Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/22/2005
wooww your travel in Italy.. so , my military service is in this mountain! beautiful place.. roby
Andrej V
{K:6693} 5/17/2005
thanks for your very nice commnet Fabio! I'll get it back to you! ;) Greets, ANdrej
Fabio Ficola
{K:10466} 5/17/2005
Andrej, first of all my compliments for your bike trip. Wandering in your portfolio I stopped on this picture: my favourite mountains (At the moment hanging in picture on my office walls) I like this photo for the composition and overall mood. Knowing very well the point of shooting you've captured a great moment with the early snow lighting the peaks. Congrats and thanks for sharing. Fabio
Miguel Andrade
{K:5463} 1/18/2005
What a beautiful image Andrej... you have fabulous landscapes... congrats. 7* Regards, Miguel
Pam Constable
{K:366} 1/2/2005
Andrej, I love your landscapes. The Dolomites trip must have been a great experience. I agree with Alastair that the Bovec Valley image is somewhat oversaturated and also the one before that.
This is the one I like the BEST, and I have taken the liberty of tweaking it a little in PS to lessen the yellow cast in the snow and sky. I used Image >> Adjust >> Levels >> and then used the white eyedropper in the Levels window on the snow highlights on the highest peak, then faded the effect to 60%.
Feel free to disapprove ! :)
I love the Ghost Town image, as I have been to some of these places and they fascinate me.
Thank you so much for you comments on my lupins and on the Alpine Summer image. I had problems with the colour in that also and I am not sure I have it right yet. Pam

Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 12/24/2004
Hi Andrej, fanstasticni pejsazi. Ostavljaju izuzetno jak utisak. Mogu zamisliti tek kakoje to gledati uzivo. Nedim.
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 11/19/2004
Great capture,Andrej!Powerful!
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 11/18/2004
Andrej, thankyou so much for your words under my butterfly! You are so right, life IS really like that. And if life would be perfect and we would be perfect... we could not feel the good sides anymore.
Your photo is beautiful! As in so many of your photos, you really captured a wonderful and interesting fresh mood, and I love how the clouds look like thick mist hugging those massive mountains!
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 11/18/2004
This is fabulous Andrej your best so far I think. I can feel that wind and the biting cold just looking at this. The composition is great as is that enormous vertical rockface. The colour is great but the image looks a little violet. I assume thats mountain blue and I think it really adds to the image. One for my favourites. 7+++ Regards, Graham.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 11/17/2004
Beautiful and impressive shot from your trip over the Dolomities. Regards
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 11/17/2004
Excellent Classic Photograph...Andrej! Wonderful Composition!...Colour and Scenic Detail!....I Guess Next Time, You'll Be Climbing to the Top!!!.....Just Joking Andrej! REgards: Jeff.
Andrej V
{K:6693} 11/17/2004
It was a bycicle trip! We ran cross country bycicles and have made something like 1400km in 14days! Hell of a job for our asses :))
Andrej V
{K:6693} 11/17/2004
It was a bycicle trip! We ran cross country bycicles and have made something like 1400km in 14days! Hell of a job for our asses :))
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 11/17/2004
Hi Andrej, Chilling capture! (pun intended) The barren landscape with those extremely high cliffs radiate something forbidding and gloomy. Superbly captured, a stunningly beautiful as well as powerful scene.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 11/17/2004
Impressive peaks! Was this a Bicycle or motorcycle trip? I like to tour by bicycle. Nice scenic view.