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Medicine Man
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Image Title:  Medicine Man
Favorites: 0 
 By: Roy V  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Roy V  Roy V {Karma:13082}
Project #25 Characters Camera Model Nikon F100
Categories People
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 85
Uploaded 2/25/2004 Film / Memory Type Provia 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1483 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 40 Rating
/ 29 Ratings
Location City - 
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About Taken in a small village. Okavango Delta, Botswana Africa 2004
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Medicine Man

There are 40 Comments in 1 Pages
Shane Brown Shane Brown   {K:1831} 2/6/2005
How lucky you were to have seen the things you've seen firsthand! Wonderful shots!


Murat Ozdemir Murat Ozdemir   {K:800} 5/22/2004
all of your pictures are very well done


Adriana Uribe   {K:975} 4/29/2004
I like this photograph a lot. It is very nice that the background is not a solid green; instead it has white gaps, which combine with diverse green hues move the eyes around the backdrop. I like how we can see movement thanks to the position of the ornaments that he is wearing. This picture captures nice contrast as well as color and texture. I really like it!


Glenn Edmiston Glenn Edmiston   {K:7366} 4/6/2004
Roy I like this photo for sure great capture Thanks for the nice words on my sunset photo Cheers Glenn


Anindya Maity   {K:7880} 4/3/2004
great capture


Cindi Czaja   {K:5314} 3/26/2004
Wow Roy what a shot! Can I be a fly in your camera case? Seriously intense! First time on site in a bit, getting used to the new scene! Waiting to see more of your eye - got any new portraits? Till again. Kind Regards my friend. Bring it on! 7s on rate. Cindi


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 3/18/2004


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 3/9/2004
Being a sort of medicine man myself, I chose the above unique photo of yours to thank you for your comment on my "I am not drowning".
Rafi Springmann


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 3/5/2004
Great shot with lots of interest.
Best regards,


Alexandar Angelovski   {K:155} 3/2/2004
Very interesting shot and angle, i like it that you hardly can see his eyes because of the "hat", it adds to the mystery of the medicinman...



Paolo Barthelemy   {K:25552} 3/1/2004
Amazing portrait of an extraordinary subject. Great lighting and colors, excellent dynamism and cut. My compliments!
Best friendly regards, Paolo


Brigitte Kaeser   {K:3502} 2/28/2004
Hi Roy
Impressive appearance! Great portrait of a medicine man. Congrats.
Thanks for your comment on my picture. Greetings, Brigitte


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 2/28/2004
I can say that this must be the best originality at a portrait! Very interesting and different clothes. And this 'hut' is great!


Traci A. Quinn Traci A. Quinn   {K:-83} 2/27/2004
intense I feel it .................


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 2/27/2004
intense my friend,
lovely done!!!


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 2/27/2004
Very interesting portrait,cheers,Subhash.


osama esid   {K:-50} 2/26/2004
wow excellent ROY , thank you ,WOW


Ricardo Villagran   {K:1901} 2/26/2004
Strong, dynamic... very interesting!


Caprice Duvent   {K:3998} 2/26/2004
Beautiful shot my friend! I like it a lot!


Augusto Buffa (Ali)   {K:10454} 2/26/2004
Good, very original portrait! wonderful the "game" of colors, and SUPER-beautiful the "design" of the image. Congrats! Bravo!



Andriete Paris   {K:2381} 2/26/2004
Excellent shot, Roy.
Thanks for your words.


Leonardo Bosnia   {K:4053} 2/26/2004
Incredible shot, very well done!

Bye Leo.


Ivan Jimenez   {K:9078} 2/26/2004
This medecine man has so much movement!
You can practically see his muscles moving through his skin.
Great moment... This picture appeals all senses, brings back the scent of Africa.


XXXXXX .   {K:-143} 2/25/2004
thatz great...
he gonna expel tha sick souls by dancing..
i wish to take thiz photo...
thanks for ur comments..


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 2/25/2004
Amazing! Excellent photo!


Derek Dixon   {K:4948} 2/25/2004
brilliant capture, the composition is really good, with great movement


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 2/25/2004
Here, our indigenous have the same medicine man. They call him "pagé"! I loved this shot! Very expressive and well done! I love your work about these african people! My regards, my friend!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 2/25/2004
Very original, and so interesting! Excellent capture, both of moment and of culture!


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 2/25/2004
Weird and scary man! You've done a great work! Congratulations!
Best regards, Hugo.


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 2/25/2004
amazing shot! holy cow!


Enjoy    {K:16125} 2/25/2004
Wow excellent what a trip your having....and yes just trying to pass on what I saw on that National Geographic Show... lol...;) Be Well....


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 2/25/2004
Very impressive shot, Roy! Based on your comments in the comment section, I felt the urge to check your portfolio.... Very impressive work, versatile, yet of a very consistend high quality.

An excellent portrait, filled with emotion and motion. Excellent capture, and a great camera...:) My attention is caught by this mans' eye peeking through the beads. Not even looking at the camera, just fully absorbed by his thing... The longer I look at this portrait, the more it appeals to me. Outstanding Job. Easily 200 rolls, I'd say!




Haleh B   {K:3741} 2/25/2004
Now I could believe how you could have had taken as many as two hundered rolls of films. In this event itself I would have taken at least two hundered images! Lucky you Roy! :)


Fatma B.   {K:1864} 2/25/2004
nice shot. well done.


Murat Tanriover   {K:8387} 2/25/2004
Roy, vivid colors, great expression on his face. Africa has a lot to work on, doesn't it?
Sending you a shot of mine taken in Gambia during the World Cup 2002. They awere watching the game between Turkey and Senegal. It was beautiful...


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 2/25/2004
Hi!....Roy : Excellent Photographic Portrait, Scary Fellow,...good composition, detail, and colour......Did you get His Autograph!!!

Ps: Thank you for your supporting comments, as ever.....Jeff!!!


Peter Domotor Peter Domotor   {K:1854} 2/25/2004
Hi there,

Great shot, beautiful colors and composition

best regards
your friend :))


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 2/25/2004
A good portrait... this guy has a lot of personality.... and a sophisticated sense of fashion.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 2/25/2004
Great costume dear Roy.. Love to look at your Africa adventure shoots.
Kiss, Biliana


Tamara A. Ivanov   {K:60} 2/25/2004
It's really great one... I love it... Best regards! Tamara




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