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Image Title:  Rivendel
Favorites: 2 
 By: Ann Nida  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Ann Nida  Ann Nida {Karma:45248}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Nature
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Waterfalls
Lens Canon  18-55mm EFS f/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 2/5/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1415 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/32
Critiques 76 Rating
/ 15 Ratings
Location City -  Portland Area
State -  OREGON
Country - United States   United States
About With winter being in its last weeks spring approaching I am finding less and less time to post and comment on Usefilm as we are preparing to go on the road again. I have been based in Oregon all this winter and have had stable high speed internet during that time but after all the rain we've had here I'm looking forward to sunshine, new adventures and new (to me) places.

I've been wanting to post this image of yet another waterfall because again it's my favourite - Multnomah Falls. It's another angle and section of this same waterfall which I have found to have have so many different moods. I called it Rivendel because it reminded me of the Elven sanctuary in the Lord of the Rings movie.

I will post comments as time allows and will also post a final image to say farwell to all my friends here at Usefilm before I get on the road.

So my apologies to you all as I've missed so many of your wonderful images as I haven't had time to post comments much lately. I will visit your portfolios and post comments as time allows.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to view and comment on my images and for all your encouraging words.

Cheers - Ann :)
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There are 76 Comments in 1 Pages
Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 6/23/2008
Realy very Interesting picture.

Have a great day.



Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 2/16/2007
Wonderfult capture picture


Lela C.   {K:488} 9/4/2006
Wow this is so beautiful. I love the way you captured the water in this shot but also how the colors come out from everything else in the shot. Amazing!



ade mcfade   {K:12388} 3/2/2006
this place always grabs me - looks emense.

good luck on the road - you'l be missed on here



Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 2/17/2006
Wow! It is a spectacular shot. Nice perspective and colors! Well done!


Mireille Heirendt Mireille Heirendt   {K:7258} 2/14/2006
Hi Ann,
"New adventures and sunshine" sounds and for you it IS great. I know how depressing it is when it's raining most of the time...I've gone and will go through that for sure again and again although we've been quite lucky during this winter. Actually we've had some snow and not that much rain and far more sun than during the previous years.
As to your image, it's again an amazing waterfall capture with great composition, light and angle. Excellent as always!!
Wishing you all the best and hoping that you'll find a lovely, sunny base.
Take care and thanks for your nice comments again!!!
Best wishes to you,


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 2/14/2006
Sunshine! Lucky! Have a wonderful trip. And as far as Rivendel goes, BRAVO!
Best wishes and a safe journey,


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/14/2006
Espectacular paisaje.


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/13/2006
Cool shot Ann.. ,great expouser and wonderful composition! Greetingz Riny


Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 2/10/2006
I was going to comment on you being flappy lips last night after school and my cable was down. Booooo..... So this is late in comming and don't you think that I missed it or the chance to make another comment on it. Thlis is too funny!!!! I think I'll add one more flappy to your name every time you get this wonderful award and see how many you have by the end of the year. So in keeping with my comment, I salute you flappy, flappy, flappy, lips!!!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/9/2006
ohh ann.. a bridge of dreams, so ramantic position in the air, and panorama point of view.. well done, my best wishes



m , m ,   {K:15872} 2/9/2006
An astonishing image with amazing colours! Very lovely composition and great perspective! Absolute wonderful! Well done!
Best wishes: Maxime


For collection!

Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 2/9/2006
Wonderful shot Ann, understand your desire to "go", can't believe winter is over in your area, we still have the rest of Feb/March to go here yet??

Beautiful picture, stay in touch please.



Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 2/8/2006
beautiful dear Ann!!!! like a painting!!!!! I love waterfalls so much!! it's like magic!!!!!! very well done bravo!!!!
we will miss you fine work :(
wishing you all the best


Ann  Van Breemen   {K:13399} 2/8/2006
What a beautiful place, Ann. You're so lucky to be able to see all these places. I hope you're road trip goes well and that you do find the time to drop in often. I look forward to seeing more of your travels. Cheers, Ann.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 2/8/2006
interesting image... like the soft look and feel.. the saturated colors add to the composition.. the bridge almost looks like it is was painted into the image.... good work


Janet B Janet B   {K:16139} 2/8/2006
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! Did I say 'gorgeous' ??!!!??
This looks like something out of a fairytale, where the Prince meets up with the Princess and they go to live happily ever after :) Beautiful!

Gonna miss you, Ann...who will fill my head with all the wonderful photo scenarios???


