Thanks for the constructives. I guess a tighter crop would be better, however I knew that if I did, then Micah would have appeared more 'out of focus' than he already is. As for the getting closer, well, my kids are natural hams... and they see a camera, the immediately stop what they are doing and 'pose'. Thus the reason I bought a zoom!
As for the previous comment about the contrast level, you are exactly right, all my photos are developed at a 'one hour' lab (either Wal-Mart or Walgreens). Makes ya cringe, don't it! I guess I need to find a more 'professional' place for the development process.
Thanks again for all the great comments... I am continously learning and have recommended this site to many!!!
A tighter crop might be good. i can't help but think "heat 'em up, move 'em out" this is also pretty high contrast. i am guessing this was processed at a one-hour lab. most faster films offer higher contrast naturally, and some shots beg to be re-printed and flattened out a bit so more details can be revealed in the shadows.
further proof kids will find a way to amuse themselves. nice shot, if you had lingered a bit longer i bet he would have started clowning for the camera or act like you interrupted something terribly private and important.
I think I would crop in on this photo a little more to make it more appealing to the eye. I like the idea though and actually this kid looks like a cousin of mine!