japan Series!
Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU!!!

Warmest regards,


ALP ALTINER   {K:651} 7/3/2004
Beautiful Picture at the beautiful Place; Regina. I have been also There. It was Fantastic feeling.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Dearest Jeff, lol
...guess my point of sharing information is being accomplished! *sparkle*
can't help it by being a journalist here...
when i took the trip, there were things that deeply meant to me and changed my Life, in a certain way.
Let's make a Friendly deal, Jeff: pls let me know WHEN it's too much to read and you feel the information shared is UNnecessary, Okay?!?



Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 7/3/2004
beautiful reproduction of a magic place


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
yes, i did, Paul... left Cairo's le Meridien hotel at 5h30 a.m. to get mostly done without the huuuge crowds of other tourists,,, *wink*
You are right, my Friend, those places are always packed full with visitors!

i intend today to publish one photograph i took opposite to the site where this pic shows... it's veeeery early in the morning and part of the city is still dark, but the sun coming out gaves out some pretty nice reddish tones on the piramids that realy fascinated me! pls check that out and let me know what You thing...
Thanks for such warm feedback to my work, Paul!

i look forward to seeing more of the Zoo series...



Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 7/3/2004
Fantastic place and history description, Regina!
It must be wonderfull to be able to shoot those amazing ancient buildings in Egypt.
Congrats! ..... Lucas


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 7/3/2004
Aside from the great shot of the temple with the superb capture of the mountain in the background, I have enjoyed this Egyptology information a lot. I hope you have enjoyed yourself in the land of the Pharos. :) Cheers dear Regina.


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 7/3/2004
Hey!...Regina...You're Forcing Me to Read!..Excellent Photograph!...Of this Heritage Place of Interest!!!

Thank you, for Your emails, and Comments!...Jeff!!!


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 7/3/2004
Tank you for your vist and comment,Riny


Paul Compton Paul Compton   {K:785} 7/3/2004
Isn`t it an brilliant building Regina, did you go early? look really quiet there, loverly shot..


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Thanks, dear...
signing off for today!

have a wonderful weekend, Rawabi!
pls pet your beautiful horse for me... *wink*


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 7/3/2004
wow.. it's great..! i like the colors and composition :)


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Querida Amiga,
muchissimas gracias por sus amables palavras!
Besotes mil,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
grazie mille mio caro per i tuoi Commenti
e le tue parole!
un bacio,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/3/2004
Thanks, Saeed... always a pleasure to read you skilful Comments, my Friend. 'Shokran' for Your generous encouraging words to me!

CONGRATS for Your amazing Minarets photograph!!!

kind regards,


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 7/2/2004
Preciosa foto e interesantisima historia....
Buen reportaje.
Muchos besos para tí, Regina. MJ.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 7/2/2004
Stupenda immagine e descrizione!


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 7/2/2004
Very interesting history image, lovely view of the site, excellent photo tourism, Saeed


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/2/2004
Dearest Steve,
that's very true... i still feel amazed by it's impressive beauty, since my last visit.

Thanks for Your always very much appreciated Comments about my work.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/2/2004
Ciao, Antonio, grazie per aver gradito i miei lavori...
Complimenti su la eccelente Certosa Serie:
mi inchino a tanta bellezza fotografica!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 7/2/2004
Fantastic photo Regina, what a wonderful building steeped in history. To think of the stories it could tell over time !


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 7/2/2004
nice place and history


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/2/2004
Thanks, Riny... You are very generous with words.

CONGRATS on Candid shot, my Friend.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 7/2/2004
You may also enjoy this acrylic canvas named 'El Khazneh'(the treasury) by Katie Miranda, that i found increadibly picturesque.
You might recognize this place from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade or the Sisters of Mercy video for Dominion.


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 7/2/2004
Wow beautiful place with softly colors,love it




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