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Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 2:06:05 PM

This is a fascinating photo. The imagery is very cool and I wonder how you were able to get it -- it looks like a shadow. Very cool.
        Photo By: Jacek Jedrzejczak Konrad  (K:13)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 1:53:12 PM

I think I would crop in on this photo a little more to make it more appealing to the eye. I like the idea though and actually this kid looks like a cousin of mine!
        Photo By: Rusty Key  (K:77)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 1:52:08 PM

I revisted this photo while looking at the pet category and just wanted to amend what I said before. I believe the pulled back version is better -- obviously you know that.I think my previous comment was a bit naive. This photo, with the background, is much more interesting than a simple close up of her face.
        Photo By: Robert L Major  (K:33)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 1:49:23 PM

I don't believe this is severly contrived at all and there is emotion in this photo -- I guess it could be posed and maybe if it had been a spur of the moment shot it would be better, but I think saying it is "severely contrived" is a bit harsh.
        Photo By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 1:46:45 PM

The ducks look a bit out of focus here, but the composition is really interesting. I love the reflection on the water.
        Photo By: Molly Walters  (K:1284)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 1:45:32 PM

I think what is best about this photo is that it is natural. This young woman does not look like a model and I think you captured the realness of her ( I don't think realness is a word, but you know what I mean) I like the way her hair is in her face and the eye makeup. This doesn't look like a fake made up photo that would require changing this or changing that -- it is reality. Maybe it was a set-up shot, but I still like that it looks like a natural shot just caught.
        Photo By: Jay Dixon  (K:563)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 1:43:10 PM

I hate it, please change everything here. Ha, just kidding. Sorry...not the place to be a smart mouth. Really it is wonderful. There is such emotion. I usually like photographs that show more of a person's face, but this is very eye-catching with the photo cropped the way it is, whether it was cropped with the camera or otherwise.
        Photo By: Jay Dixon  (K:563)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 12:11:36 PM

Your photos always have an interesting emotion to them. This shot is a great close up and tells the story without even getting in the whole mic or the whole stage. The way the lights fade into the photo are great too. Of course, you know that probably. :-)
        Photo By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 12:02:54 PM

I am very surprised that your autobiography says you don't know much about photography. Now, I don't know much about photography, but your shots are amazing. Sorry, not trying to make your head too big (ha, ha), but they are. This one is simply another one. I love the moment it captured. That is me, always focusing on moments. Still, that is what photos are about at times. I take a lot of wedding photos and I have to say this is one of the better ones I have seen. I think wedding photos are mostly about snapping the perfect moment and I think this is one of them.
        Photo By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 11:57:49 AM

I think the small amount of softness in this photo simply adds to the beauty of it. It is very captivating -- the subject and the way the subject is placed in the frame. Again, it is another person I'd love to know more about just by how you captured him in your lense. It is another great addition to your other amazing shots. I always feel stupid, as an amatuer (big time) making any comments about subjects and photos that are so superior to anything I could do, but I guess even comments from "morons" are nice. :-)
        Photo By: Jay Dixon  (K:563)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 11:50:35 AM

Here is a different crop idea. I hope it comes out right.
        Photo By: Jennifer Littler  (K:32)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 11:44:20 AM

What an adorable subject for a photo. I think if the photo had been cropped a little more to center more on Biene and less on the background around him it would do even more for the photo itself. The subject of the photo is your dog, therefore he should either fill the frame or fill a portion of the frame where the eye is brought to the subject of the photo. Still, the idea is a good one. I need to follow my own advice at times about taking out some of the background.
        Photo By: Jennifer Littler  (K:32)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 11:40:31 AM

I think this photo captures such a touching moment. I think removing the date in the left hand corner would be a good start to making it better, but what can you do -- when it is there it is there. Still, it is a little distracting to such a wonderful composition and layout. It is just an adorable photo! I think if it were a little sharper it would be even better, but that could be the scanner or computer that makes it look that way. Still, with all the advice, I love this photo! It speaks to the heart!
        Photo By: fattali   (K:7)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 11:33:31 AM

