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Digitronic II
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Image Title:  Digitronic II
Favorites: 0 
 By: Hugo de Wolf  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Hugo de Wolf  Hugo de Wolf {Karma:185110}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Nikon F100
Categories Others
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Creative Photos
Products and Objects
Lens Nikon  28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D IF AF
Uploaded 4/1/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji  NPH
    ISO / Film Speed 400
Views 1272 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 45 Rating
/ 30 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About Elaborating on the triptych I made back in 1998, I thought of using the refraction of the light for a product presentation photo. Disco Revives....

Comments, as usual, are appreciated!


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There are 45 Comments in 1 Pages
Annika Ekebert   {K:1741} 4/14/2004
Hi Hugo!
I really love this photo.
Fantastic detail and colours.


David Rogers   {K:1082} 4/13/2004
All right, my favorite beer... cheers. I would have hard time not consuming the

great use of light, interesting elements. well done


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/9/2004
Hi Jiri, Thanks for your comment, but what city are you referring to? Just curious...;)


Jiri Gregor   {K:759} 4/9/2004
Hi Hugo, great photo with excellent colours and interesting composition. It is lovely to see the name of my favourite city in Your picture. By.


Andy Simmons Andy Simmons   {K:7704} 4/8/2004
Wow. Wonderful colors. Strong image.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 4/7/2004
wow. Hugo this is great. love the multiplication of light object.
well done..
Kiss, biliana


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 4/6/2004
Another great one.
For me not as powerful as the other two, cause, although similar in appearence and well suitable in the series, the subject is simply less appealing to me. Mind you, this doesn't mean that I do not like a glass of beer (I prefer wine) every now and then. In any case, I can see the link between this subject and the other two of the series.
Superbely composed image, great work
I really enjoyed watching this series
Best regards - Emgy


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/2/2004
Hi Maja, Thanks for your comment. It was just a trial, Remark noted and corrected....;) You're spot on, a piece of the table underneath....


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 4/2/2004
Good commercial shot.
It is magic lights,but I don't like that cd under
Heineken cap.Cd behind glass is good detail.


Raamses Ortiz   {K:4408} 4/2/2004
Hugo, this photo as good as a Heineken a friday afther work on a happy hour. Just like today.

The composition is super, the colors and the ilumination are very, very, very good. It's so good I fell Thirsty.




John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 4/2/2004
Also this one and here the element of lighting looks stronger! Especialy at the glass of beer! Little ....advertisment.... :-) but not big deal my friend. If the job is good... so Heineken!


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 4/2/2004
Simply a masterpiece!


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 4/1/2004
Very good shot, and very creative Hugo. Cheers!


jon parsons   {K:13639} 4/1/2004
Hugo, this is my most favored beer in the whole world my friend, Heineken! what a lovely way to display it... wonderful work....jon


Peter    {K:4365} 4/1/2004
Having read through the comments, and your reply vis-a-vis the angle width & head, I concur with the following ideas (and add some) which may have improved the image IMHO,

- no patterning on the glass;
- a fresh beer, or shake-up, to give it a head (without the beer cap this looks like a glass of ginger ale - the cafe style patterned glass strengthens this impression);
- a stronger light behind or on the glass (in looks a little flat here);
- a context (what is the connection between the beer and the CDs or digital age?).

Otherwise I like the interplay of refraction and colour - a lot can be done with this. I really like "Digitronic I".

Thank you for your own constructive comments regarding Sushi Chefs and the time you took to work with the image, they have been invaluable in the way I look at it, and while I am partial to the ambiguity which disturbed you, you have given me a more critical eye which is why I submit my work to Usefilm. You are one of the few photographers which give original, honest and considered opinions.

Kind regards.


Thamer Al-Tassan Thamer Al-Tassan   {K:1358} 4/1/2004
Hi Hugo,

Great composition, I like the random placement of the CDs. I also like the tilt as it makes the photo more dynamic. Great lighting too, makes the glass stand out.

This is what I would have done:

- Put a black background, because there is a distracting element there, I think its a portion of the monitor?

- Use a glass that has no distracting decorations, or use a mug.

- Add a bottle to the composition.

Take care...


Hermen Pen Hermen Pen   {K:9168} 4/1/2004
The colours are very eye-catching! There were already some remarks about the head on the beer, I also think it should be there... I guess the seasoned product photographer will know some dirty trick to keep it longer :) I don't know it, but I heared already about perspex ice cubes, and ice cream made out of sugar and frying fat, something like that...