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 2/8/2006
Nice flow and capture. Things really stand out in this one. I like the details on this well done composition.


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 2/7/2006
great nice angle
amazing perfect details and very well composed
very nice colors
and amazing water falls


Weston Dru Weston Dru   {K:3243} 2/7/2006
Wonderful place, lighting and timing, also i can feel that professional touch!
Best wishes Ann!!!


hdw Photography hdw Photography   {K:6630} 2/7/2006
Wow wow wow.....nice...I like alot.
Best wishes
Hilton :)


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 2/7/2006
Beautiful painting , Excellent composition & colors , well taken Ann .



Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/7/2006
Alas Dado I stood on that bridge with my favourite frog. Kissed him but still didn't find my prince. All I found was this silly ring probably out of some Corn Flakes packet. (hehe)

Thanks for dropping by and for your great comment.

Cheers - Ann :)


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/7/2006
Well well well.....

You never know what lurks in the shadows around some of my photos huh Smeagle?! :)

...oh and by the way...I want my ring back. (hehe)

Thanks for dropping by Larry.

Cheers - Ann :)


Lyle  Lyle     {K:594} 2/7/2006
You know...if you ever decide to move down here and open a photo clinic...I'm there. Thanks for your help. Blessings. Lyle


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/7/2006
Oh great Lyle then you found the adjustment. All you need to do is make that adjustment once then leave it like that. Don't readjust it for every lens change. Just adjust it once for your eyes with one lens and that's it. When you look through the viewfinder go through each setting and leave it on the one which looks the clearest and see if that helps. I too use a laptop and that can be tricky at times as the screen isn't in the same position all the time so it's hit and miss there I'm afraid. Best guess is what I use. :) Main thing is to have fun and enjoy it. Once it becomes a chore it's no fun so make sure you enjoy your camera whatever you shoot.

Cheers - Ann :)


Lyle  Lyle     {K:594} 2/7/2006
Oh by the way Ann...this photo of yours is fantastic.


Lyle  Lyle     {K:594} 2/7/2006
Well Ann...thanks for your helping me through this. Many years ago I bought a Nikon 35mm and never had such problems. Now 30 years later and glasses too, I rely too much on the AF. I have found the dioptic adjustment but don't know if I look through it and re-adjust it and is in focus. The other issue is that I do all my editing on my lap top. Even though it is a quality Dell, it is smaller than my desktop. I will just keep trying. If you ever get back down to Southern California...I'll be looking for your motorhome:-). Maybe then I can dial in my camera with your help of course. Take care. Lyle


Dado    {K:1190} 2/7/2006
This is a place from the fairy tale and you've chosen the right name. It is my favourite movie (Lord of the Rings). The silky and blurry water effect looks fantastic and the bridge is phenomenal. Imagine your self standing there with the love of your life. And you just kiss.
It deserves the highest rating, according to me.
Fantastic place.


Larry Donnelly Larry Donnelly   {K:644} 2/7/2006
Sweet photo, my precious.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/7/2006
Thank you for your encaouraging words and support Lyle. You have a great camera and a beaut lens. I have that same lens and would probably kill to get my hands on that camera (hehe) so the problem lies somewhere between your equipment and the way you are viewing the subject. Somewhere in your instruction manual there is a paragraph that mentions a dioptic eye piece setting. If you can find that and make adjustments it will make things a lot easier for you to focus. It compensates for people who wear glasses such as myself. I remove my glasses for taking photos and I depend on the dioptic eye compensation to make the necessary adjustment to get my photo sharp. It does sometimes fail me and I too have my soft images when they should be sharp but see if you can find where that dioptic eye adjustment is on your camera. I will do some research and see if I can locate it on my camera again and guide you through.

Keep at it Lyle. You have great compositional skills and that's half the battle.

Thanks again fro dropping by and your kind words.

Cheers - Ann :)


Lyle  Lyle     {K:594} 2/7/2006
Hi Ann...yes I am back. I have been a tad discouraged by either my camera or lenses or just my eyes. But I decided to try again so while I am looking at all the beautiful photos, yours are great. I love them. I also love the places that you visit. Looking for more to come. I am also blown away by those that love to comment on your images. You are loved and I can see why. Keep up the great work. God bless.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 2/7/2006
Better late than never,eh?(my arrival here)..LOL..had a feeling you would post another before the farewell one ;>
glad you did as i love this bridge/falls subject
All about the glow on this one!...Like the angle,too...another beauty in your series...and congrats for the flappy lip FP critique,Ozette!
cheerios,gayle (hope to email later)


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 2/7/2006
Beautiful image Ann and I can see why it's a favorite! Love the composition, incredible capture! Hope you find new adventures and share some of your wonderful travels with us! Take care my friend and be safe! Darlene


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 2/7/2006
Wow!!!. Magnífica imagen nos muestras!!. Encantadora, llena DE SERENIDAD Y encanto. Felicitaciones, Ann!!!
Gracias por tu amable comentario!. Saludos!


