Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
8/19/2004 9:37:16 PM
Nice work. Everybody is waiting for the goal to come. Like the composition and the coloraccent. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Mark Kresl
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
8/19/2004 9:34:33 PM
Unique picture, like it very much, its exceptional. Regards, Ted
Photo By: - simos -
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
8/17/2004 7:20:15 PM
Geen zorgen Ellen, goede foto met een oud authentiek tintje zoals je hem hebt afgeleverd. Dik verdiende BIP. Gefeliciteerd.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
8/17/2004 7:16:40 PM
Your the first one to notice Regina...I'm back. I had a wonderfull time in la douce France. Thanks for your comment. Ted
Photo By: Ted vandenBergh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/16/2004 4:15:51 PM
Heel mooie foto Rene, prachtig gedaan. Ted
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/15/2004 6:15:08 PM
Beautiful, I like the grass, good capture. Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/15/2004 6:07:42 PM
Wat een mooie compositie en uitsnede weer Ellen. Hij is bovendien knisperscherp en prachtig van kleur. Top, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/15/2004 6:06:10 PM
Mooie foto, ik houd hier erg van. Groet, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/15/2004 6:05:04 PM
Schitterende foto, mooi opgebouwd en genoeg te zien. Ik snapte de titel pas nadat ik de foto op groot formaat had geopend. Groet, Ted
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/14/2004 9:11:44 PM
Regina, Queen of the dessert, Queen of the ancient cultures, Queen in a former life, I'm sure of that, you dedicated this picture to me (blush) and I didn't react at all for several days. Shame on me. I thank you for all you gave me. I followed your advice to meditate on the way they once built these wonderful things. I did that before and it's worth doing. Greetz, Ted
Photo By: Regina Rianelli
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/14/2004 9:01:05 PM
Thanks Kevin, it's nice to see and read that there are people who like this picture and know what's behind. Ted
Photo By: Ted vandenBergh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/14/2004 8:57:30 PM
Thanks very much Regi (1)
I did, I did, but you couldn't know, I was on someone elses computer. (2)
See you soon. Ted
Photo By: Ted vandenBergh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/13/2004 9:51:38 PM
She left to go to Africa as a volunteer. I was very glad she did. She came back, lot of lessons learned. She's doing OK now, becoming a midwive.
Photo By: Ted vandenBergh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/12/2004 9:31:03 PM
Great shot Daithi. On the wings you see the telephone number of the pilot. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Daithí O' Donoghue
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:25:46 PM
Very nice, beautiful result.
Photo By: Linn Currie
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:24:43 PM
Mooi gedaan, goede foto, sterke titel .
Photo By: maura faessen
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:23:39 PM
Fraaie foto, wat een prachtige dieptewerking!
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:22:57 PM
Een geluk bij een ongeluk als je zoiets vind en er ook zo'n gave foto van maakt. Heel mooi Teunis.
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:22:06 PM
Het was al laat zeker, aan de schaduw te zien. Mooie indruk van je fietstocht, je bent niet de enige die zich dezer dagen per fiets door het mooie Hollandse landschap begeeft, ik doe er graag aan mee.
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:19:52 PM
Heel leuke foto, had iets scherper gemogen, maar ik vind hem erg sterk.
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:18:42 PM
Schitterend, je hebt de masten weer zo mooi geplaatst, ik ben er steeds weer door onder de indruk.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:17:24 PM
Mooie evenwichtige foto. Wat een grappig effect, dat water dat bijna vlak omlaag valt.
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:16:03 PM
Sterke compositie waardoor het best een goede foto is geworden. Compliment.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:13:57 PM
I was impressed earlier, now it's even more visible.
Photo By: Regina Rianelli
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:11:01 PM
Now we know all of your secrets, we can do it too! Thanks for sharing. Ted
Photo By: Linn Currie
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/11/2004 4:09:14 PM
Knap gedaan, niet eevoudig om hem zo mooi scherp te krijgen. Groet Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 11:23:51 AM
Bravo Laercio, well done. Ted
Photo By: Laercio Gomes
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 11:20:53 AM
Laercio, you're too kind. Obrigado muito muito, Ted
Photo By: Ted vandenBergh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:25:19 AM
Impressive landscape, great colors, good composition and beautiful sky. Just love it. Regards, Ted
Photo By: micky waby
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:24:09 AM
Great panorama picture. Like to go to London again. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Roger Williams