This was today, when i was training streetphotography at Helsinki, and when i pass thease guys, they shout me "hey film-man" and i were like "yeah thats me!.... or not right know (see canera used) and they asked me to take photo, so why not... why doesent ewerybody do that??? Life would be sometimes easyer :), and thanks for YOUR comment!
I?ve been asked several times when i?m strolling the street with my camera and its almost always gypsies (or romani) that are the ones asking. Many people call them thieves, but i think they should be more known as givers. There are no other kind of people that gives so much of them selves as the Romani...
I think the composition is good but i would have darken the lamp in the upper left corner to sort of "close" the image. Otherwise i think its a great image.