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/7/2006
OK Susie...will do. I shall kep you posted.

Cheers - Ann :)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 2/7/2006
Well please let us know and I'll give you directions. It would be so much fun to meet you!


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Hey Jude :) (why do I hum the Beatles song whenever I post a comment to you? - hmmm :) I know - you've no doubt heard that before :)

Thanks for dropping by and for your lovely comments. If I see Legolas I shall tell him to not only bring his quiver but also a shiver for you. ;) He might be hard to find though. You know how stealthy these elves can be. :)

Cheers - Ann :)


jude .   {K:14625} 2/6/2006
Oh yes...can you tell Legolas to meet me behind the bridge at sunset? And remind him to bring his quiver this time, hmm? *wicked grin*


jude .   {K:14625} 2/6/2006
Gorgeous imagery, something out of a fairytale. Very romantic and thoroughly enchanting!


Vandy Neculae Vandy Neculae   {K:7990} 2/6/2006
Excellent shot!
Good colors and details.

Thank you very much for your comments!


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 2/6/2006
I have enjoyed your series of waterfalls and this is no exception. If I am allowed to pick favorites mine are the frozen images you posted some time back. I thought they were outstanding. I hope you do find time to share with us from where ever your travels take you. Thank you for all the interesting comments. Del.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 2/6/2006
An aamzing and very beautiful picture ann..hope you have a wonderful journey and keep in touch .best wishes nessa 7


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thank you Susie, We're heading north towards your direction so if we are in the vicinity of your Cafe I will pop in for that Hot Chocolate I mentioned ages ago.

Cheers - Ann :)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 2/6/2006
God bless you as well Ann, and keep you safe in your travels. You are one of those shining lights on UseFilm. Honest and encouraging, always insightful and very humorous. I think that everyone looks forward to getting an email from Ann. I do hope that you keep us informed as to your whereabouts.
Take care!


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Hi Eric, thanks for dropping by. We live in a motorhome and have been snowed in for the winter in Oregon but now that spring is more or less around the corner we are getting the motorhome ready to get the wheels turning again. We're going to head north towards Washington to look for land to build on or perhaps find our next home somewhere. We have no real set plan and if we don't find anything by next winter we'll head for the desert states like New Mexico or Utah as we want a drier winter than the rainy one we've just had here in Oregon. This travelling lifestyle is fun while the wheels are turning but if we stay in one place for too long in the motorhome it gets a bit dull especially if the rain sets in and we can't get out. We enjoy the lifestyle though and maybe that's why we haven't found a house or a town we want to settle in yet. (maybe we're not really trying hard to find a house - hehe) It's a dark and dirty job this travelling around the country but someone has to do it. ;)

Thanks for your encouraging comments over the years. I'll be around as internet connection allows.

Cheers - Ann :)


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thank you for dropping by Gabriela. Yes, this place does have a romantic Romeo and Juliet type of feel to it. It hink the bridge is a big part of what makes this waterfall so appealing to me.

Thank you for all all support and encouraging comments and I will do my best to stay in touch when I get on the road.

Cheers - Ann :)


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 2/6/2006
Hey Ann, this is loveley, of course.

Sounds like yer getting ready for a big trip! At least tell us where you are going so we can be properly green with envy! :-)

And have a productive and safe trip, of course!



Gabriela Tanaka Gabriela Tanaka   {K:16594} 2/6/2006
Dear Ann, I believe this is "just ripe" for a painting! The golden colours of the background seem to cradle the white veils of the falls. And one expects a Romeo with his Juliette to appear on that bridge.
Thanks for all your comments, former ones and recent ones, and for your dedication to visit us all!!!Take good care of yourself!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 2/6/2006
Magical scene definately looks like a painting. Love the detail on the bridge and the softness all around it. Wonderfully warm color...I can also see why you love this place, it's beautiful!
Enjoy your travels, be safe, and keep in touch...I feel I was beginning to form a new friendship and will miss you're wonderful comments!
All the best to you...Robin


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thank you again Ina for all your ecouraging words of support and fun dialogue.

