Lisa Howeler
{K:3706} 1/2/2003
I still like the color version better too, actually. I think this photo is adorable. Captures the pure attitude of a young boy who looks like he is hamming it up a bit. A less centered photo might also be interesting, in addition to this one. But I think it is just right and not too busy as was suggested.
Rusty Key
{K:77} 1/2/2003
Thanks for the great comments and critique. The scan added some of the heavy color... it's an OLD scanner. As for it being better in B&W... well, I converted and recropped to drop some of the busyness... I think I still like a color version better.

Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 1/2/2003
Nice expression here, though a bit posy... But I have mostlya problem with the busy background, and with the colors overall. His skin is red, and all the frame is saturated with strong colors and shapes. Try in Black and white, maybe. It should be a lot more peaceful, therefore with more emphasis on the face - which you may dodge a bit if necessary... Regards.
Jim Fuglestad
{K:1564} 1/2/2003
Well, to start, I'm a sucker for kid shots. My first reaction was "too dark" but then I changed my mind when I looked at the larger version. I see nice depth created by the strong contrasts and what appears to be grain in Micah's face area gives me a nice nostalgic feel. I think this would also work well as a black & white. Oh, and the square format is great!