Annika Ekebert   {K:1741} 4/1/2004
Very nice komposition and lovely colour.
(Thanks for your nice comment on my photo Heron :):)


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 4/1/2004
Great lights and colors! Interesting angle; it makes the photo more dynamic. Excellent work!


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 4/1/2004
Hi Hugo, next time you make a series like this can i help you drink the beer afterwards :-)
Great photo, as always. All the best, Neil


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/1/2004
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your comment. You are right about the head on the beer. It should've been there, and it was there originally, but then the setting moved, and after replacing it, the head was gone. I also concidered spilling a bit, but I would've ruined my photos on CD...;o) I'll elaborate on it a bit more.

I had to use a really small glass in order to create the wide angle effect, that's another reason I didn't go for a bottle.

Talk to you later,

Take care,



tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 4/1/2004
hi hugo, wonderful shot! you have managed to capture 2 of my passions. music and beer! they are just perfect companions. technically, i have no comments. great perspective, colors, and detail.

artistically, i have to agree with gerhard. i think a bottle of grolsch with it's distinctive shape and cap would increase interest and pull the eye more. granted, you will end up with a significantly "greener" composition but i think that as a product advert it would get more eyeballs. if it's a heineken advert, replace the glass with a bottle and keep the cap in the foreground. looking at it further, same shot but with more head on the beer. perhaps overflowing slightly.

regardless, this is great shot!


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 4/1/2004
Electronic beer should not be fattening. Good idea. Well executed, too.


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 4/1/2004
very interesting and creative composition,I also like the lighting a lot,regards,Burak


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/1/2004
Tsja, een aanbieding....


Gerhard Hoogterp   {K:4863} 4/1/2004
Just an excuses to drink bear.. And not even grols.. Shame! But the results are worth it.. Great shot..


Andrej V   {K:6693} 4/1/2004
Yeah, I should read your comment first!


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 4/1/2004
Fantastic! Excellent angle and I love the refelections.
Best Regards


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 4/1/2004
eccellent,great composition and exposure.walt.


Andrej V   {K:6693} 4/1/2004
Cheers Hugo!
Good old dutch beer in the middle of Middle East? Or was this one from your hometown bar?However very interesting colors and composition!


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 4/1/2004
Very interesting...splendid colors....very nice work...beautiful image...
regards..Clifton...thank you Hugo for your wonderful comments...


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 4/1/2004
le tue immagini si fanno apprezzare per tutto quanto..creativita e qualita di composizione e definizione veramente eccellente..complimenti sinceri e un grazie per la tua osservazione,gradita con tutta sincerità..a presto amico de wolf..ciao


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 4/1/2004
Woops! I forgot to Rate it!


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 4/1/2004
Hi!,,,Hugo : Excellent Magic Light Photograph!
a Fine Advert for Heineken, at the Angle, the Beer would have spilt over!..Ha,ha,ha!...I won't comment destructively, but you Know how it is, Great Photograph, as Always, Hugo!!!
Thank you, Hugo! for your Comment, For My Photograph!...your Friend Jeff!!!


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 4/1/2004
Wow....color explosion. Love it. Lou


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/1/2004
a psichedelic light great teacher..
magnific composition and work!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 4/1/2004
Superb image! Beautifully sharp and an excellent exposure!
Good work all round, Hugo!
Kind regards, Chris


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 4/1/2004
Excellent composition Hugo, I love the colours and detail !


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 4/1/2004
The diagonal perspective adds a lot of power to this image, nice Hugo


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 4/1/2004
Hugo, new Uf doesn?t allow to post the year the photo was taken anymore..
Very nice work, creative, colorful and original. I like this new serie... like others from you, I can learn a lot about photographing and editing.

Thank you for the very constructive comment... you were the first one to notice me .
Best regards,


Miguel Tito  Martins   {K:579} 4/1/2004
boa foto! as cores estão excelentes assim como a composição, poderia ser uma boa foto de campanha publicitári...tem qualidade para isso! parabens!!!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/1/2004
Dank je Teunis, goed te horen, en met plezier gedaan. Een biertje op z'n tijd sla ik niet af, maar een oude Jenever kan je me voor wakkermaken...;o)


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 4/1/2004
Excellent composition!!Very splendid detail,great definition!!Super tones et light!!Congrats!!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 4/1/2004
Hugo een heftige foto
Mooie kleurenvan ene goed merk. ook al drink ik het allen uit een tap of als het HEEEEEEl het is
Ik hou me aan de Groningse Hooghout Graan Jenever
Groet Teunis en bedank voor je steeds constructieve opmerkingen, Heb ik wat aan.


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 4/1/2004
Risky shot but magic light.




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