Cheers - Ann :)


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 2/6/2006
A wonderful shot of this bridge and waterfall, Ann! I can see why you chose that title! I like your composition and the colours are really great.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 2/6/2006
Congratulations Ann for making the news again! I'm so happy to see you featured!!! I hope this will be an incentive to pop in and out from time to time. I love your insightful and spirited comments, will miss you for sure! Cheers, Ina


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thanks Ray. All it means is that I can talk under wet cement and I type that way too. Very wordy - haha

Cheers - Ann :)


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 2/6/2006
Forgot to say 'WELL DONE' on YET another front page appearance, clever clogs Well deserved sweetie as your critiques are always worth reading......Big hugs...Ray


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thank you Ray for your hearfelt words. I don't like long goodbyes but I can't go cold turkey either so I thought I'd wean off UF slowly so to speak. I will do my best to stay in touch but if internet connection doesn't allow for much time in UF then at least I will still be able to email once in a while to keep in touch.

Thank you for dropping by Ray and for your good wishes.

Cheers - Ann :)


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 2/6/2006
Oh Ann.......I am going to miss you so very much sweetie.
This is beautiful and very reminiscent of the scenes in that wonderful book and film my sweet. The colours are peaceful and gorgeous and the details are so lovely. The bridge spanning the drop looks awesome and to have had this scenario in your backyard was wonderful for you.
I read that you are around for a little longer and I echo what Ina has written, try to keep a bit in touch and if you can postcard us, that'll be great. I shall save my farewells until the last possible moments but would have you know that I hope you enjoy your adventures and that I wish for you to find a place to rest up in permanently..Great big hugs to you, 'see' you soon sweetie......Ray


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/6/2006
Hi Ann,
Well seen, with a fitting title!
A scene worthy of an Elven community. I can almost hear Enya in the background :)


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 2/6/2006
Brilliant scenery with splendid view. Love the beautiful
greens and lovely bridge on the background. Looks like
a nice artistic oil painting from the XIX. century.
Really fine colourtones and great details! Very well done!
A fine job dear Ann! :)

Best wishes!


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 2/6/2006
Wonderful waterfall wimage.... eh sorry image, wot warried away where... ;-D!!! Love the angle and the inclusion of the log on the bottom, super 'slowmo' shot... fabulous silky smooth water, great mood and colors, excellent composition. Hey I think I can see an elf... there on the bridge... on the right... in between the branches... or shouldn't I have drunk that last glass of wine.... LOL!!!
A fantastic (but kind of sad) 'that's why I'm leaving, but not for good' (thank God) story. On the road again.... damn I'm humming again.... ;-D


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 2/6/2006
Oh Ann... this IS Rivendel. I can see why it's your favourite place. Truly magical. As with all your waterfall shots, the eyes are drawn in by the beauty and the heart longs to stay a while...

Take care on your new adventures. Have fun and take loads of shots to share with us when you have time. Your images and critiques will be sorely missed young lady! I'll be thinking of you... particularly if I need help with Oz geography again!

Looking forward to you checking in when you can. Happy travels. Cheers Ann!



Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thank you for your kind words Kathy. I know this life is a dark and dirty job but somebody has to do it. (hehe)

Seriously thogh - it has it's downside too. Living in a motorhome is no fun when it rains for months and we have 2 dogs who need walking multiple times a day. It's always fun to get the wheels turning again and see new places. :)

Multnomah falls is about 20 miles east of Portland. there is no reason you couldn't go past there on your way to Bend. Go south along I5 then onto 205 then onto 84. Multnomah (the falls has a 620 foot drop from top to pool at the bottom) is on highway 84 and then you keep going on the same road all the way to Mt Hood then around, up and over Mt Hood to the other side of the mountains to Bend. Yes it's very doable so please try to see it. There is no hiking to this falls either. The car park is right there at the falls and there is a visitor centre there also. Continue on down the road for another quarter mile and there is also Horsetail falls. Again right on the road. No hiking. (I like that part - hehe). Horsetail falls has a 240 foot drop.

I hope you get there. I have a book on all the waterfalls in Oregon, Washington and Idaho and Multnomah is rated as the most scenic in the whole book.

Take care and God Bless - Ann :)


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 2/6/2006
We are sure going to miss your wonderful comments and images while you are gone, Ann! What a terrible life...traveling, taking pictures...sheesh, it must be tough! This is a great shot Ann! I really need to find a way to see this is person some day. My daughter lives in far is that from this falls?


