Mary Jane
{K:5867} 9/14/2006
This is a work of art in the highest sense.I like the color of the background and the angle of the owl.Really beautiful. MJ
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 2/13/2005
Ramon: This particular Photoshop image has nine layers including the original, unaltered photo. I use various artistic filters like Dry Brush to lend an overall texture and then partially mask out the bird so that the original shows through more. I used Poster Edges and Watercolor on the bird then lightened it with Levels back to normal, applied Hue and Saturation to correct color cast and add saturation then applied the vignette as a separate layer so I could vary it to my liking.
Just sit down and play with it. You'll find something you like. Good luck.
{K:98} 2/12/2005
Intense. Effects further draws attention to the eyes.
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 2/12/2005
Good work
{K:42404} 2/12/2005
Super pic of an Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia? here are a lot of them I know is very dificult to see in his habitad because when I was joung, I hunt a lot of them whith my hawks by falconry and I needed to learn all their habits for can saw it, but dont worry right know i am a conservationist and dont hunt any more, Congrats and God blesss you
Iltcho K
{K:984} 2/12/2005
This is just great. Bravo
Michael J. Wagner
{K:5896} 2/12/2005
perfect, love the deteail and those eyes!
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 2/12/2005
This is one of the ways to use PS in a manner that's appropriate and aesthetically pleasing. Good work, Fred.
Ramon Morales
{K:513} 2/12/2005
Awesome application of photoshop techniques, very colorful image. I would like to know the filters you apply to get this results.
{K:668} 2/12/2005
Impresive photo and excellant art effects
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 2/12/2005
Love those eye's, well done Fred. Cheers Alison.
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 2/12/2005
Fred, this is a masterpiece, I love the owl and his pretty big eyes, the colors and detail are wonderful, and your added PS work is well done...