This is a photograph taken by NASA if i remember correctly.. Obviously the text WAS NOT from the original photo, i cropped it and added it using photoshop about 4-7 years ago... The image itself is of a nebula if i remember correctly, which i think is a forming star... this one is particular is called the Eskimo Nebula because it somewhat resembles the heavy coats worn by the Eskimo people... i think it's amazing... and i didn't make the nebula... so i want to give credit the Creator of the nebula with the arabic that i got from a website... it says Bism Illah AlRahman AlRaheem, which could be translated as "In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate".
Hi Sharif; this star is ... dying actually and the nebula (called planetary nebula by the profs)is the remnant (beautiful one) of the star's material which was through away; just for information; regards Lukasz
Hi Sharif I like what you have done here very much. This is just me however, I think that it would be better if the script was a little lower in the frame. It seems as if it runs out of the frame or if there is more to the top of the script that is missing.