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thank you Susie for your lovely comment. I do find WiFi Hot Spots on our travels but they usually just allow me enough time to send and receive emails but Ina did have a good idea. Maybe I can post some postcard shots of our travels as time and internet connection allows. Just to say hi and give an update of where I am from time to time. Will try to do that. I still have a month or more to go but we are getting busy with preparations to get on the road so will come into UF as time allows. Thank you for all your encouraging comments and continued support Susie. You and Kathy have become inspirations to me both in your works and your friendships.

Cheers and God Bless - Ann :)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 2/6/2006
Hi Ann,
What a gorgeous image. The bridge is just about as picturesque as could be. It looks just like a painting. The waterfall is lovely too.
I will miss your posts and your comments. I sure hope that you can check in from time to time. With so many wi-fi spots I hope you can keep us updated as to your whereabouts.
Take care. Enjoy the sunshine!


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 2/6/2006
Georgeous mood here, Ann. It does look like a movie backdrop! It is very mysterious with the soft focus created by movement in the foliage. Wonderful framing.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Hi Don, Thanks for dropping by. If we haven't found a house or land to build or buy by next winter we plan to head your way as we aren't going to have another winter in this motorhome here in all this rain again. The lifestyle is great while the wheels are turning and the sun is shining but if that rain or snows strands us it's no fun. Will keep you posted.

Cheers - Ann :)


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thanks for taking the time to drop by Winston. I've been practicing waterfalls all winter as I'm in an area where there are waterfalls all around me. (it's a good thing I'm digital cause I could never afford the film - hundreds upon hundreds of photos later...) My earlier shots were very burnt out in patches but the more practice I get the more I get right in-camera and the less post work P/Shop I do to them. I usually sharpen my images and bump contrast before uploading images to UF but in the case of these waterfalls I inentionally leave them soft as that's how I feel this particular waterfall achieves its best mood. This was shot in Autumn/Fall and that's why there's so much nice colour in the vegetation. I've enjoyed all the waterfalls this winter but I'll be glad to see some sunshine when we leave here as I'm solar powered. NEed some sun.

Thanks for dropping by Winston.

Cheers - Ann :)


Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 2/6/2006
Look who's talking!!! I see YOU HAVE posted gobs and gobs of pictures yourself!!! Little missy right back at ya......(my tounge is sticking out of my mouth and is pointed to you)... Ok, so now that my chidish ways are over, for a second, I can make a comment on your photo if you allow me!!!

I see why you have so many posts of this waterfall!! It is magical looking now matter what season that it is photographed. Doesn't hurt that you are taking the pictures of it either. Beautiful. I think it is the bridge that really sets this waterfall off from all the rest of the falls that people take pictures of.


Winston Hawke Winston Hawke   {K:912} 2/6/2006
Another beautiful photo Ann. It seems we share a love of waterfalls!

One question, did you alter the levels, in particular the white output, in Photoshop?

Such a beautiful location, the little bit of softness to the photo combined with the warm tones of the foliage give this shot a lovely vintage feel. Well captured.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 2/6/2006
Hi Ann, you need to winter in Az where the sun shines almost every day.. Will miss your beautiful work. This is a great one that you have been saving. This looks a lot like a painting. I bet you are pretty water logged being in that country all winter. Happy traveling and let us know where you are from time to time. Don.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/5/2006
Hi Ann!! Wow, this really is mystic in appearance and aptly named!! Another fine shot indeed!! And what do you mean spring is nearly here?? we've still got 4' of snow on the ground here!! hahaha. Well, enjoy your travels and keep us up-to-date!! Always enjoy your photos and your insightful comments!! Cheers, Gary (o:


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 2/5/2006
Added to my favorites :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 2/5/2006
Hi Ann, awesome image of your favorite waterfall! This one is so romantic, because of the warm fall colors and the rich plentiful foliage. I love that log in the foreground and the bridge looks as if it grew there, so perfectly integrated. The soft hazy light is superb around it, and over the green hill. A very warm and soothing image, and painterly dreamy composition!
So sorry to think that you'll be away for a longer time, but I'll be looking forward to your updates and possibly UF postcards from your travels! Cheers, Ina


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 2/5/2006
Perfect expouser here , a wonderful image with very great shutter, composition ,detaisl and colors , so plesent to view and to enjoy , all of the best my friend ..


Johancharles Boers Johancharles Boers   {K:4370} 2/5/2006

A really nice photo. I like the fact that you used a slow shutter speed to keep the motion of the water. On another note be safe in your travels and I look forward to seeing more of your.





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