Matt Davis
{K:3935} 3/27/2005
David, I just knew you'd make some usefull points and you didn't let me down. As I read through your comments it appears as though they document what has no doubt subconciously gone through my mind whilst out in the field shooting.
I find it very easy to look at photos here - either others or my own - yet when out taking shots I achieve 80% good results (in one shot)with the other 20% being picked up later when I check out the print. I guess this is the norm!
Edgy was the look here and it appears that's whats been conveyed - thanks for your valued critique.
david cunningham
{K:8255} 3/26/2005
matt.. i like this shot. your composition is terrific. having the bag and hand in the foreground with your friend behind and the low angle, while using a wide angled lens as you did creates a great near/far relationship while distorting the reality just a bit. the chainlink fence adds to the overall effect of the shot. i like the fact that you used a little fill flash here. something i must start using. great ps work, albeit slight. the bump in saturation works well here. it's in the direction that i am trying to go recently... intense shadows and blown-out highlights, a bit of wa distortion. gives the photograph an edgy feel. nice... david
Matt Davis
{K:3935} 3/26/2005
James. Thanks for your comments. I would agree with your points ere and only really noticed this after taking teh shot and veiwing the print. I susspect too much time was spent faffing with composition which took my mind away from the details of the shot. I mainly shot on AV as light was good and I like to keep the background OOF on most occasions. I think the answer here was to have a smaller aperture as suggested and keep both bag and model in focus. I think to put the model OOF and bag sharp would not work - room for improvement though and that's great to hear. Thanks Matt
James Berg
{K:274} 3/26/2005
this shot seems to have a focus on the bag more so than the model, so I would suggest having the focus on the bag rather than the model. -- or a smaller aperature... or changing composition so that the focus is on the model.
amr alim
{K:2767} 3/25/2005
i like the toes ...colors..alot ..well done. well done regards