What a great way to compose what could otherwise be a rather run of the mill landscape shot. Choosing to move the camera down to capture the reflections and the mountains is so interesting.
        Photo By: Morsi Hussein  (K:1128)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/6/2003 11:31:38 AM

What an interesting shot. It makes me want to know more about who this guy is and what is behind that expression of his. Very nice shot indeed. It is hard to get some people to pose or to stay still for these kinds of shots, I find, so it is cool you could get this. Was it for a story or something? Or just someone you know?
        Photo By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/5/2003 3:12:22 PM

I agree about cropping out the hand. I tend to do that with my photos. I don't notice the background sometimes until someone points it out. I like the photo itself though. It tells such a story.
        Photo By: Scott Taylor  (K:-29)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/5/2003 2:53:21 PM

I think this is a unique composition. The lighting might be a little harsh to some, but I really like the way the photo came out. The guy looks a little drunk, but otherwise... :-)
        Photo By: Mike Scott  (K:1817)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/5/2003 11:59:47 AM

I can't believe no one has commented on how awesome this photo is! Okay, so I am a little bias, I know this photographer, but still...I love this shot!
        Photo By: Ed Boardman  (K:53)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/2/2003 5:10:23 PM

This is a magnificent photo. I know we are supposed to critique, but boy it really is hard to with this one.
        Photo By: Petra Engle  (K:1282)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/2/2003 3:28:51 PM

It might have been better to not have cropped off the top of his head, but I do like the expression on his face. What an interesting way to take a photo of a person -- not just a simple head shot, but a nice expression and one of him looking off to the side, not just right at the photo. Very interesting, I think.
        Photo By: Bob Helvey  (K:619)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/2/2003 1:16:37 PM

This is a cool photo, that is for sure. If it was a little more centered it might be even better, but then that would take away from the refree in the back. Just a cool shot overall.
        Photo By: Mark Buffalo  (K:41)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/2/2003 1:01:33 PM

I still like the color version better too, actually. I think this photo is adorable. Captures the pure attitude of a young boy who looks like he is hamming it up a bit. A less centered photo might also be interesting, in addition to this one. But I think it is just right and not too busy as was suggested.
        Photo By: Rusty Key  (K:77)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/2/2003 12:54:43 PM

I think this photo is wonderful, but that is coming from a cat lover. The right paw's brightness is a little distracting, but the cat's eyes take away from that and simply add to the photo itself. What a great catch.
        Photo By: Ray Gould  (K:1539)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 6:39:18 PM

Ohmigosh -- it is me in college all over again. I thought she looked exasperated. Nice subject and composition
        Photo By: Emily Enderes  (K:192)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 6:34:46 PM

Looks like you caught her just as she was going upstairs and she said, "okay, ma' fine I'll pose." I know that look well. :-)
        Photo By: Sarah Needham  (K:2482)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 6:31:59 PM

I also like the background, but wonder if pulling in a little tighter on the cat might have worked better and also a view from the front witht he green contrasted in the background? Not that I can say much -- don't go on my photo that is online the coloring stinks! :-)
        Photo By: Robert L Major  (K:33)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 3:28:39 PM

Good thing no flash was allowed it would have taken away from the incredible natural lighting that is on the stage. The guys expression is cool and the way his hair is in his face shows he has been rocking or is ready to. Nice job.
        Photo By: Jason Bennett  (K:213)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 3:22:06 PM

I think a front version of this photo might have been better. What I mean is this side version, is nice, but a view from the front might have been even better
        Photo By: Bengt Nordborg  (K:24)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 2:50:19 PM

Ram, I had a similar problem with my coloring on my photo. I'm not sure what happened there. I might try scanning it in again to see. Otherwise this photo is nice. I think I might have cropped in a little closer to add more contrast and then added a little more of the road and sky in, but otherwise I really enjoy the shot. Of course, cropping in too close would mean taking out those wonderful little wavy things in the foreground. Can't think of what they are really called -- anyhow, My mom is originally from N.C. ,but we always see the flat part. It is nice to see the hills of N.C.!
        Photo By: Ram Mohan  (K:207)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/1/2003 1:55:09 PM

These two look so much like a pair of cats I used to have. What a great shot!
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

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