Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 1/24/2005
I love the filtering effect. Great pic.
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 7/13/2004
Awwwww this is one of the best friendship pictures ever!!! Love the editing your really getting good at this and working your filters effectively to get the desired result! Love it 7+++ Missed u while I was away :)
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 7/12/2004
Gorgeous elegant soft portrait. Perfectly lovely Linn with beautiful tones.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 7/12/2004
Beautiful double portrait, great tones, I too am curous about the filters. You get lovely results, - I will read rest of the comments properly as you seem to be giving answers Margaret
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 7/12/2004
Fantastic portrait!
{K:30945} 7/12/2004
oh, dear Linn, so beautiful and lovely! Kisses, Biliana
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 7/11/2004
lovely capture! beautiful tones!
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 7/11/2004
Ein Portrait mit einem Hauch von Romantik. Bildaufbau und Technik hast Du perfekt umgesetzt.
Sehr gute Portraitaufnahme, Linn! Gruss Win.
Gruss Win.
Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 7/11/2004
Very nice, beautiful result.
Joe Kaplan
{K:1399} 7/11/2004
When little kittie saw her tail she tried to catch it she twisted round with many a bound but still she could not catch it.......Beautiful how well the texture and colour of the kitten's fur blends into the texture and colour of Celena's skin.....Linn you are a very good photographer Joey
Paul Compton
{K:785} 7/11/2004
Look at the loverly face, and adorable eyes, the owner seems quite happy to:-)
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 7/11/2004
very nice and memorable shot :)
Jeroen Krol
{K:3085} 7/11/2004
It's just a lovely portrait, Linn. She will be happy with the litte kitten AND hte photo. Now that's a service you're providing your clients!
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 7/11/2004
Hi Amna Search for cleanskinfx on your browser. There are a lot of URL's but some don't work. I can't find my original URL that I downloaded from, but Google comes up with a lot of addies.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 7/11/2004
I like the effect you applied here along with the tone, it added a great effect to the photo..great work..
P.S where did u get the cleanskin fliter?
// //
{K:6081} 7/11/2004
You do it wonderful!!!lovely image. To convert from b&w to color is need big work,is so lovely but is very hard to writen how i do it. Cheers HASSAN
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 7/11/2004
excellent work here. soft and delcate. great job.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 7/10/2004
I'll tell you what I think , Very nice ! the softness, and I am big fan of sepia and B&W. this is a real good image. jimc
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 7/10/2004
I like this portrait a lot, Linn I've seen the original and I must congratulate you with the superb changes you've applied to it. The effects are great, the skin tone beautiful and the light very soft. Good looking lady and the kitten is adorable You've done a fantastic job here. Hugs - Emgy
{K:16125} 7/10/2004
Linn its funny but they look alike ...they say we resemble our pets...and she really did find a little beast that looks like her..well done..
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 7/10/2004
Linn, beautiful Twin Great work, beautiful eyes Nice work Teunis
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 7/10/2004
Hi Mandy
You can email me privately for the url. I don't think UF will accept any website addies in the comments. Or alternatively, you can search for "The Plugin Site" and you will find countless free plug-ins with various effects.
Linn raglin@ragdoll.co.za
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/10/2004
Linn, my dear, chop this photo in half diagonally, (keeping the lovely lady on the left!), and you've got yourself a great picture!! :>) Seriously, though, (if I may act totally out of character for 31 seconds), this is a beautful portrait and Anja will be undoubtedly delighted with this memento of the day she picked up her new kitty. Kind regards, The British Cat Lover Extraordinaire :>) P.S. Where do the clever filters come from?
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 7/10/2004
Antonio, I have no idea why you would perceive the kitten as having a cartoon effect? Here is the original image - maybe this will help?
 Anja_Celena_Original |
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 7/10/2004
The effect is beautiful. Also the coloring. Nice tight cropping enhances this image. Very nice work. Don
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 7/10/2004
Beautiful and lovely portrait Linn! Congrats! Kisses.
Ahmad Hasan
{K:4164} 7/10/2004
nice double portrait showing real intimacy ,regards
mandy welsh
{K:3146} 7/10/2004
I love it! Please tell me what software you use to get those filters or are they the actual filters on your lens? I need to know! Great work here. ~Mandy
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 7/10/2004
love both the sepia and soft dream effect but I am afraid they were a bit unsuitable for the cat which appear with a funny cartoon effect; isnt'it?
{K:26787} 7/10/2004
Hi Linn! Anja looks SO happy ... and that kitten is SOOOOOO adorable; WONDERFUL tones - love it!!!
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 7/10/2004
This is great,beautiful looking,I like the way the image turned as a composition ,very well done,Saeed
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 7/10/2004
Hi Linn, NIce soft, beautifully toned photograph, I like it. Very nice portrait of these two!
I'm jealous of her with the adorable kitten!
OK OK>>>>I must know, what programs are the 'cleanskin and midnight sepia' filters in???