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Critiques from Alexandar
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Critiques From Alexandar Angelovski


Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
3/2/2004 3:19:17 AM

Very interesting shot and angle, i like it that you hardly can see his eyes because of the "hat", it adds to the mystery of the medicinman...

        Photo By: Roy V  (K:13082)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/27/2004 12:23:54 PM

I?ve been asked several times when i?m strolling the street with my camera and its almost always gypsies (or romani) that are the ones asking. Many people call them thieves, but i think they should be more known as givers. There are no other kind of people that gives so much of them selves as the Romani...

I think the composition is good but i would have darken the lamp in the upper left corner to sort of "close" the image. Otherwise i think its a great image.

        Photo By: Mikko Alanenpää  (K:185)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/27/2004 12:10:30 PM

Good depth of field and the composition is great. I also have to say that those eyes look scary...
Great Image!

        Photo By: Tomo Radovanovic  (K:12788)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/21/2004 9:18:35 PM

Nice image, but i think the contrast is a bit too high, try and lower it a bit and add a tone if you dont want the image to be too grey...

        Photo By: Melisa Taylor  (K:89)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/21/2004 9:08:19 PM

I love the composition of the picture! Good exposure aswell. I would just like to darken the bright lower right side part of the image so that you get the feeling of that they are walking towards a brighter future and leaving the shadows behind...

        Photo By: paul shelasky  (K:1211)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/21/2004 9:00:30 PM

That?s a very good idea you posted Kevin, I looked at the image and the placement of the piller bothered me, but by cropping the image the way that you did made it less in the way without removing anything essential to the picture. Plus it gives more attention to the event that matters...
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/17/2004 9:38:24 AM

Excelent image, the look in her eyes says it all!

        Photo By: Akira Yamaguchi  (K:1163)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/17/2004 9:36:06 AM

Very nice image, I?m sure many people can relate to it and i love the colors.
Thank you for your comment!

        Photo By: Akira Yamaguchi  (K:1163)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/16/2004 10:49:13 AM

Well Stefan, it can also mean that what you wrote none of our texts are wrong...
        Photo By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/12/2004 5:43:00 PM

Great image, i love the colors!
Try cropping the image a bit from the right side to get a tighter image and bring even more focus to the children.
        Photo By: engin aydeniz  (K:241)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/12/2004 5:36:10 PM

Absolutely beautiful picture, i love the colors and the expression on the mans face!
Maybe you should try and crop the image a bit from the right, it?s a thought, definately not necesary...
        Photo By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/11/2004 1:13:48 PM

Great depth of field and the composition is nice, i get curious of what or who she?s looking for. And why is she blocking the sunlight with her arm when she?s holding her sunglases? The image creates alot of questions and i like it!

        Photo By: Roger Cotgreave  (K:15892)


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