Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 7/14/2004
Thanks Kevin, it's nice to see and read that there are people who like this picture and know what's behind. Ted
Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 7/14/2004
Thanks very much Regi (1)
I did, I did, but you couldn't know, I was on someone elses computer. (2)
See you soon. Ted
Joshua Rainey
{K:5069} 7/14/2004
this shot is really cool...
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 7/14/2004
WOW........... a punch in the stomach, it seems, Ted. very emotional shot, my Friend.
pls check out this picture Dedicated to You when You have soem free time, Ted: http://www.usefilm.com/image/493955.html
Groet + my Best, Regina
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 7/13/2004
What a wonderful, sad, image. Images like this are what it is all about -- personal feeling of sadness or happiness...just expresion.
I know what you felt here .. my oldest son got married and moved away a year ago...what a sad room he left behind...some posters still up and little reminders left behind...after a year gone I still miis them and look so forward to seeing them again. Kev
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 7/13/2004
Una preciosa imagen, original
Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 7/13/2004
She left to go to Africa as a volunteer. I was very glad she did. She came back, lot of lessons learned. She's doing OK now, becoming a midwive.
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 7/13/2004
Hi Teddie - I hope she left because she was old enough and wanted to start an adult life on her own; and not because of some disagreement.
This is a very sad image - full of emotions.
Gerhard Hoogterp
{K:4863} 7/13/2004
Tja, Teunis heeft gelijk. Uiteindelijk breng je ze groot in de hoop dat ze op eigen benen kunnen staan in de maatschappij. Natuurlijk is dat altijd te snel (en gelukkig heb ik nog heel wat jaartjes te gaan) maar toch. Mooie foto, ook zonder het verhaal heeft het een emotionele uitstraling. Mischien had er nog wat meer leegte omheen gekunt om de rest van het verhaal ook grafisch weer te geven.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 7/13/2004
Ja Ted Het is een hart gelach, maar daarvoor heb je haar tenslotte grootgebracht We wisten van te voren ook niet dat we dan de muren moesten witten Goede titel en compositie Teunis