City - Brooklyn State - NEW YORK Country - United States
Memorial Day 2003 wasn't the best beach day ever. Here's a very bored lifeguard.
Auto Colored in PS. Tried some other colour corrections including boosting green and red channels by hand which yield a sort of 'fake sunny day' look, but this one looks the most natural on my monitor. Original was very dull. Would like to hear some suggestions of how to improve saturation and give 'life' to this kind of image when shooting on days like this. Have switched now to film (this was a digital P&S). Also happy to hear any criticism of other aspects of the picture, technical and artistic.
Timothy, 2 suggestions that would apply to either film or digital:
1. Use a warming filter - cloudy light is cold. 2. Use an nd grad filter to hold detail in the sky. Clouds can be deceptively bright and the medium can't handle the range.
All that said, it's a great photo. The red really livens things up. But I can't help feeling sorry for this guy -
I agree with you that the colours still look natural enough... In fact I like the contrast between the strong reds and the 'dull' background. I do not have a suggestion on improving saturation (other than post-processing) in this kind of lighting conditions. But I have another tip: for landscape photography this may not have been the best day, however for e.g. still life photography it may be very good: colors and structures appear very natural in overcast weather.